Blog Post

Release Notes & Updates

Now Available: UI Enhancements in Content Center

ShyamK's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
4 years ago

The following UI enhancements are made to the Content Center 


  1. Updating the supported channel list of any asset in the Content Center:

Users can now select any of the below available channels in the ‘Suitable For’ field for a particular asset in the Content Center 



  1. Autoloading of available assets in a folder as we scroll through

    The concept of pages has been removed from the Content Center instead of that, the assets are automatically loaded when the user scrolls through. 



  1. Opening asset details when multiple assets are selected

In the old Content Center, it was not possible to open the asset details side panel when multiple assets were selected on the page. Users can now do that.



  1. Autoupdate search results while typing


In the old Content Center, we have to type the search keyword and then press enter for the search results to appear. Now as and when the user is typing the keyword the search results will be updated


  1. New and improved Calendar modal

The Start Date and End Date selection modal is updated to look in line with the rest of the UI

  1. Sorting of the access list inside the Share folder pop-up


The list of users/initiatives/companies are grouped and sorted individually in the Share Folder pop-up so as provide better readability to the user



Edited to add: In order to bring you subfolders, and a whole host of other governance features, we needed to rebuild the Content Center using a different programming language. This change will allow us to bring you more content management updates faster. While moving to this new programming language, we had the opportunity to make some improvements to the experience at very little additional effort. The changes to the experience were material enough that we wanted to be sure you knew about the change, and as such resulted in the Atlas recap above. We’re excited to share more updates on content management in the near future.


Updated 9 months ago
Version 4.0


  • Inactive User's avatar
    Inactive User
    4 years ago

    when will the multi-level folder structure come? This feature was announced several times in the past - is it still on the roadmap?

  • ShyamK's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    4 years ago

    Inactive User 'Sub-folders' is part of the roadmap. You can expect it sometime early next year. We will keep you posted.

  • Inactive User's avatar
    Inactive User
    4 years ago

    That's just amazing. In February you presented your Marketing Roadmap with the information: "Next" = GA in the next 6 months. 

    The Content Center subfolders were presented as "Next".

    Now 6 months after the announcement it is still on the roadmap and will not even be availiable in 2021. Thats weak..




  • SofiaP's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    4 years ago
    Thank you  for adding this update to this blog post: 
    • Edited to add: In order to bring you subfolders, and a whole host of other governance features, we needed to rebuild the Content Center using a different programming language. This change will allow us to bring you more content management updates faster. While moving to this new programming language, we had the opportunity to make some improvements to the experience at very little additional effort. The changes to the experience were material enough that we wanted to be sure you knew about the change, and as such resulted in the Atlas recap above. We’re excited to share more updates on content management in the near future.
    Inactive User 
    Thank you for your partnership. Glad we were able to have a chat earlier this week, we appreciate the importance of frequent product comms and you have our commitment to share more updates about if/when things on the roadmap do change.
    I know you are working creatively with your teams to see if we can deliver an MVP of subfolders this year!  Eager to see how those investigations progress. We will stay tuned!