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3 years ago

2022 Customer Awards: Promega Corporation - Best-in-Class: Social

Company: Promega Corporation

Company background:

At Promega Corporation, we support life science research by celebrating creativity and connection to drive scientific discovery and innovation. Since 1978, for more than 40 years, we have continued to provide biotechnology solutions for a global community of life scientists and technicians. With 16 branches around the world, we develop and evolve technologies and instrumentation in collaboration with a wide range of scientists and researchers. From simple cloning vectors used to address fundamental questions in biology to bioluminescent assays that help us monitor food safety and water quality, we work side-by-side with our partners in academic, industrial and government institutions to bring the best minds to bear on the toughest questions. We have done this all with a steadfast commitment to sustainable business models that protect our environment, inspire and develop our employees as individuals, support the wellbeing and growth of our communities, and strengthen our relationships with our customers. Interactions with our customers, partners and vendors are central to everything we do, and we value those relationships. We seek out and build connections across the globe and in our local communities because creative problem solving requires a network of diverse ideas and viewpoints.

Contact: Riley Bell (riley.bell@promega.com) & Michele Arduengo (michele.arduengo@promega.com)

Title: Social Media & Blog Coordinator Intern (Riley) & Social Media Manager (Michele)

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Kudos Category: Best-in-Class: Social

1. Tell us about your unique marketing campaign and/or promotion as well as your goal and key strategies.

Social media platforms are ever-changing. With this in mind, Promega's strategy is focused on ensuring we take advantage of every feature available. In particular, we're interested in harnessing what YouTube has to offer related to our channel. Revamping our current content and incorporating a variety of new additions to our YouTube channel was key here. To this end, our goal centered around driving more traffic and referrals to our corporate website. By improving SEO with YouTube's search engine, we sought to increase our social presence using YouTube. 

However, it doesn't stop there. Our customers are extremely important to us, and in tandem, we endeavored to develop even stronger ties with our community. From educating them to answering relevant questions born from our videos, our strategy includes a reactive and warm approach when engaging with our customers. For example, the below screenshot is emblematic of how we strive to interact with our community: 

2. Share your plan with the target audience and how your digital technology (e.g. social media management platform) helped drive success for the campaign.

We worked with Khoros Strategic Services to get an audit of our YouTube channel and get their recommendations for best practices we can implement. With their insight, we took advantage of many promotional tactics that YouTube has to offer and customized specific features to generate a more successful channel. Some of the recommendations that we took action on include: 

  • Strategically placing keywords to support SEO 
  • Keeping titles under 70 characters  
  • Including keywords in video titles and descriptions  
  • Making sure the first tag is a target keyword and ordering the remaining tags by importance 
  • Organizing playlists 
    • Creating pinned comments which include resources such as helpful links to our website, follow-up videos to watch, and a link to subscribe to our channel 


3. What were the results? Tell us how it helped you seize new revenue stream opportunities, serve customers, protect your brand and/or grow your business (increased subscribers, engagement increase, increased awareness). Please include metrics if possible.

Working with Khoros, our strategic changes and new additions to our YouTube channel saw fantastic results moving from 2020 to 2021. Overall, these revamps optimized visibility, helped meet the needs of our community, and improved our overall video performance. For instance, our subscriber count rose from 2.7K in 2020 to 4K in 2021. Our views jumped in 2020 from 224K to 306K and hours watched in 2020 increased from 6.7K to 9K. 
Additionally, we were able to meet our established goal of driving more traffic and referrals to our corporate website -- Promega.com. For example, in 2021, referrals from YouTube that led to our website increased by 51% since 2020. YouTube itself was second only to our Promega Connections blog, which traditionally brings in a major source of traffic to our website. 

Other website metrics were also promising. From 2020 to 2021, we saw a 164.5% increase in Pageviews. What's more, our Bounce Rate decreased by -19.6% in the same time period. 

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