PaulGi's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
13 years ago

Lithys 2012: Sephora - Best SuperFan Story

Company: Sephora

Entry Submitted by: Candace Sims (candace_sephora) Community Manager

Community: Sephora BeautyTalk (

Lithy Categories: Best Social Customer Experience


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We are convinced that Sephora has the best SuperFans on the planet, and also the most engaged.


They spend an average of 396 minutes online a month, and purchase 10x more than our average client! They also have created their own community and support system on BeautyTalk, outside of the usual chatter about beauty and makeup.



Aside from the wildly popular user-created traveling Sephora box program, they also offer each other support during troubling times, and give advice to each other on every subject from financial issues to favorite travel destinations.


That they feel so comfortable discussing so many different types of topics with each other is really a testament to how close the super users in our community are.


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Our lounge boards are some of the most popular and active boards in the community, and every time one of our users hits a “hearts” (kudos) milestone in the community, our users throw them a (virtual) party!


It’s really fantastic to see our members rewarding each other and fostering a sense of accomplishment among each other in the community.

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