DeniseJ's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
13 years ago

Lithys 2013: Barclaycard - Best Community Technical Implementation

Company: Barclaycard USbarclaycard logo.png

Entry submitted by: Jared Young (jaredyoung) Sr. Director, Consumer Markets

Community: Barclaycard Ring (

Lithy category: Best Community Technical Implementation



Barclaycard Ring’s innovative online community is a seamless customer experience that integrates five distinct entities (Lithium, Barclaycard, Epsilon, Curata and Survey Gizmo) using service calls, APIs, SSO integration, daily batch files and other methods. For the first time in the financial services industry, a customer can service their account and seamlessly engage in community activities ranging from reading blogs or 3rd party articles, commenting on discussion threads, earning badges, donating to charity, voting on product features and looking at the bank’s financial stats. A complex set of technical interactions were developed with the vision of a seamless and rich customer experience and Barclaycard Ring fully delivers on that promise.


Lithy_Tech_3.pngSeamless Customer Experience

Lithium community is seamlessly integrated with Barclaycard servicing site so customers can service their accounts and interact with the community.


Your performance “ring” is built using a custom javascript library that selects from a finite set of images based on a customer’s progress.


Community Financials

Financial metrics are systematically sent from Barclaycard data warehouse to Lithium.  The site uses the values to product the graphical displays.


3rd party content is displayed using the Curata API to retrieve the title, content and URL of “tagged” articles.  Moderation tools developed for Lithium backend are used to support the display of articles.



























The ultimate in credit card gamification:

Servicing & Community metrics are evaluated in near real-time to build the 4 color sections of the ring.  A combination of community activity, SSO attributes and daily batch file data are utilized to build the ring.


Product Behavior Badges - A daily batch file from Barclaycard is provided to Lithium to activate or deactivate certain badges.




Lithy_Tech_6.pngRefer a Friend

Refer a Friend is a module that is presented through the site to encourage customers to share Barclaycard Ring with their friends.  A unique refID is created for track referral applications along with driving the recruiter and campaign manager badges. Barclaycard servicing site is called for the referral ID. If an email is entered then a 3rd party vendor Epsilon deploys the invite.



Community members VOTE on product features. Polls integrate with Survey Gizmo so that each individual’s vote is tracked and survey results are captured using Survey Gizmo API.




Lithy_Tech_8.pngIntegration with Card Servicing

On the card’s servicing page, there is a seamless integration to the community and the main features of the community, including Blog, Financial Stats, Discussions, Refer A Friend and Profile links are presented on this page using the Lithium API.


Profit Sharing

Barclaycard Ring shares its profits with members.  Customers see the amount of profit share they’ve received on their personal page. A Barclaycard service is calledto present the exact financial amount.  Customers use the sliding scale to donate their profit share portion to a charity they have selected and the same service is calledto capture the customer’s donation.



























Promotional Site is a public facing site that is part of the same community instanceas the private community, allowing customers to see the benefits of the Barclaycard Ring community as they consider applying for the card.



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