JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
10 years ago

Lithys 2015: Vodafone UK - Social ROI Titan

Company: Vodafone UK Vodafone logo.png

Entry submitted by: James Butler (Butlerj7) Digital Product Manager

Community: Vodafone UK eForum Community (http://forum.vodafone.co.uk/)

Lithy category: Social ROI Titan


Vodafone is one of the world's leading mobile communications providers, operating in more than 30 countries and in partnership with networks in over 40 more. Across the world, we have almost 360 million customers and around 19 million in the UK.


Primary Objectives for 2014

  • Improve deflection from assisted service channels [Calls, LiveChat]
  • Improve commercial leads
  • Increase community engagement


Improve deflection from assisted service channels [Calls, LiveChat]

  • Community deflection from assisted channels increased in FY 14/15 by 2.4% YoY to 22.8%. Deflecting 2.2 million customers from assisted service channels.


How we achieved this:

  • Increase visibility of solved topics: In the three months after optimisation the total number of solutions had increased by 18% and total solution visits had increased by 16%.

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  • Increased traffic to self-serve content: Traffic from Contact Us page to Community increased by 41% YoY as more customers select it as channel of choice. Since launching new custom component functionality in Sep 2014, 21,000 visitors have navigated directly to self-serve tools.

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Improve commercial leads

  • In FY 14/15, on average, 800 orders a month visit the Community on their way to checkout.


How we achieved this:

  • Promotion of new devices and services: Custom component banners are seen by 130,000 visitors a week, generating high CTR and awareness.

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  • Blog content integrated: Rich content added into blog templates on the Community driving further awareness and encouraging discussions. 

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Increase community engagement

  • In Aug 2014 we launched the Premium Gameification module, with 26 badges and a review of our on-boarding experience. Since launched, 205,529 badges have been awarded, with 10 new members identified and added to our nurturing programme to develop Super Users.


Here is an overview of their activity since registering [Aug 14 – Mar 15]:

Number of Posts


Total Posts Read


Gross Thanks Given


Gross Thanks Received


Total Minutes Online


Accepted Solutions


Total Sign ins



How we achieved this:

  • Use bespoke functionality to identify potential Super Users: New members must achieve the first 5 ‘core functionality’ badges before unlocking further badges [Post, Reply, Give Kudos, Receive Kudos, and Update Profile]. This means that highly engaged users are identified early.

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Additional business results


After launching Premium Gameification, we observed an increase in engagement across all of the core activities we targeted, with a 20% increase in kudos and a 7% increase in solutions.


3 months before

3 months after





28,777 [6.4 Replies per Topic]

35,319 [6.3 Replies per Topic]


16,540 [3.7 Kudos per Topic]

19,845 [3.6 Kudos per Topic]


588 [0.1 Solutions per Topic]

634 [0.1 Solutions per Topic]

Total Tagged Messages




In order to earn the Welcome to the Community badge, awarded for completing the first 5 ‘core functionality’ badges, members would need to fill out a profile bio.


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Of the new members who we identified as potential new super users, the vast majority of them personalised their avatar, give a detailed biography and completed all other relevant fields [what device do you have, are you PAYG or PAYM customer]. Here are some great examples:


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