JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
10 years ago

Lithys 2015: Ooredoo - Excellence in Customer Satisfaction

Company: Ooredoo Qatar Ooredoo logo.jpg

Entry submitted by: Muna Barakat (monabarakat) Community Manager

Community: Ooredoo Community (http://community.ooredoo.qa/

Lithy category: Excellence in Customer Satisfaction 


Ooredoo Qatar is a telecomm company based in Qatar. It is the first telecom company in the country. Ooredoo is a provider of mobile services, wireless and wire-line services, entertainment services, and content services, with varying market share in the domestic and international telecom markets and in the business (corporations and individuals) and residential markets.


Ooredoo went international few years back to include eight other telecom companies in countries such as, Kuwait, Oman, Maldives, Myanmar, Tunisia, and Algeria. Today, Ooredoo serve more than 90 million people internationally.


However, our Ooredoo Community is cozy when it comes to size. We focus on Qatar’s market that has around 2 million people. We launched Community on May 2014, so we are barely one year old.


Our 2014 customer satisfaction intiatives


Every person in Qatar has at least one device or service from Ooredoo. Due to our verity of services, we have high pressure on our customer service. Although we support our customers on many online and offline channels such as our website, Facebook, twitter, snapechat, instagram, call center, and shops, but we wanted to do the extra mile and offer our customers a unique experience where they can get help from their peers. This is where Lithium role comes!


We launched our forum around a year ago, but we are already seeing it grow nicely with members, quality content, and getting picked up by Google Although we haven’t done aggressive paid campaign, so this growth is mostly organic.


Ooredoo’s initiative to always offer what is new and different is what attracts customers to it. Peer to peer, social support forum, such as the solution that Lithium offers isn’t a common trend in Qatar or even the region. Being the first of its kind has pros and cons because it is harder to educate the public about these forums. The choice of having a young female community manager is also an indication of unorthodox practice, because Ooredoo is all about the end result and not following what is common or average.


Being keen on customer satisfaction, we wanted to hit three main areas:

  • Humanize our brand
    • Weather you are an Ooredoo staff or regular customer on Community, we encourage the user to show his character. Our style of writing is more casual. The result? Customers started to change the image of a faceless corporate, and having names associated with Ooredoo such as the team working on Community like me, and other Ooredoo staff members.
  • Own our content
    • You saw a solution of how to restart your Wi-Fi device of Facebook five months ago. Today, your Wi-Fi started to act up and you need this valuable post, could you find it? With many social media channels like Facebook, twitter, and instagram, it is very tiring and sometimes impossible to find old content.
    • Owing our content meant hassle free to our customers. And it was a win/win solution for our product team that could monitor feedback and gain market research info in a way, AND our customers who don’t have to wait on the phone for many cases.
  • A hub for customers to share, chill, and be heard
    • Increasing enthusiasm level toward our brand
    • get personal with our customers, know who they are, what changes they need, and what they like to watch as a movie so we can include it on our Mozaic service, and many other scenarios.


Our results


There is a causality effect between Community and decrease in customer complaints, but we don’t think it is a direct causality.


However, we have many posts from our super-users, and active users who expressed their satisfaction, or promoted our Ooredoo services on Community countless times, such as this topic that gave a review to our most common services:


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This is an example of a user (who’s not a super user) who gave review on Mozaic service. In return, one of our senior experts on Mozaic replied to every points the user gave, provided future plans, and offered beta trail chances for the user to test. Here are some of the reactions:


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