JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
11 years ago

Lithys 2014: ING Direct - Best Community Design

Company: ING Direct ING direct logo.png

Entry submitted by: Nicolas Hun (nicolashunBrand Content and Social Media Manager

Community: Le Web Café ING Direct (https://communaute.ingdirect.fr/)        

Lithy category: Best Community Design



ING Direct has launched its Lithium community to give visibility and highlight the good relationship it has with its customers, but also to reduce the costs of customer relations mainly services by call.


In December 2013, ING Direct France, the leader of online banking in France, launched its Lithium community, "Le Web Café".


ING homepage.png


This community, 100% integrated in ingdirect.fr website enriches the existing ecosystem "Web Café" of the brand composed from a Facebook Page, a Twitter account and 2 physical coffees in Paris and Lyon.


It was really important for the brand to use the name of "Web Café" as "Web Café" is the link for all the places where clients and prospects can discuss and share each other and with ING Direct, but also to give a possibility for the clients to tell and share their satisfaction and good relation with the bank.


The Lithium community is composed of three bricks:


1) A forum where clients and prospects can directly and freely discuss with the bank's customers, allowing customers to share their experiences and expertise with the community.


ING forum.png


2) A lab where members can test and share their ideas to improve and build the bank of tomorrow.


ING lab.png


3) A blog to decrypt, give tips, and share all useful informations to members to complete their projects.


ING blog.png


A global coherence has been respected in term of graphical guidelines with flat design and limited range of colors (white, blue and orange), but also in term of the tonality in line with ING Direct philosophy.


"A clear, simple and transparent bank."


The architecture and the design were thought to offer the best user experience.

The tab navigation has been chosen to offer a quick and easy navigation on desktop but also on tablets.

To stay in line with the positioning of ING Direct, the name of the categories and subcategories has been built around usages and not around a product range.

For example, we're not talking about a "current account", but of "money every day" to be more online with our client's needs and usages of banking. We're a partner who understands them and their life and not only a dealer of products.

The users of the community may easily find the good category to ask questions and the right place to share their expertise.


The community has been enriched with a rich gallery of avatars (male and female). The design of those avatars answered several requirements. They are serious enough for a bank company, rich, but also sympathetic. Some dedicated and personalized avatars have been drawn for the ING Direct community team.


ING avatars.png      ING avatars homepage.png     


ING avatars2.png


The community is a real success. In 4 months, the community has about 2 800 active members and more than 73 000 unique visitors. 741 discussions have been raised and more than 270 ideas to improve the lives of customers and build the bank of tomorrow have been shared.


Our business results:

"Le Web Café", with more than 466 247 pageviews and 741 discussions.
69% - Topics posted by members generated reactions from other members.
45% - Topics posted by members received answers from other members.

21% - Discussions related to the category "Become a customer"
62% of these discussions are about the process