Company: Post Office
Company background: With over 370 years of service, Post Office is the UK's largest retail network and the largest financial services chain in the UK with more branches than all of the UK’s banks and building societies put together. We also have growing direct channels such as contact centers and online - meaning they’re there for more customers, in more ways. Post Office is now more than it ever was - an independent multi-channel business, with a vibrant, fast-growing financial services business and embarking on a new era of growth, modernization and customer excellence in serving the UK population.
Contact: Darren Jones
Title: Senior Social Media Manager
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Kudos Category: Keep Calm and Carry On
1. How did your team shift your existing strategy to better engage customers during a crisis?
Our strategy was to be promote our support of the LGBT community for the month of June via a series of social media content shared on social. However, replies to this content challenged us accusing us of 'rainbow washing' - we needed to protect our values by being bold and brave in our replies.
2. What operational processes did you create or change to respond in a time of crisis?
1) Duty of care towards our team throughout, ensuring they feel supported, including extended breaks and regular coaching. Many personal attacks made towards them. Increased head count to reply to added volume. 2) Completed business case to extend campaign, galvanizing brand advocates to defend us
3. What success metrics did you use to determine if your shifts in strategy and process had the desired outcomes? What were those quantifiable outcomes?
1) Positive global media coverage for our handling of trolls, including in Attitude, GayTimes, and more. 2) Week on week positive increase in engag. rate ending on 14.9% - our highest ever in a year. 3) 77% volume increase, yet maintained BAU response time of under an hour.
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