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2 years ago

2023 Customer Awards: Qlik - Best-in-Class: Community

Company: Qlik

Company background: Qlik helps enterprises around the world move faster, work smarter, and lead the way forward with an end-to-end solution for getting value out of data. Our Active Intelligence Platform® is the only one on the market that allows for open-ended, curiosity-driven exploration, giving everyone – at any skill level – the ability to make real discoveries that lead to real outcomes and transformative changes.

Contact: Suzanne Macaluso

Title: Sr. Advisor, Digital Platforms

Related URLs:,,,,

Kudos Category: Best-in-Class: Community

1. Describe the organization's objectives in launching a Khoros community. What is the use-case and purpose of your community (support, enablement and learning, marketing awareness, customer success, driving sales, product innovation, etc.)? Has the community charter evolved since its launch, and if so, how?
We re-launched the Qlik Community, powered by Khoros, in 2018 to provide an improved collaborative learning space for our customers, partners, prospects, students, and data lovers. Today, our Qlik Community supports our vast portfolio of Analytics and Data Integration products.

2. How did the community get brought to life? Was there executive/business/stakeholder buy-in? What was the process to gain this buy-in? How was cross-functional support and organizational adoption achieved?
The first step in bringing the new Khoros Community to life was ensuring our executives saw the value of this collaborative space where we could discuss all things Analytics and Data Integration. Ensuring they understood that this would be the Qlik space that can be reached 24x7x365

3. What were the results? More revenue generated, a reduction of costs, improved customer experience, more innovation, etc.? Tell us how Khoros helped you achieve those results. Please include quantifiable metrics if possible.
The team at Qlik effectively measures and showcases tangible business return on investment (ROI) by evaluating key metrics such as Community growth through new member registrations, active user percentage, engagement percentage, and overall traffic.

<Supporting visuals: Please include any supporting visuals/graphics into your above answers. Insert them into your text copy, so we’re clear on desired positioning of the graphics. We will accept videos for this entry. All videos must be submitted as publicly viewable links on YouTube or Vimeo.>

Special Thanks: Hope Parker

Case Study Opt-In: Yes

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