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Event recap: Forrester CX NA Conference 2022

ParkerH's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
3 years ago


In the sweltering southern city of Nashville, Tennessee, Customer Experience leaders gathered to discuss the emerging customer experience trends in our rapidly changing world. Three key trends were identified and discussed across the three days and several information sessions. These three trends displayed the importance of centralizing a brand's customer engagement hub. Without the ability to form deeper customer relationships from interactions across the digital space, your brand could fall short of its future customer experience goals. In 2018 during the Lithium and Spredfast merger, the idea of centralization was first envisioned to change the way brands and customers interact. Today in 2022, Khoros is proud to offer a platform to help your brand achieve its centralization and customer experience goals. 


Having Business Agility is vital to success. 

Forrester's first core trend discussed how a brand's agility heavily affected its overall success. The COVID pandemic changed almost every way that brands and customers interact with one another. More people are buying, working, and connecting online more than ever before. 

The brands that maintained their agility and experimented with their digital strategy successfully improved their customer experience scores. [Read about top brands in our Kudos submissions

The volume of customer interaction data allowed brands to leverage and identify emerging challenges and react in real-time. Agile brands that succeeded in the evolving customer engagement world used various customer support and community technologies. While every brand and customer interaction with the brand will vary, developing an omnichannel center for your digital customer engagement will almost certainly increase customer sentiment and revenue and decrease unnecessary costs. 

As with all forms of digital technology, there are seemingly endless options to utilize. For a Forrester top-rated experience, consider the Khoros contact center and our award-winning communities. Combining omnichannel agent desktops and robust conversational AI, Khoros customers have found higher agent productivity, satisfaction, and most importantly, higher business outcomes.

It's quickly becoming apparent that brands with a widely used community page often perform better when compared with brands without one. The beauty of a Khoros community is that they provide several solutions in one. Customers can connect with one another around your brand, increase their sentiment, and reduce your care agent's call volume by providing self-service answers to support questions.


Use customer data in all aspects of your business.

Customer data is everywhere – phone calls to the contact center, tweets, and posts on social media, customer transaction history, and a brand's online community. As long as your brand leverages your customer data, it's child's play to implement it into your business strategy.

In a data ocean, it's hard to know what to fish for. Forrester analysts cited that leveraging the correct data is critical to making informed decisions, especially when it comes to optimizing operations and improving the customer experience in the contact center and self-service apparatuses.

Khoros does the same with our Customer Experience Insights. Through our information path, you can see exactly what your customers are looking for in their support questions or interactions with your brand and respond faster and with higher levels of support. DoorDash makes perfect use of the Khoros platform in our case study


Leverage social media marketing

Forrester noticed that the brands with the best social media marketing cited the highest Customer Experience score. This one is simple. Six billion people own a smartphone worldwide, and almost every mainstream social media platform has hundreds of millions of users at the very least. 

Khoros' partners understand the power of social media. Our social media management tool will condense all your social channels into one easy-to-use place, making it easy to protect your brand, measure what matters, and elevate your content and scale social interactions. Having control over your social media and understanding the ever-evolving strategy succeeding brands use is vital in excelling and improving your customer experience and business outcomes. Even small brands like Reachout found incredible success in 2021 and have been highlighted in our Kudos Awards.


The Bottom Line 

 The 2022 Forrester Customer Experience event confirmed what Khoros has been developing and strategizing on for years. Recapping the emerging trends in one event shows the level of care and understanding Khoros strives to deliver to our customers and, by extension, your brand's current and future customers. 


Check out why Forrester continues to rank Khoros as a top-tier company and how it can help you empower your Customer Experience. 


If you attended this year's Forrester Customer Experience event, leave a comment below with your favorite keynote speaker!


Updated 3 years ago
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