Knowledge Base Article

Product Ideas Submission Guidelines

Product Ideas Submission Guide

Customer feedback and product ideas are critically important to guiding the future of our products. We want to ensure that we are providing opportunities for you to share ideas and discuss concepts with each other and our product teams. 

To provide feedback, simply visit the Idea Board for the related product:  Khoros Community, Khoros Care, and Khoros Marketing.

Before you get started, make sure you review the following information. 


Purpose and Expectations

Product feedback is always welcome, and we want to ensure that you understand how your ideas impact and are incorporated into the future of our products. It is helpful to think of our Idea Boards as a vital listening platform, (rather than a Support-like ticketing system) where we can gather intelligence and important insights into issues facing our customers that we can help to solve.

While we do not guarantee an SLA or direct 1-1 feedback on every idea, our product teams actively examine and compile ALL ideas and feedback. We work to prioritize ideas and features that will make the greatest amount of positive impact to the greatest amount of our customers. We look for topics and themes that paint a larger picture of solutions to common requests. They are looking for the WHY behind the WHAT. They will engage when appropriate to dig deeper into the topic or share important information, but we want to prioritize their time to actively drive our product forward. 


Submitting Ideas

  1. Search for an existing Idea in the Idea Board. Instead of spending time on creating a post, first search for an existing post that is similar to your idea. We try to make this as easy as possible. When you start typing an Idea Subject in the submission form, we display similar ideas in the dropdown for you to select. If one already exists, simply visit the post, give it a Kudos to indicate your support for the idea, and add any additional conversation or comments to the topic. (If you submit an idea that already exists, we will simply merge the ideas to ensure that conversations are richer.)
  2. Draft your new idea and submit it. The more we know about your idea – who it’s for, what the motivation is, and what the actual item is, the more accurate we’ll be when it comes time to prioritize and size it. Be sure to include as much of the following information as possible: 
    • The Role: What type of user is the feature for?
    • The Outcome: What is the problem that you are trying to solve or the outcome the user is hoping to accomplish?
    • The Benefit: What is the overall value and importance of the feature?
    • The Context: Any additional information like screenshots or examples from other products is always helpful
  3. Subscribe to idea boards and engage with other ideas. You can subscribe to an Idea Board or even specific labels in that Idea Board to be notified of new activity. Simply select that “Subscribe” button on the Idea Board (or Filter by a label and Subscribe), and you’ll be notified of updates. Hint: Check your notification settings to ensure that you are notified when activity happens on ideas you care about. Be sure to share your own perspective on ideas as our product team will review and evaluate ideas with your engagement and feedback as one of the criteria. 


Status Definitions

Every idea has merit – even ideas that are not added to the current Roadmap are tracked over time and may be prioritized on future Roadmaps due to the longevity of need. We do try to provide as much clarity as possible according to our current disposition. Below you will find a summary of what each status means. 

New Idea – Brand new ideas submitted by you and ready to be voted on. We’ll set each of these ideas on a course to get feedback from the community and a definitive disposition from Khoros' product team.

Under Consideration - Our team has seen the idea and is currently reviewing the criteria, demand, and capacity to be added to our product Roadmap. An idea might remain in this status for several months as our Roadmap is reviewed and updated at regular intervals.  

Future Roadmap - The idea has been validated and been accepted to be included on the Roadmap. This does not indicate a delivery date of SOON, due to prioritization and scoping of resources across our entire product suite, but we are excited to work on the feature when we get the chance.

Current Roadmap - Ideas will move from our Future Roadmap to our Current Roadmap when they are actively being developed by our Product team. Watch out for our Roadmap webinars, and follow our Product Blogs and Release Notes to keep up to date on new releases. 

Consultation Recommended - Khoros Community is a very flexible, extendable, and customizable platform. There are a lot of ideas we won't have a chance to bake into the core out-of-the-box product, but they are possible with some minor work-arounds or able to be accomplished with customizations (by your own team or custom-scoped by our Services team). 

Declined – While all ideas are appreciated and provide value, we are not able to deliver on all of them. Sometimes, there are third-party limitations that make the idea currently unavailable. Sometimes, we have prioritized other features on the current Roadmap, but we will still track this idea over time to review the fit for future Roadmaps. 

Delivered – The idea has been implemented and delivered to our customers. Look for the release version denoted in the item, and check out the product Release Notes for details on how to start using it.

Archived - Over time, we will archive ideas for a variety of reasons. Archived ideas might not have received much traction or are related to features that have been phased out. You can still interact with archived ideas, and elevated interest and capacity might encourage us to prioritize for future Roadmaps. 


Updated 3 years ago
Version 15.0

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  • Inactive User's avatar
    Inactive User

     Sooooo, how do we actually POST an idea. This is the rules, but I don't see how to indicate that it's a new idea. Is there a board? A tag? A label? 



  • Agreed Inactive User, took me a while to find it too. There is a hard-to-see link in the top (Step 4) instructions, and also a link in the side bar on the pages for specific ideas. But it is not obvious and needs some UI love to make it more visible.

  • Could you show an visual example of Ideas Bank being used today? To get a visual idea, on how best to use Ideas within Lithium. Thanks