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Release Notes & Updates

Introducing Editor v2: Enhance your Message Editing & Posting experience

SohilM's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
6 years ago

Editor v2 takes a big step forward in providing community users with a contemporary message editing experience. Read on to learn about all the message editor improvements.

How is the Editor v2 going to help users?

Streamlined editing pane

We have removed the antiquated tabs structure (Rich Text, HTML and Preview) in favor of a more streamlined experience. You can access the HTML view from the message editor toolbar, and the Preview mode is now accessible via a link in the top-right corner of the editing page.

For users writing only plain text (which is by far the majority of community users), this solution strips away the visual clutter of these extra tabs and lets them just write.

Toolbar button optimization and consistency

We made several improvements to the message editing toolbar to optimize it and make it more consistent:

  • Toolbars across all discussion styles are now consistent and have the same controls. Moreover, the toolbars include many more options that cater to all messaging use cases.
  • Toolbars have been optimized according to each discussion style.
    • Blog/TKB authors need advanced formatting options. So, all the toolbar options are visible upfront.

      Screenshot: TKB/Blog toolbar

    • Other discussion styles, comments/replies and teasers have only basic options such as Bold, Italic, Underline, Image, Video visible up front and rest of the formatting options can be revealed with a single click when authors need them.

      Screenshot: Toolbar in other Discussion Styles, Comments/Replies & Teaser

  • The mobile toolbar has been optimised as well.


    Screenshot: Mobile Editor toolbar

  • Customization of the toolbar options for each discussion style and comments is supported in Editor v2. Admins/Community Managers can disable any buttons as well as add new ones by contacting Support

Better visual display for code samples

While documenting a piece of code, readability is utmost important.

In Editor v2, users can now OOTB choose a programming language (10 languages are supported) and insert a piece of code.

Inserted code blocks show the right indentation and Syntax highlighting according to the programming language making it very easy to follow it.

Screenshot: Sample Java code posted

In-line image editing

To reposition, re-size (small, medium, large) and insert a hyperlink for an image, the user need only click on the image and choose the appropriate option inline.

   Screenshot: Inline Image Editing

Improved emoji support

Emojis are a very powerful medium of expressing one’s thoughts and emotions. An emoji such as “👍” can be used to replace the text - “All the Best!” or “Best of Luck!” or “Well Done!”.


Editor v2 brings you the Unicode standard set of 2500+ emojis divided across 8 categories. Emojis are supported across both Apple and Windows devices.

Screenshot: Emojis on Apple                              Emojis on Windows

Admins can choose to disable an emoji category or specific emojis within a category across community through Community Admin Settings.


In addition to the standard emoji sets, you can now add custom emojis much more simply via Studio. (Custom emojis added in v1 also will be shown here) Admins can simply name and upload a custom emoji image, and it will be available for all users across community as part of custom emoji category.

Screenshot: Emoji Studio UI for Custom Emojis

How to enable Editor v2 ?

Message Editor v2 is currently available as Early Access. Open a Support ticket to enable it.

When Enabling Editor v2:

  • If the toolbar is not customised in v1, Editor v2 will come with all default options as explained above
  • If the toolbar is already customised in Editor v1, same will be retained in Editor v2 (for example, if a custom button is added or an OOTB button is disabled in v1 it will be carried forward in v2.)
  • Buttons introduced in v2 - HTML, Quotes, Macros, new options such as indentation, Paragraph etc. will be added to the toolbar. Admins can still choose to remove buttons in v2 via Support.

For more details about Editor v2, check out the Community Release Notes.

As always, we look forward to getting your feedback.

Updated 9 months ago
Version 7.0