Reporting Spam
No one likes spammers, including the Khoros Community team! Here are some methods for reporting spam on our community. Spam in Private Messages: Did you receive a suspicious Private Message from another user? To report this issue to our team, click on the gray three-dot menu at the right side of any message and choose Report Message, and we'll handle the abuse as soon as possible. Please include the username and content of the message you received. Spam in Posts: If you spot a forum post, question, or blog comment that appears to be spam, please flag it to the Khoros Community team by clicking the grey gear icon at the top right of a post and select "Report". Be sure to note that the post appears to be spam. Thanks for your help in keeping the Khoros Community spam free! If you are looking for information on how to handle spam on your own community, we recommend that you read our Tips on combatting spam and check out our documentation on the new spam management tools. Please note you'll need to be a customer or partner to view these articles, including having the respective roles on Atlas. Reach out to for assistance.20KViews9likes7CommentsAurora: Multi-Auth SSO
Communities require diverse authentication methods to accommodate varying member segments like employees, customers, etc. Admins can offer multiple sign-in options simultaneously, providing enhanced flexibility. These options include: Khoros SSO Up to three IDPs for SAML More than three IDPs for OIDC/OAuth2 (OIDC can be configured via admin only) To edit these settings, go to Settings > Systems > ACCOUNT > Sign-in. If Sign-In Display is not displayed, contact Khoros Support and request that the Multi-Auth feature be enabled. Edit the Sign-In Display option to configure the sign-in options you want to provide your members and how you want to display the sign-in options. Below is an example on the list of sign-in options you can configure. From here, you can: View all available sign-in options for your community. Add a welcome note that is displayed to users on the sign-in page. Turn on or off the sign-in options you prefer. Edit the labels of the sign-in buttons. Rearrange the order in which the sign-in options appear on sign-in pages. Choose to display the sign-in options as buttons for member sign-in. If you select the Display as sign-in button option, members see a sign-in button. If you de-select this option, members see a sign-in form instead. Related topics: About Khoros Aurora Single Sign-On (SSO) Khoros Aurora SSO auto-sign in Configure SSO settings for the community310Views3likes0CommentsAbout Aurora Analytics
To have a successful community, you need to know what’s working and what needs improvement. Aurora provides a robust set of analytics so you can get actionable insights to drive traffic and member engagement. You can determine what kinds of content needs improvement, what your members steer away from, and what they want more of from your community. These metrics help you learn where your members come from, what type of content they engage with, and where to focus on to reach new people. Having clear data enables you to plan towards community goals and make informed decisions to change course when things aren’t working. Aurora Analytics provides visual dashboards and interactive reports to provide you with high-level and detailed data on how your community is performing. Note: Currently, users can see the metrics up to the previous day in Aurora Analytics.. Data is reported in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Accessing Aurora Analytics To access Aurora Analytics, open your Account menu and click Analytics. Note: Members must have an Admin or Analytics role to access Aurora Analytics From the Analytics page, you can access Dashboard and Reports. The Dashboard provides you with an “at-a-glance” view of the activities that best indicate the overall health of your community and member engagement across your community. You can customize Dashboard settings to your requirements and get the most out of your data analysis. Reports present you with key metrics on content, boards, categories, and members in a tabular format. Related topics: Accessing Analytics Dashboard Dashboard Settings Aurora Analytics Metric Definitions Aurora Analytics Reports Refer to the Khoros Communities Analytics Essentials course for training on Communities Analytics.523Views3likes0CommentsAurora Community static IP addresses
A variety of Aurora Community integrations may require allowlisting IP addresses associated with requests to external resources or services. Some example integrations include: API Event Subscriptions (webhooks) Certain types of SSO, like OAuth 2 or OpenID Connect Custom Freemarker components using the http.client context object Custom back-end integrations built by Professional Services If your Community-related security architecture includes IP based allowlists, the following values can be used: AMER production:,, and AMER stage:,, and EMEA production:,, and EMEA stage:,, and APAC production:,, and APAC stage:,, and Note: The listed IP addresses are associated only with outbound requests from Community and are not valid for inbound requests to the Community. Community IPs used with inbound requests are variable and change over time. Do not use these IPs as an element of any DNS record. If you're unsure if your Community is hosted in the AMER, EMEA, or APAC region, contact Khoros Support.Aurora: Extract member-specific information
If you have the Advanced Analytics role, when you schedule the Members report, you can choose the additional user information you want to download along with other member data available in this report. To download additional information from the Members report: On the Members report, open the Options menu and click Schedule Reports. Enter a title for the report and frequency at which this report must be generated and emailed to you. Choose from the list of member specific data provided under Include additional user data. Click Submit. The data that you choose is extracted along with the other fields in the Members report. Related topics: Schedule Analytics reports to be emailed to you View scheduled reports Download reports120Views2likes0CommentsAurora Analytics Dashboard Settings
Depending on your role or what actionable data you are trying to gather, what you need from your community dashboards may vary. With Aurora Analytics, you can customize Dashboard settings to your requirements and get the most out of your data analysis. Analytics users can: customize Aurora Analytics Dashboard settings to scope data to the entire community or to a specific place in the community choose the time frame for which they want to view metrics for compare and analyze data with another time period set the parameters for trending discussions. set parameters for the maximum time limit to apply in the Ideas by Age Chart Related topics: About Aurora Analytics Aurora Analytics Metric Definitions Aurora Analytics Reports207Views2likes0CommentsAurora: Manage Follow and Notification preferences for your account
You can manage your follow and notification preferences for the community. Open the Account menu, and then click My Settings. Click Follows & Notifications. The page is divided into different areas for managing your follows and notifications: Follows You can filter the items you follow by clicking the drop-down menu (by default, All is selected) and choosing from among All, Content, Boards, Categories, Groups, or Tags. Once you’ve chosen your filter, you can hover your cursor over the followed item you want to manage, click the options menu, and Unfollow. Email Notifications To adjust your email notification preferences, Get Email Notifications must be turned on in your settings. When this is enabled, additional settings (Receive email notifications when…) appear that enable you to indicate the desired cadence for receiving email notifications. For all settings (except Edits are made to an article within a category or board I follow), you can select Never, Immediately, Daily Digest, or Weekly Digest from the drop-down menu. For the Edits are made to an article within a category or board I follow setting, you can choose from Never, For all edits (includes minor edits), or For all but minor edits. If you select any option but Never, email notifications for this setting are sent immediately. For settings on which you’ve selected Daily Digest or Weekly Digest, applicable notifications are bundled and sent together in one daily or weekly email, respectively. All settings indicate the feature area of the community to which they apply, such as All boards or KB articles and blog posts. Settings related to content apply to all content that you follow in the area indicated. Advanced Settings The following settings, which apply to both in-app (bell icon) and email notifications, enable you to personalize when you receive certain notifications. Select an option from the drop-down menu for each setting. When I’m following a Forum Discussion, notify me about New topics and replies New topics only Send me notifications on posts I have already read Never Always Related topics: About the member Profile page Manage community preferences for your account Manage security settings for your account409Views2likes0CommentsAurora Product Coaching Session: Spam Management Best Practise
Khoros Communities platform offers several settings and features that allow you to mitigate Spam in your community. Join our Spam Management Best Practice coaching session to identify, filter and deal with spam effectively. Our coaching session will guide you through the practical tips and techniques to help combat spam and help maintain the hygiene of your community. Topics covered in the coaching session Overview of Aurora spam settings and functionality Manage Content dashboard related to spam management and its features Using roles and ranks to configure permissions to check spammers Content Filters Best practice tips Notes - Admin permissions are required to conduct the call. 👉Click here to Sign Up Related Resources Enable Spam Management Community Spam Management Review Posts Captured as Spam Khoros Academy: Communities Moderation Essentials Khoros Academy Instructor Led Training: Spam Management for Communities Aurora129Views1like0CommentsAurora: Consent to add external videos to posts
To further comply with the latest privacy regulations, we have introduced a new enhancement to view external videos on the community. We have prioritized member’s compliance by ensuring that external video providers cannot drop cookies without explicit user consent. Members are now required to explicitly consent to the use and storage of third-party cookies from external video providers before streaming content on the community. This measure ensures that both community and external video provider cookies comply with regulations, protecting member data and maintaining compliance standards. Note: This feature is set by default. If you want to change the default settings, contact Support. Below is an example of how this banner appears when you add external videos to Blog posts. Learn more about adding media to your content