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Company: BT
Company background: British multinational telecommunications holding company.
Contact: Jennifer Tierney
Title: Content Designer
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Kudos Category: Best-in-Class: Community
1. Describe the organization's objectives in launching a Khoros community. What is the use-case and purpose of your community (support, enablement and learning, marketing awareness, customer success, driving sales, product innovation, etc.)? Has the community charter evolved since its launch, and if so, how?
Our priority is customer engagement and support. From a solely customer supported community we’ve evolved it into a learning hub where admins and moderators publish regular blogs, learning content (how to guides) and help articles. Thanks to the growth in engagement, our community is now being integrated into Help and we’re adding a customer user research panel.
2. How did the community get brought to life? Was there executive/business/stakeholder buy-in? What was the process to gain this buy-in? How was cross-functional support and organizational adoption achieved?
Through dedicated and passionate people who worked with Khoros to build a benefits case, which was presented to senior management to give it a priority in help and support. This resulted in moderator resource from our social team. We then gained greater focus working with Khoros on a redesign that launched in 2022 and our community gained momentum through communications.
3. What were the results? More revenue generated, a reduction of costs, improved customer experience, more innovation, etc.? Tell us how Khoros helped you achieve those results. Please include quantifiable metrics if possible.
Our community has become a trusted place by our members. In the last year, our CHI has increased by 9% and we’ve seen a 17% call deflection into our customer service teams as well as reducing overall Digital Contact Rates by 0.2%. In the last year, total visits have increased by 34.26%, our new sign ups have increased by 106.47%, page views by 40.46% and blog visits by 67.53%. Our overall Enterprise Support Net Promoter Score has also improved.
<Supporting visuals: Please include any supporting visuals/graphics into your above answers. Insert them into your text copy, so we’re clear on desired positioning of the graphics. We will accept videos for this entry. All videos must be submitted as publicly viewable links on YouTube or Vimeo.>
Special Thanks: N/A
Case Study Opt-In: Yes
2023 Customer Awards: BT - Best-in-Class: Community
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- PankajD2 years agoContributor
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