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4 years ago

2021 Customer Awards: Cigna - Keep Calm and Carry On

Company: Cigna

Company background: We are your partner in total health and wellness, 24/7. At Cigna, we're more than a health insurance company. We are your partner in total health and wellness. And we’re here for you 24/7 – caring for your body and mind. As a global health service company, Cigna's mission is to improve the health, well-being, and peace of mind of those we serve by making health care simple, affordable, and predictable. • We make it easy to get care – letting you choose how, when, and where you want it. • We make health care more affordable by partnering with providers who provide quality, cost-effective care. • Our goal is to provide you with comprehensive health care coverage with “no surprises.” Our values are the core of our culture. Our values guide how all 74,000 of us around the world work together, serve our customers, patients, clients, communities, and deliver on our mission. Our Cigna social media channels are a way to convey our company’s mission and act as a touchpoint for our customers to get the care and information they need. This became even more important during COVID-19. We wanted to make sure our customers were getting the most up to date information not only about the on-going pandemic, but how Cigna was supporting their customers during this difficult time.

Contact: Erika Heyer-Watts

Title: Senior Social Media Advisor

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Kudos Category: Keep Calm and Carry On

1. How did your team shift your existing strategy to better engage customers during a crisis?
In March 2020, Cigna's messaging and approach to social media had to change in order to best serve our customers with the latest information about COVID-19 and how Cigna would remain their partner in health during these uncertain times. When news about COVID-19 was first appearing, we were sharing the latest from the CDC on our social channels organically. But as we listened to our customers and the overall questions coming from everyone, we realized we needed to tailor our messaging to the specific needs of our customers and clients. Our social media team worked with members across Cigna's business to develop messaging to serve B2C and B2B audiences. We crafted a paid campaign with an audience-first approach on all social media channels. While some of our content was being published publicly for all visitors to Cigna's social channels, some content was targeted to different audience categories that included B2B, B2C, health care providers, seniors, Cigna employees, Spanish messaging and more. This audience-first approach was a shift in what we were previously executing in our paid social media campaigns and with the success of our COVID-19 campaign, this is now the strategy we use to inform all campaigns moving forward.

To help answer specific questions to serve our different audiences, the Cigna social team created a new video series featuring Cigna doctors providing the questions patients should be asking not only about COVID-19 but the questions people were having about receiving the routine care they normally would in these not-so-normal times. The video series is called “Questions from Cigna Doctors” and it featured videos Cigna doctors shot themselves in their homes during quarantine. Our doctors would then upload their video to the Khoros content center and then the videos would be edited by the Cigna social team. The video series was a great success generating 5.4 million impressions, 1 million views and over 6K engagements. This video series also launch Cigna's IGTV channel.

Link to playlist of all doctor videos:

2. What operational processes did you create or change to respond in a time of crisis?
Cigna's web team created a COVID-19 landing page to provide resources and answers to questions our customers might have. The Cigna social customer service team would now direct individuals to that page if they had a questions relating to COVID-19. Cigna also partnered with Buoy Health to develop a symptom tracker. This allowed our customers who were asking if they should get tested to check their symptoms through this new tool on our website that would advise them to seek a medical professional for a test. Internally, the social team would work with teams daily to give updates on new content and get confirmation if that content was approved to promote to their tailored audience in our audience-first strategy campaign. The social team also provided metrics of our campaign using Khoros through labeling all content going out. We also provided teams with competitor analysis to be sure we’re staying informed on our industry’s messaging. A content calendar was updated in real-time and shared with stakeholders weekly.

We also engaged Cigna employees to be proactive in sharing COVID-19 resources to their own social media networks. Not only to promote the most accurate information and Cigna resources, but to also demonstrate Cigna employees are a trusted resource on social media for COVID-19-related news. Our employees shared over 3K posts related to COVID-19 to their networks that resulted in additional exposure of the content we wanted to generate awareness around. Employee posts resulted in 3.1 million impressions, 7K engagements and an additional 3K clicks to Cigna's COID-19 resources site.

3. What success metrics did you use to determine if your shifts in strategy and process had the desired outcomes? What were those quantifiable outcomes?
We saw a definite shift in metrics after moving from an organic strategy to paid. During the campaign’s lifetime, Cigna shared 177 tailored ads over a period of 2 months that resulted in 106.8 million brand impressions, 10 million video views, 34K engagements (comments, likes and shares), and 80K clicks to the new Cigna Coronavirus Resource Center website. Our goal for this campaign was awareness and providing information to our customers in the most effective way and that goal was met as evident from the numbers.