DeniseJ's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
13 years ago

Lithys 2013: Groupe Casino - Best Community Technical Implementation

Company: Groupe Casinocvous logo.jpg

Entry submitted by: Henrik Perrochon (Henrik) C'Vous Co-founder

Community: C'Vous (

Lithy category: Best Community Technical Implementation



In February 2012, we launched, the 1st community in France where customers can interact to create products and services for our stores. We had already thought about the design of our community and its user interface when we started working with Lithium. We wanted every C’Vous member to be able to contribute easily from the member’s page and from the website home page.


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Lithy_Tech Imp_2.pngTo reach these goals, we’ve created many different custom components. Within the first year, the community grew significantly and with the number of posts increasing it began to be difficult for the members to follow comments and reply to their ideas or forum messages. To improve our members’ experience, we decided to implement a system of notifications. Every time they have a new rank or when other members give kudos or comment an idea or a forum board they have initiated, they get alerts in their notification system. 





We recently launched C’Vos recettes where members can post recipes and add the ingredients they need directly to their online shopping cart. To enable them to add recipes, we created a specific idea post page in which the community member can enter a title, ingredients and instructions. This page was technically mandatory to enable the external widget to transform any member’s recipe into a list of ingredients to order. It configures the post to look like a recipe to help the user writing its recipe.


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On the C’Vos recettes’ post page, ingredients (“40g of dark chocolate”) are turned into generic ingredients (“chocolate”) which are automatically identified as labels and tags. This makes it possible to filter all recipes by ingredient. In the future, we will launch a mobile application that will allow our customers to scan a product in stores and display all related recipes available on C’Vous.


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