JaniceKe's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
3 years ago

2022 Customer Awards: Hubspot - Best-in-Class: Community

Company: Hubspot

Company background: HubSpot is a marketing, sales, and customer service platform that helps companies grow better.

Contact: Jennifer Sowyrda

Title: Community Program Manager

Related URLs: https://www.hubspot.com/

Kudos Category: Best-in-Class: Community

1. Describe the organization's objectives in launching a community. What is the use-case and purpose of your community? Do you use your community for support, enablement and learning, marketing awareness, customer success, driving sales, product innovation, etc.? Has the community charter evolved in any way since launch?
Please see the Hubspot Community Story on attached document!

2. Tell us about how you are using your community and how you made it happen. Did you get executive/business/stakeholder buy-in? What was your process to gain this buy-in? How have you achieved cross functional support, added stake-holders and increased organizational adoption?
Please see the Hubspot Community Story on attached document!

3. What were the results? Tell us how it impacted your customer experience or the outcomes you seek as a business. Please include metrics if possible.
Please see the Hubspot Community Story on attached document! 

<Supporting visuals: Please include any supporting visuals/graphics into your above answers. Insert them into your text copy, so we’re clear on desired positioning of the graphics. We will accept videos for this entry. All videos must be submitted as publicly viewable links on YouTube or Vimeo.>

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