Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Searching in the community

You can perform a community search from almost every page in the community. Where you are on the community site dictates the range of the search you can do. You can search for content, places, or members.

Search for content, places, or members across the entire community

Let’s take an example where you want to search for a topic across the entire community and not in the specific place.

To perform a search across the entire community:

  1. On the main page, click the Search icon to expand the search bar.

  2. In the Search field, enter the search text or keyword. When you enter the search keyword, the Search field auto suggests the topics based on the specified keyword.

    You can either navigate to the respective content from the list or press Enter to navigate to the Search results page and explore more search options.

    The Search page displays the list of matching topics available across the community based on the specified search keyword.
    Similarly, you can search for places (category or board) or members across the community. The Search page displays the results under People or Places sections respectively.
    • Search for a member:
    • Search for a place:

Search for content in a specific category or node

Consider you want to search for a topic specific to a forum and not across the entire community.

To perform a search in the specific place:

  1. Go to a particular place, enter the search phrase or keyword in the search field, and press Enter.

    On the Search results page, you can see that the search has been restricted to the specific location and displays the matching records based on the specified search term.

  2. To further filter the results, use the filter menus (Last Update, Replies, Location, Author, Content Type, or Tags). Click More Filters to see more filtering options.

You can sort the search results by Most relevant, Newest, Most liked, and Most viewed:

Filter search results

After you have performed your initial search, additional filtering options become available to you. When you apply these filters, your search results update in real time.

If a filter option is grayed out, there are no search results that fit that criterion. Each filter criterion displays the count of search results available for the respective criterion:

The Search page offers several filters:

  • Last Update: Search for the topics updated on the Past day, Past week, Past month, and Past year.
  • Replies: Search only the topics With replies, Without replies, and With solutions across the community.

  • Location: Search only the topics based on the selected location. Using the Location filter, select the category or board to view the search results for the respective location. For example, if you want to search for a content in a forum, select the respective forum from the list.

  • Author: Search the topics based on the author of those topics. Using the Author filter, you can search by username or rank.

  • Content Type: Search the topics based on the content types such as Blog, Knowledge Base, Ideas, Forum, and Events.
  • Tags: Search for posts that are associated with certain tags. The Tags filter displays the list of tags that have been added to posts, which have matching search results.
  • Exclude replies from search results: Select this checkbox to get matching results only from the topic header and main content area and exclude replies from the search results.

Note: On the Search page, members can perform keyboard navigation between the search field and other search filters using the tab and arrow keys and press the return or Enter key to apply the selection to the search results.

Updated 8 months ago
Version 13.0


  • BhuvanaMClassic's search page has an "Export Search Results as CSV file " option, which is mostly used. However, I don't see that option in Aurora. Is it present in the roadmap? If so a tentative version number would be beneficial.

  • MohammedF's avatar
    4 months ago

    MSmith_iTalent Yes, that's expected behaviour. You can either navigate to the respective content from the list or press Enter to navigate to the Search results page and explore more search options. The search icon itself is not clickable after entering text or keyword in the search field. 

  • MohammedF's avatar
    4 months ago

    MSmith_iTalent You may navigate to specific content by selecting it from the list or press Enter to go to the Search results page for additional options. Please note that the search icon itself is not clickable; only items within the list can be selected by clicking on that.

  • Is the search icon supposed to be clickable? Or does a user submit their search by hitting enter only?

  • akloepfer Boards and board posts can be excluded from search results by toggling on the corresponding options under Board Settings - Display Settings. Doing so will also ensure that the board posts don't show up in the Recent Content widget.


  • Hey BhuvanaM  curious to know if Aurora provides admins the ability to exclude hidden boards from search results? Maybe even control the posts not showing up in recent feeds too?