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3 years ago

2022 Customer Awards: Dropbox - Best-in-Class: Community

Company: Dropbox

Company background: Dropbox is one place to keep life organized and keep work moving. With more than 700 million registered users across 180 countries, we’re on a mission to design a more enlightened way of working.

Contact: Alexandra Etienne

Title: Program Manager: Social Media & Community team

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Kudos Category: Best-in-Class: Community

1. Describe the organization's objectives in launching a community. What is the use-case and purpose of your community? Do you use your community for support, enablement and learning, marketing awareness, customer success, driving sales, product innovation, etc.? Has the community charter evolved in any way since launch?
Our aspiration is to be an industry-leading community supporting the DBX mission statement in the goal to help our customers organize their life and work. The Dropbox Community is a place to discuss Dropbox, learn new tips and tricks, ask questions, provide feedback and connect with other members. 

The Dropbox Community has been around since 2009. Around this time, the founders themselves were replying to our first customer questions. Now, almost 13 years later, our Community has grown to host over 1,500,000 members! In recent years, we decided to bring a major focus to Community by investing and growing the team. In 2019, new plans were put into action to implement beyond-support strategies, develop use cases, bring customer stories into the spotlight, foster meaningful conversations and provide a healthy feedback loop between Dropbox users and our product team. Our goal was to develop engaging spaces, hubs buzzing with activity, offering much more than just a transactional experience….and we’re succeeding! 

2. Tell us about how you are using your community and how you made it happen. Did you get executive/business/stakeholder buy-in? What was your process to gain this buy-in? How have you achieved cross functional support, added stake-holders and increased organizational adoption?

A year of challenges and wins (2021-2022) 
We’ve continued building our Community in spite of the challenges of recent years. We’ve optimised support processes leveraging tools like Khoros Care, we’ve given a voice to our customers through our ideation platform, we’ve launched proactive content strategies to inspire conversations (articles on how customers are making the most of Dropbox, examples and testimonials from different types of users exploring product features and 3rd party applications), we’ve reactivated our Super User program, and we’ve even gained external recognition as thought leaders in the field of community management. Actually, members of our team got requests to host industry chats or talks by companies like Microsoft or Flipgrid. We’ve also increased awareness and visibility by creating a channel to share updates, wins, learnings and product feedback with stake-holders and well as presenting in company-wide meetings. 
3. What were the results? Tell us how it impacted your customer experience or the outcomes you seek as a business. Please include metrics if possible.
We have over 1,500,000 members and over 300,000 posts. Customers feel heard and appreciated. We have over 1 million views and over 6,000 votes in our Ideation platform. More details below:
Supporting our customers and agents
The main goals for support were to continue the smooth setup of our back-end moderation platform, Khoros Care, and to improve our SLA times. Thanks to introducing Khoros Care we have been able to drive huge efficiencies in our community support experience. To name a couple of improvements we’ve made, our internal data shows that since January 2021 we’ve:
  • Reduced our AHT (Average Handle Time) by 2 minutes
  • Improved our SLAs by 32%
  • Leveraged the additional time to focus on improving quality, and we now achieve an average QA score of 98%!
Customer ideas
This is the year when we established the community as the central customer-facing platform for adding and following feature requests and ideas. At the end of this year, we grew our # of ideas by over 107% with over 6000 votes!

Core Performance
This year, and following a lot of work in backstage, including the revamp of several sections of the community, optimization of the website structure and various performance improvements, the Dropbox community ranked #1 in terms of performance and page load compared to all the other communities we tracked, which are also hosted on Khoros (leader of the market in term of community platform). 
This included many of the key players in tech. Considering all these efforts were initiated only a year and half ago, this is a huge win and remarkable recognition for all the work done. 
Super User program 
The main challenge here was to review and bring back to life a program that had existed since 2015: the Dropbox Community Super User program. The goals were to reactivate the program, engage with existing members, identify gaps and recruit new super users. We wanted to increase participation of current super users. We also succeeded on getting the whole company involved. Thanks to our efforts, we not only revamped the program, but also created effective collaborations within the company for super users to take center stage — think Engineering, Product, and Marketing. They have acquired company-wide recognition as community advocates participating in frequent meetups and events. In addition, the program is getting such traction and good press externally that we got additional applications, and we are in the process of onboarding new members to the program. Just for some highlights, based on Khoros user reports, since last year we’ve seen: 
  • More than a 110% increase of minutes online.
  • 39% increase of posts read.
  • 43% increase of posts published by Super Users


Content experiments 
This year we created a deeper engagement action plan. Our main achievements were launching experiments in the content calendar and publishing new content series on the proactive spaces in the Community. We also identified new acquisition channels and launched a new email campaign for Community members. Community content was included in B2C onboarding email, which means that significant segments of new Dropbox customers receive marketing emails during their onboarding experience, including high value content tailored to them from the Community
Most of this curated content is published under the Work Smarter with Dropbox section (Tips & Tricks board). Over the past 6 months, according to our internal data, traffic to the pages on this board has increased, including the following
  • Clicks have increased by +126% 
  • Impressions have increased by +62% 
  • Click-through-rate (CTR) has increased by +33%

Current projects & Plans for the future 

Navigation and design projects 
We have several projects in the works to improve navigation and to renew the design of our Community. We want to refine our content mapping, increase visibility of accepted solutions and relevant threads to users who search for them. We are implementing a whole new design (a brand new skin for our Community which aligns with the Dropbox brand guidelines), we are archiving threads and redirecting users to up to date content, moving more than 30,000 threads in the process to fit them in our new categories. Additionally, we are reviewing all our labels and tags, optimising suggested content, reviewing the algorithm of our sidebar, rethinking our entry points, upgrading our onboarding process, auditing our search bar results and other platform improvements. Our team is busy, and we can’t wait to show you what our Community will look like after all these projects have been accomplished! 
First-class customer satisfaction
We want to keep fostering meaningful engagement and transforming our Community into a hub of customer centricity. We are working on key improvements to the digital user journey and support experience, focusing on the quality of our content and interactions within all areas of the Community. 
Additionally, we plan to continue investing in SEO efforts and optimizing our engagement strategy for maximum impact. This work is ongoing and we believe it is important to ensure not only user acquisition, but also quality content that our community members find valuable. 

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