PaulGi's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
14 years ago

Lithys 2011: Most Innovative Social Customer Program: RIM

Company: Research in Motiorim.pngn

Categories: Most Innovative Social Customer Program

Entered by: Kerri Birtch (kerrib), Social Support Planning Team

Community Name: Blackberry Support Community Forums 



In the three years since the launch of the BlackBerry Support Community Forums, our overall support community has grown exponentially, particularly in past year as our organization has rolled out even more avenues to assist with social support. 


Our approach to social support has a focus on empowering our customers and offering the tools they need to find a solution to their query.


This is done in a variety of ways including:


  • Maintaining strong ties with our Super User members on the Forums;
  • integrating our Developer Support Forums and Resource Centre into the platform;
  • interacting via Twitter to provide links to Knowledge Base articles or YouTube videos,
  • and continually providing connections to the BlackBerry Help blog and the BlackBerry Developer blog.  

By ensuring that all resources are easily accessible to users and directing them to the correct resources, we are able to cultivate a support community that is not limited to just the Forums, but one that is based on strong, networked ties, allowing our customers to get social support from the channel they are most comfort with.  




Our newly launched site redesign will assist in enhancing this network as we have created more prominent connections to all of our social support channels. New features of the redesign include a more clear break down of support categories to allow users to easily navigate to their area of interest, a real time blog and Twitter feed which is customized to that specific support area, (Developers Support Forums feed has the Developer Blog, Business Support has the @BlackBerry4Biz Twitter account etc.), as well as a dedicated section where users can find links to all of our other BlackBerry communities. 




With our commitment to empowering users and creating social support channels to assist them, we are able to provide our customers with timely responses, reliable support information and some friendly interactions along the way.