DeniseJ's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
13 years ago

Lithys 2013: Barclaycard - Best Community Design

Company: Barclaycard USbarclaycard logo.png

Entry submitted by: Jared Young (jaredyoung) Sr. Director, Consumer Markets

Community: Barclaycard Ring (

Lithy category: Best Community Design



Barclaycard Ring’s community design is aesthetically beautiful and additionally there are 3 important elements that differentiate the site from other communities.


  1. “Barclaycard Ring” is not only the name of the product but a Ring graphic also visually plays into individual member identity while symbolizing that the member is part of a community. We’ve designed the Ring to be a functional object that not only denotes individual accomplishment but encapsulates the community experience created in the site itself.
  2. Ring is a site within a site and the design represents a visual integration of a community inside a credit card servicing site. The visual elements of the two sites are perfectly blended and the resulting single site has its own identity, navigation and rules.
  3. The design is simple and elegant and requires almost no learning curve for the user. Even though the site concept is completely new and innovative members know exactly how to navigate between the various features on the site.

Between the beautiful elegance of the design and the 3 differentiating elements above, we believe Barclaycard Ring’s community provides a step-change vision for the way digital communities will be designed in the future.


Beautiful “Pinterest-like” timeline gives members a snapshot of Barclaycard Ring’s ongoing story.




Card members can see their private information and then click over to participate in the community. As members navigate from servicing to community they move from a blue to orange background.





















We show our members the financials for the product in an elegant and simple way.  Even more financial details are revealed to the curious community member.





















Members can easily elect to donate all or a portion of their Giveback™

to charity by using the slide rule function.

























Members vote on product features and evolve the core product.




























Member achievements are displayed in their “ring” and are illustrated by a wide assortment of colors that represent potential activities to improve the community.
