CarolineS's avatar
6 months ago
Needs Info

Feed of all posts, most recent first

I really miss the "All Posts" page from pre-Aurora Atlas ( - note that if you click on that link it'll just redirect you to the current Atlas home page :-( ). That's how I previously consumed Atlas content. Now I find it much harder to quickly peruse new content - requires clicking into individual posts (often to find that the "1 unread" item advertised in the feed on the homepage is actually something I've already read).

Would it be possible to configure a page like this in Aurora?

Example of this from my own (Classic) community for reference:



  • BlakeH's avatar
    Khoros Staff
    2 months ago
    Status changed:
    Needs Info

    Sorry for the long delay in coming back to this. As a follow-up question: would a widget closer to the top of Atlas with the ability to view the newest topics solve this problem? See an example of this in the attachments.

    Asking because I've been working on layouts for Atlas along those lines; if that would solve it, we can mark this as Accepted and implement when we have role-based widgets. If not, we could pass it on to the core product team and mark it as Declined for Atlas (since it would be part of the core product / not Atlas-specific).

  • CarolineS's avatar
    2 months ago

    Hi! Thanks for the followup.

    I personally really like seeing every reply without having to click in to see what's new. So, no, seeing the newest topics higher up on the Atlas home page wouldn't solve this problem.

    Here is a screenshot of the view I constantly use on our own community - it's just a feed of every post (comment / thread / reply / blog post / etc) with the most recent first (here)

    I used to use this same view in Atlas also (pre-Aurora Atlas). I just prefer it to clicking!