JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
10 years ago

Lithys 2015: Symantec - Excellence in Customer Satisfaction

Company: Symantec Symantec Norton.png
Entry submitted by: Tim Lopez (Tim) Project Manager, Social Customer Care

LSW: Norton Social Support (http://www.twitter.com/NortonSupport)

Lithy category: Excellence in Customer Satisfaction


Symantec was founded in 1982 by visionary computer scientists. The company has evolved to become one of the world’s largest software companies with more than 18,500 employees in more than 50 countries. We provide security, storage and systems management solutions to help our customers – from consumers and small businesses to the largest global organizations – secure and manage their information-driven world against more risks at more points, more completely and efficiently than any other company.


Our 2014 customer satisfaction goals were to decrease response times from 9 minutes to 6 minutes, move our team from a shared resource “hybrid” model to a dedicated team for Social Response, extend our hours of coverage from 12 hours a day to 24x7, increase our reach by expanding to areas outside of our branded properties, and develop a metric for gauging customer sentiment conversion trends. Through strategic planning, including continued use of Lithium Social Web, we were able to:

    • Reduce response time to just about 5 minutes.
    • Launch 24x7 coverage with our newly formed full-time dedicated response team.
    • Expand support response coverage to Google Play, YouTube, Amazon Reviews, and many popular forums and blogs across the internet.
    • Develop an innovative scoring system that averages the score of sentiment conversions allowing us to track the trend of our ability to delight customers and to ensure that as we grow we continue to focus on maintaining or improving customer satisfaction.
    • Move from English only support to now include Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish, Swedish, and Russian – on both Twitter and Facebook.
    • Generate reports that get distributed on a regular basis to the entire Norton Business Unit.


Sentiment Conversions and Time to Response have always been our driving factor. We want our customers to be thrilled with our engagement so we ensure that all of our metrics and KPIs reflect what we can do that benefits the customers. We want our customers to know that we care for them even after we have won over their business. 

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Using Sentiment Conversion tagging that we developed for use with LSW over the last year, we were able to show visual representations on our monthly reports. Using a system that translated the type of sentiment conversion in to a tangible score, we were able to create an average score that represents our success in delighting customers, further allowing us to track the trend.

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We were able to streamline our response time by moving to a full time team (in February) and balancing our scheduling around hourly volume trends.


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Last year we had an 80% increase in individual cases and responses, at the same time we slightly decreased in ‘noise’, 50% increase in Positive Sentiment conversion, on over 14,000 cases handled in over 160,000 conversations monitored.