Sampic742's avatar
19 days ago
Needs Info

Can't find members IP adress anymore since Aurora upgrade

Hi. Before the Aurora upgrade, we could see members IP adress in there profile to check the location. That was useful when we had a doubt about some post that could be either from a real member or a spammer (bot). Most of the time, when we saw that the IP adress was from India or Pakistan, as example, we blocked the profile for spam reason. Now with Aurora, I only can see IP adress in the Audit log section, in Settings, but we can't see all members we want there. I'd like if we could consult members IP adresses like it was in Forum Classic. 🙃

1 Comment

  • BlakeH's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    6 days ago
    Status changed:
    Needs Info

    It sounds like this is a request for the core product, correct? If so, I'll mark it as Declined and pass the feedback on to the product team, as this area is only for suggestions specifically related to Atlas itself.