tpsmith617's avatar
3 years ago

2022 Customer Awards: Pledge 1% - Engagement for Good

Company: Pledge 1%

Company background: Pledge 1% is a global nonprofit and movement that educated and inspires all companies and entrepreneurs to leverage their assets for social good in local communities and the world. Pledge 1% has 15k active members across industries, including Salesforce, Atlassian, Okta, DocuSign and Twilio.

Contact: Tim Smith

Title: Vice President

Related URLs:

Kudos Category: Engagement for Good

1. Tell us how you are leveraging Khoros technology to drive a positive social outcome in your community (think: inclusive campaigns, filtering out hate speech, driving donations, etc.).

We use Khoros as our primary platform for engaging our community of 15k Pledge 1% members around the world. We elevate key trends in corporate philanthropy and community engagement. We frequently run campaigns in our community to elevate Women Who Lead, businesses making a true impact in the climate change, space, business leaders of color, and other diverse constituents. We regularly post engaging content around corporate social responsibility, employee engagement, specific social issues, DEI, etc. Members coalesce around these topics and leverage Khoros to collaborate and engage.

2. What are some initiatives, causes, cultural moments, or social justice movements that you’ve been able to support or be involved in using the Khoros platform?
A few initiatives the Khoros platform has helped us support are below: Women in Entrepreneurship Covid Relief Efforts Humanitarian Relief Efforts Climate Change Racial Equity/DEI

3. What were the results? Tell us how this helped your team uphold brand values, drive brand trust with your audience, reach your goals, increase cost savings, increase efficiency, etc. Please include metrics and examples if possible.

Our Khoros community has helped to coordinate and streamline our content and programming for our diverse members. We have been able to develop specific tools and resources and disseminate them effectively using Khoros. Before working with Khoros, our member journey was a bit disjointed, and Khoros has really helped centralize our offerings and engagement. Khoros helped to guide our team in terms of how we could drive engagement around specific cause campaigns, like our Climate Justice series. We have seen these campaigns result in 100%+ increased engagement on our community.

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