JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
10 years ago

Lithys 2015: Claro - Total Community All Star

Company: Claro  Claro logo 2.jpg
Entry submitted by:  Iasmine Pereira (Iasmine) and Luciano Piva (Lpivap)  

Community:  Comunidade Claro hdtv (http://comunidadeclarohdtv.claro.com.br/)

Lithy category: Total Community All Star


Claro TV is a Brazilian satellite pay-TV operator, controlled by Mexican company America Movil, one of the largest groups of mobile telephony in the world that, from 2006, began to adopt Claro brand in 16 countries of America. With over 3 million subscribers, Claro TV is now the fourth largest pay-TV operator in Brazil.   


We decided to implement the Community and LSW because we wanted a new user experience for our brand which would bring with it key business and marketing opportunities such as:

  • Call deflection;
  • Reduced customer attrition;
  • ROI optimization;
  • Become an innovative player in the Brazilian Market;
  • Create a CRM channel with our members and customers;
  • Reduced Support costs.


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Benefits of a Total Community


Both LSW and Community have been decisive in helping us be more effective on social channels and establishing a closer brand relationship with our customers.


The Community is a source of valuable content both for customers looking for solutions to problems and to Claro TV fans searching for the latest Claro news. To help direct our customers to the community from our main domain and ensure they can quickly find the information they need, the Claro TV website was redeveloped to include several various touch points to the community and federated search, leading to a 45% increase in Community page views.


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In addition to our own promotion efforts, the community has benefited from seeing its content shared on the social web by some of our fans, expanding the community’s reach and driving engagement.   The Community also increased registrations for Minha Claro, an exclusive online account management tool for Claro customers. This increase is very important because not only is Minha Claro useful for future CRM purposes, the tool offers a number of support features that generate further call deflection from Customer Support.


With LSW we are able to unify support across social channels, and the agents are able to answer more questions in less time.  This productivity increase meant we were able to reduce the team while maintaining our SLA’s and volume of response.  The integration of Community and LSW means that we are able to link to community topics in our social responses, potentially reducing agents’ time to response while providing an additional means of promoting the community.


Our results


In the first 8 months of the ClaroTV Community and Social support through LSW we have seen impressive results:


  • 40% month on month growth of unique visitors
  • 23% month on month growth of registrations
  • 18% month on month growth of new topics
  • 86% customer satisfaction score for social support through LSW
  • 50% increase in agent responses per day compared to our previous tool


On top of that, solution views continue to grow 100% month on month, increasing the reach of peer-to-peer solved topics and potentially contributing to support deflection.