Finney0225's avatar
6 years ago

2020 Customer Awards: Ring / Amazon - Best-in-Class: Community


Company: Ring / Amazon

Company background: Ring is a home security company that allows you to download, access and share any past video through your smart phone. We have a wide range of Doorbells, Security Cameras, Smart Lighting and even an Alarm.

Contact: Jennifer Finefrock

Title: Community Manager

Related URLs:

Lithy category: Best-in-Class: Community

1. Describe your community(s) and how you decided to start a community or grow/change it? (user request, Khoros suggestion, internal idea, etc.).
Ring Community is a neighbor-to-neighbor forum where our consumers can discuss all questions, concerns and share positive insightful stories with other neighbors. This request was an internal idea, as I wanted to deliver more transparent news about our company to our neighbors. We are taking an in depth look at the questions our neighbors ask and delivering it in a simplified version to help reduce calls to the call center. 

2. Tell us about how you made it happen? Did you stage it first? Who got an early look? How did you drive adoption? Did you get executive buy-in? Did you have any key iterations?
We definitely used stage! We also launched to 40 neighbors March 20, 2019. Within a year, we have already hit 30k users (no marketing efforts) and are learning day by day and what improvements we can make for a better Community. 




3. What were the results? Tell us how it impacted your customer experience or the outcomes you seek as a business. Please include metrics if possible.
We're personally seeing our neighbors use the platform more as a support site -- which is great because we are getting real life user experiences directly to the team to help improve our devices, app updates, and more. We are on the front lines of support and share this incoming knowledge company wide. In return, we have been able to deliver a more in depth post on their question within a 24hour turn around, we've been able to share this knowledge with our content and call center to help provide more up to date answer for incoming calls, and we have been able to create a real life Community for our neighbors with Neighbors of the Month, Contests, and more!