JakeR's avatar
Khoros Oracle
8 years ago

Wow! This place looks dynamite :)

I just want to say congratulations to Andy and the larger Lithium team on the best redesign (or, rather, current design) of our community that I've ever seen.  I love the new UI organization / layout, the new structure (boards, blogs, etc), and the navigation elements;  search in the way upper righthand corner, the clean navigation in the header, and widely-spaced clear breadcrumb, and lots of other things I'm just discovering.


Seriously, this is great.  Kudos.


  • I agree - it's great! Clean, uncluttered, the only thing I would change is to darken the message body text as it's a little too light and hard to read.
  • PhilippeM's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    8 years ago

    We'll chat with AndyK on what can be done about it. We've also got some plans on re-invisioning the case portal  to be more effective and integrative as we continue to push forward what we're doing with the community! Thanks for your suggestion.

  • SuzieH's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    8 years ago

    You all took on a difficult task with taking the old Community Structure, slimming it down, reworking the navigation. I'm really impressed. This community has a lot of moving parts, and the fact that we've been able to showcase Responsive close to OOTB is so great. The entire team was wonderful to work with during the redesign and I appreciate the effort. Thanks so much! It's great to have a community that is Community-focused instead of marketing-focused. Kudos!

  • jlinster's avatar
    8 years ago

    Great design change. Very clean and uncluttered, even on mobile devices.  Nice job with responsive. 



  • I was going to write my own posts but JakeR said it so well!   Wow - very clean, UI razor sharp and it's easy on the eyes.    Kudos to the Lithium team!

  • andyP's avatar
    8 years ago

    jloyless wrote:
    I agree - it's great! Clean, uncluttered, the only thing I would change is to darken the message body text as it's a little too light and hard to read.

    Agree with all of the above quote.  After reading through all posts on the 1.5 pages my eyes were getting tired