JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
11 years ago

Lithys 2014: Vodafone Espana - Digital Strategy Leader

Company: Vodafone Espana Vodafone logo.png

Entry submitted by: Zaira Pérez (Zperezp) Specialist, Self Management Channel

Community: Foro Vodafone(http://foro.vodafone.es)

Lithy category: Digital Strategy Leader


Vodafone Spain's aim is to provide best in class service to our customers with innovative and great value added offers and products.Vodafone Spain eForum Community serves the needs for those customers after product acquisition in order to provide a great experience and exploitation of their devices & acquired services. 


Lithium provides Vodafone Spain the channel to enable direct communication with customers in order to satisfy their queries and incident resolution. At the same time, we provide customers with a Knowledge Center with loads of Tutorials and tips to engage and improve their mobile devices and DSL connection.


Vodafone Support Savings graphic2.jpg


Vodafone Spain Heroes was created with the intention to enable a Community where users can compete to get new badges and powers while helping each other to solve their queries. This gamification programme not only encourages greater customers/users participation but also promotes new useful content creation. The new interactions and content also engage user self-management and product knowledge. This enables great Community growth for Vodafone Spain eForum users as a support channel to get helpful and resolute answers providing internal KPIs a real boost.


Since the Programme started back in November 2013, “Vodafone Heroes Programme” participants drove over 10k new interactions within the Vodafone Spain and over 25 contestants actively help out other users. A great amount of kudos and new accepted solutions have been originated from those answers and users keep on recommending the Programme to their friends. In addition to this programme, Heros have created 134 helpful and resolute new posts. With these new posts, Heros have provided an increase of the Vodafone Spain forum visits volume by over 67K (an average of 500 visits per new Hero post). In addition, Heros helped to get an incremental 20% SEO in comparison with the previous year.


More about the Vodafone Heroes Programme


Our Vodafone Spain Heroes Programme is focused on acquisition of new Community Members and Moderators outside the company employees to enable a real 2.0. approach.  Vodafone Spain Heroes is created with the intention to enable a Community where users can compete to get new badges and powers whilst they help each other to solve their queries.


This gamification programme not only encourages greater customer/users participation but also promotes new useful content creation. Those new interactions and contents also engage user self-management and product knowledge. This enables great Community growth for Vodafone Spain eForum users as a support channel to get helpful and resolutive answers providing internal KPIs a real boost.


Vodafone Spain Heroes Programme is closely monitored on a weekly basis by the Spain Community Managers who provide Heroes with guidance and one-to-one follow up on their adventure. The Programme includes 3 role categories (Vodafone Hero Apprentice,  VodfoneHero and Vodafone SuperHero) and 4 power badges (speed, wisdom, aim and creation) that allow users to possess different strengths.


Programme is based on nomination of weekly winners for each power badge providing users with exclusive benefits and privileges as they get Points of power along with their nominations. Benefits are also related with fame and pride such as allowing users to moderate or ban other users as well as collaborating on official content creation published within Vodafone sites. There is a Points of Power catalogue accessible to the users once they enter the programme where users can redeem and select their desired prizes. Offer range is very wide not only offering goods but also “benefits” and events participation or pride recognition.


Any Vodafone Spain eForum registered user is eligible to participate on the Heroes Programme. Users need to pass the initial challenge to get their first “hero Apprentice” badge and from then, new badges unlocked will move users up in the scale of roles. Once a user reaches to unlock the 4 badges, they are appointed Vodafone  Superheroes.


At Vodafone, we truly think we deserve to become Lithys winners as this Programme has evolved and demonstrated the value of the Vodafone eForum community. Since the Programme started back in November 2013, “Vodafone Heroes Programme” participants drove over 10k new interactions within the Vodafone Spain and over 25 contestants actively help out other users. A great amount of Kudos and new accepted solutions have been originated from those answers and users keep on recommending the Programme to their friends. In addition to this programme, Heros have created 134 helpful and resolutive new posts; with these new post Heros have provided an increase of the Vodafone Spain forum visits volume by over 67K (an average of 500 visits per new Hero post). On the other hand, Heros helped to get an increment of 20% SEO in comparison with the previous year.