auburnberry's avatar
5 years ago

2020 Customer Awards: European Wax Center - The Accelerator


Company: European Wax Center

Company background: European Wax Center (EWC) is the worldwide leader of out-of-home waxing services. Centered around their vision of Revealing Beautiful Skin™, EWC guests enjoy exceptional services from professionally trained and certified waxing experts utilizing their exclusive Comfort Wax™. Founded in 2004, EWC offers guests a full suite of waxing services, as well as a proprietary line of beauty products in the skincare, body, and brow categories. As Experts in Wax and Champions of Confidence, a guest’s first wax is always complimentary (brows, underarms, bikini line for women, and nose, ears, and brows for men). The company operates a unique franchise business model, and its network now includes over 750 centers across the U.S. For more, visit

Contact: Auburn Berry

Title: Director, Social Media / PR / Guest Relations

Related URLs: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, TikTok

Kudos Category: The Accelerator

1. Please describe your company and your initiative.
European Wax Center brought on Khoros Marketing and Khoros Care to be as effective as possible with our team. While European Wax Center has 750+ locations, we run lean in customer care and social media. Our Social Media Manager does all community management, content scheduling and management, as well as assists with our customer service team. It’s important to have everything easily accessible and coordinated into one system that’s easy to use. We moved from an agency (and the expenses associated with an agency) managing the social community to a singular social marketer who is able to provide better guest experience and responses thanks to the platform.

2. What was the “before” state? What challenges did you have to overcome?
Prior to bringing on Khoros, European Wax Center relied on an agency to manage all customer inquiries on social, which on average were roughly 500 per month across social media platforms (and has increased by 6x in the past 6 months). This resulted in missed social comments, lack of response for days and lack of visibility for the European Wax Center in-house team. Because EWC was not engaging with guests on social channels, there was a lack of a true community of EWC guests. This negatively impacted the growth of the account year after year significantly. Prior to Khoros, EWC only had 48k followers on IG for a brand with over 750 individual locations and 1.5M+ guests in center per month.

3. What were the results? Please cite qualitative and quantitative results.
By bringing Khoros on we were able to eliminate the need for a social media only agency and are able to manage our accounts and community with just our Social Media Manager. Even with the increase in volume and reduction in staff, we have seen a response time that once took days reduced to a 17 hour or less average response time for all actionable guest inquiries. This has resulted in increased overall guest sentiment and 100% visibility into customer requests that have resulted in more streamline communication and information to Franchisee owners for center improvement and increased overall customer advocacy. 

We were also able to bring on Modern Chat and start a chatbot for our guests on our main website. This has helped decrease overall guest inquiries to the business as they’re able to get their answers right away from the bot, which handles roughly 2.5k conversations per month.. Our social media manager is then able to immediately answer any live questions that the bot is unable to answer while still maintaining all social inquires are responded to in 24 hours or less. These live chats are significantly faster to answer than a guest using our website to submit a new case into our CRM system and allows for more efficiencies within our traditional customer service team.