JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
11 years ago

Lithys 2014: Rogers - Digital Strategy Leader

Company: Rogers Rogers logo.png

Entry submitted by: Margaret Tsuji (MargaretT) Community Manager

Community: Rogers Community Forums (communityforums.rogers.com)

Lithy category: Digital Strategy Leader



Rogers is a diversified Canadian communications and media company. We are Canada’s largest provider of wireless voice and data communications services and one of Canada’s leading providers of cable television, high speed internet and telephony services. Through Rogers Media, we are engaged in radio and television broadcasting, televised shopping, magazines and trade publications, sports entertainment, and digital media.


Our goal is to be first to easily connect Canadians with what matters next and we offer better ways of living and working to Canadians who embrace technology.  


Creating a better customer experience is one of our corporate strategies. As such, in August 2013, we launched Rogers Idea Box which is a co-creation platform based on Lithium's idea exchange technology. Idea Box lives within the Rogers Community Forums and is a place where users can submit/comment/vote on ideas to improve customer service and support, Rogers.com, the MyAccount App, and Rogers Stores.         


Rogers IdeaBox graphhic.png 


We are the only major Canadian telcommunications company to host a co-creation platform/idea exchange. 


Idea Box was so successful that we were also able to leverage it to collect ideas about the community forums itself (and we were able to archive the "Community Feedback" board).  And we are now looking at expanding Idea Box to include categories such as products, services, and pricing. Furthermore, we are now being approached by other areas of the business who want to leverage Idea Box.


When customers provide feedback to us via Twitter or Facebook, we now have a place to point them to; Idea Box is a place where they feel their ideas will be heard and not just a virtual suggestion box.


Idea Box's impact to our business:

- We have received over 170 ideas in six months; 11 ideas have been launched, 9 are being reviewed and 8 are in progress.

- Without doing a splashy PR campaign, news of Idea Box's launch was picked up by sites like Mobile Syrup and Eye on Mobility with comments like “It’s one more way that Rogers is trying to improve the dialogue with its customers.” and “This could be a step forward for customer service.”

- Launching Idea Box drove traffic to our community in a normally quiet time of the year; the week Idea Box launched, we saw a 22% increase in page views and a 10% increase in unique visitors.  Traffic during Idea Box launch week was actually higher than our usual peak time around the iPhone launch!

- We’ve even seen users going to other forums to ‘share’ their idea and encourage votes!  http://www.dslreports.com/forum/r28993963-Rogers-Standalone-Modem-Ideabox


Rogers screenshot.png