GDPR cookie banners
We have updated our site cookies banner to reflect the expanded privacy considerations for community visitors.
Visitors will be presented with a new Preferences button in addition to the Accept and Reject buttons on the cookies banner.
Visitors who click Preferences are presented with more granular cookie privacy options to manage.
After visitors confirm their selections, these preferences are saved in their browser and the banner disappears.
- To enable this enhancement, you must update the Cookie Banner version (under Admin > Studio > Features) to v2.
- All strictly necessary cookies are selected by default for all visitors.
- After enabling cookie banner v2, only new community visitors or the visitors who have not accepted/rejected in the cookie banner v1 can view the cookie banner v2.
- Visitors' preferences for configurable cookies are saved for a period of 6 months by default. After 6 months, these cookies expire.
- If you want to change the default cookie expiration period, contact Support.
Learn how to enable site-wide cookie usage notification banner
You found it! We fixed it!
General bug fixes
- In the 22.9 and 22.10 releases, the checkbox that indicates that users have read and accepted the Terms of Service no longer appeared on the SSO registration form. Additionally, communities that had customized the registration form and expected the checkbox to be present found that users were unable to complete registration. This issue is now fixed. Now, the Terms and Condition checkbox displays during the registration process and users can successfully register.
- Previously, when a non-Admin member with the Simple HTML Permission tried to post with empty lines in the beginning of the message, an error message saying Invalid HTML was displayed, and the empty spaces were automatically removed. This issue is fixed.
- Previously, when there were more than 250 Salesforce cases on the Case Portal, and you tried to download them, not all cases downloaded successfully. This issue is fixed.
- Previously, when members tried to archive community posts, and archival failed due to some reason, members were not able to archive the posts upon retrying. This issue is fixed. Now, posts are archived successfully upon retrying.
- Previously, when a bulk archive job was submitted with a value in the “Author” filter field and that author who submitted the bulk archive job was deleted from the community, the bulk archive page did not load properly. This issue is fixed. Now, the Bulk Archive page successfully loads the list of jobs even if one of the jobs has a deactivated member in the “Author” filter or if the member who ran a job has been removed from the community.
- We have fixed the issue where the "Marked as spam. Visit the spam quarantine to manage this message” notification did not display when you opened a knowledge base or blogs or QnA thread that was marked as spam.
- Previously, when you subscribed to a Forum board and set your notifications to be received in a digest, you received an error when you clicked the Unsubscribe option from the digest email. This issue is fixed.
- Previously, when Contests limited people to submitting only one entry per contest, the New entry button on the Entries tab was inactive. The button was enabled only after a page refresh. This issue is fixed.
- The issue that the cover images on community 22.10 displayed as broken images is now fixed.
- Earlier, when you tried to syndicate a message from the Message List tab under Admin> Content > Community Syndication, the Tags filter did not populate with the list of tags that the forum was already tagged with.
This issue is fixed. Now, the result set will populate all the tags that the forum under consideration is tagged with.
- Previously, communities that supported uploading videos of a maximum of 10 GB failed to upload (timed-out) even if the size was less than 10GB. This issue is fixed. Now, you can successfully upload videos without being timed-out.
- Previously, when you searched for a product in the Associated Products field that had any special characters (other than numbers and alphabets) in its name, it did not return all the product names that matched the search keyword. For example, when you entered “reebok”, all the products association titles that matched with “reebok” showed up in the result set.
But, when you searched for “reebok-”, the result set did not list the ones with the “-”.
This issue is fixed.
- Previously, the API v2 refresh tokens were expiring unexpectedly. This issue is fixed. Now, the refresh tokens do not expire anymore and members can use them to refresh access tokens.
- Previously, in the API v2 LiQL queries, when you queried the banned field, the banned field was not returned in the response for all the users. This issue is fixed. Now, you can see the banned field in the response of the LiQL query for all the users.
- Previously, the Critical CSS service was not operating as expected in the production and staging environments of the community. This issue is fixed. Now, the Critical CSS operates in both production and staging environments.
- Previously, when members tried to attach a DTS (.dts), JMP DOE (.jmpdoe), or JMP Flow (.jmpflow) files to a draft post in the community, the files failed to upload and an error message was displayed indicating that the content type did not match its file extension and the file had been removed. This issue is fixed. Now, members can successfully attach these files while creating a new post or replying to a post in the community.
- Previously, in the API v2, when you try to update the state of a message to read-only by adding the true value and the read-only state of the message from the false to true value through a PUT request, the values are not updated in the response respectively. This issue is fixed. Now, you can update the state of the message to true and read-only state of the message from the false to true value.
- Previously, in a Forum topic, when members tried to edit a reply that was marked as a solution, the edit page of the original topic was opening instead of the reply editor. This led to difficulty for members to edit the reply. This issue is fixed. Now, members can edit the replies that are marked as solutions to the Forum topics.
- Previously, members with “Manage Own Articles” permission were able to move Blog posts of other members even if they did not have “Manage any article" permission. This issue is fixed. Now, members cannot move other Blog posts unless they have “Manage any article" permission.
- The issue where the prefix, “Re:” was included multiple times in the Subject of any replies instead of a single prefix is fixed.
- The issue where webinar attendees were unable to join a webinar through Khoros Events app due to recent zoom SDK upgrades is fixed. This fix is available from community v22.10 onwards.
Accessibility bug fixes
- Previously, links on Broadcast and multicast messages in Private Messages v3 did not have discernible texts for images. This issue is fixed.
- The issue where the screen reader did not announce the control information in browse mode is fixed.
- Previously, the Group Hub node avatar link did not have accessible text for the screen reader to read. This issue is fixed.
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