JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
10 years ago

Lithys 2015: Rogers (Fido) - Total Community All Star

Company: Rogers (Fido) Rogers logo.jpg

Entry submitted by: Strickland Hines of Rogers and Caroline Lalonde of Fido (clalonde), Community and Social Media Support Manager

Community: Rogers Community Forum and Fido Community

LSW social channels: 

Rogers: FacebookTwitterand second Twitter

Fido: FacebookTwitter,  second Twitter 

Lithy category: Total Community All Star


Rogers Communications Inc. is a diversified Canadian telecommunications and media company. We are Canada's largest wireless voice, data and cable services provider and are well known for our product innovations as well as for being first to market. The Fido brand is part of the Rogers family.


Rogers and Fido have outlined several areas of focus for 2015; improving the overall customer experience being at the forefront. Our customers are very important to us and putting them first is imperative to our success. The social media team at Rogers and Fido play an integral role in doing so. Both Rogers and Fido have their own unique Community/Social Support teams.


In 2010, we chose Lithium as our platform provider and launched the Rogers and Fido communities. We wanted a best in class platform and a means for customers to self-serve, thereby deflecting calls from our contact centres. The support provided at that time was predominantly peer to peer technical support.


With the successful launch of the Rogers and Fido Communities, we sought new opportunities to engage with our customers; Twitter and Facebook provided ideal social platforms and opportunities we were searching for.


In 2011, we launched our Social Care teams, offering our customers a new and convenient support option. As such, we began to support and engage with our customers on twitter and Facebook. As we earned their trust through the provision of reliable support and information, customers began to adopt this new means of social support and the number of followers grew.


In 2013, in order to increase engagement on our social platforms, the scope of support provided in the Forums was expanded to include discussions on all consumer products and services. We also launched Rogers Idea Box, giving customers a voice to help direct change. Idea Box also served as an additional data collection point for customer insights.


Recognizing the need for better reporting capabilities for our social support, we began searching for a social tool that would enable better customer engagement and provide valuable insights through data collection and reporting. After researching a number of social engagement tools, we settled on Lithium Social Web (LSW) and in 2014, the Social Care team was transitioned to the LSW platform. The transition proved valuable; giving us access to more insightful reporting and new capabilities.


Benefits of a Total Community


A Lithium community and LSW are important to our social strategy of providing customers with convenience through self-serve. LSW enables seamless engagement with our customers, allowing us to respond to their support requests on Facebook/twitter via PM/DM or in public, while the community serves as a lasting source of relevant and helpful content.


In 2015, we began to optimize the Rogers and Fido Communities by leveraging insights from Lithium Social Intelligence (LSI). Our focus was set on content optimization, customer support and redesigning the Communities. We hired a team of temporary employees to review all posts to ensure accuracy and relevance of information, accepted or provided solutions and then created new content via posts, videos and blogs which aligned to contact centre top call driver results. We also hired additional permanent staff to provide direct on channel support to customers in the forums when our Super Users didn’t have the tools to assist.


An important next step in our Social strategy is the integration of our digital properties with the Social platforms we use to support customers. With the capability of the Lithium platform to integrate with our websites, we’ll be able to create seamless buy flows from community to website and helpful peer reviews from the communities on products housed on our website. We began the integration effort with a redesign of both communities to better align each community with its respective website and brand strategy. With Lithium’s support, we were able to successfully launch the redesigned Rogers Community Forums on March 31 and the redesigned Fido Community Forums on April 7.


The redesign and optimization aim at achieving the following:     

  • Deflect calls from our contact centers by increasing our resolution rate to best in class results of 40%
  • Leap frog the competition, increase and maintain our CHI score to best in class results of 750
  • Improve responsiveness to 3 hours


Our Total Community results


Today, both the Rogers and Fido Communities are staffed to support customers, and content is created daily, with blogs, posts, videos and live Rogers Ask an Expert events. We have communicated the change within the organization and externally to our customers, leveraging customer facing material like bill messages as well as IVR messaging and transactional email notifications. At this point, if your forum peers cannot assist, there is a Rogers or Fido moderator waiting to help. Today, with post launch resolution rates results at 40%, we can proudly say that the Rogers and Fido Communities are reliable sources of customer information and support.


As we continue with our approach and roadmap into Q2 of 2015, we are well on our way to building a better customer experience.


Rogers Performance Results:


Rogers 1.jpg


Fido Performance Results:


Fido 1.jpg