DeniseJ's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
13 years ago

Lithys 2013: Groupe Casino - Best Social Marketing Program

Company: Groupe Casino

Entry submitted by: Christelle Dorat (Cexplor) Community Manager

Community: C'Vous (

Lithy category: Best Social Marketing Program



In February 2012, Groupe Casino launched, the 1st community in France allowing customers from our 3 retail chains Casino, Franprix and Leader Price to co-create products and services for our stores.



C'VosIdées is where community members can propose, from scratch, ideas of products and services for the stores. The community votes for their favorite ideas and Groupe Casino reviews the top ideas and implements them when possible. For example, the concept of Idea N°1, a vegetarian corner gathering several vegetarian products in the same area of the stores, is currently undergoing testing.



C'VosProduits allows Casino, Franprix or Leader Price customers to vote for their favorite products and recommend them to others. It also helps our marketing teams collect customer insights on products sold in stores.



C'EntreVous is a forum where members can ask questions or give advice about retail shopping or everyday products. They are also able to post recipes and add the ingredients they need directly to their online shopping cart. This really simplifies and shortens shopping time for our customers!



Last but not least, regularly proposes to its members to co-create products. There are two types of product co-creation. The first one consists of asking members to choose between different extensions of a product.



The second way is a deeper engagement with our members. One example we are very proud of is the Apérichefs story. This started with a casting. To participate, members submitted recipes or ideas of snack food products. Out of the candidates, nine Apérichefs were selected and invited to GroupeCasino's office in Paris to brainstorm and taste snack food products using their recipes or ideas. Currently on, community members can vote amongst 6 delicious propositions of snack food products (madeleines) recommended by the 9 Apérichefs.



The C'Vous community is completely integrated into Groupe Casino's overall marketing strategy to support its goal to build proximity with customers and consumers in general.  Thanks to the community, we can listen to our customers and improve their shopping experience by implementing their product and services ideas that impacts our sales positively increases customer loyalty to our stores.


C’Vous also received professional recognition. We were awarded two TopCom Awards in 2012 and two E-Marketing awards in 2013 (Grand Prix and Award of the Best Community Strategy).


The C'Vous Team

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