Blog Post
I read this thinking it was new (see above) and wondered "How do you still have custom tags?"
Seeing it is 2yrs old now I'm briefly reminded that custom tags (as a feature) are not available in Aurora. There might be another way using React tho.
- phoneboy30 days agoDirector
Lief we're on Classic and, due to the massive amount of custom components we've developed, and of course missing functionality like custom tags, which are used in other components as well, I don't see a path where we can successfully migrate to Aurora anytime soon.
- NickH30 days agoKhoros Staff
Custom tags are supported in Aurora but called custom fields. They are implemented for users, nodes, and discussions and we’re working this quarter to finish them for kb,blog,ideas, events. Custom fields are part of the native graphql APIs so they are easy to set when creating objects without custom endpoints and to query / filter messsge lists or users by. We’ve also fully incorporated them into firehose event feeds and they will be part of the upcoming automaton rules and role assignment in registration.
- phoneboy30 days agoDirector
That's good to hear, and I'm sure that's true of other features we might be using (the basic functionality being called "something else" in Aurora).
We know that we eventually need to move to Aurora, but it's difficult when a bunch of custom functionality needs to be re-implemented.
I assume it's also going to involve Professional Services, since we will have to map data from the "Classic" method to the "Aurora" methods :)
It's an ongoing discussion we're having with our CSM.