JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
9 years ago

Lithys 2016: Fido (Rogers Communications) - Marketing Champion

Company: Fido (Rogers Communications)

Contact: Caroline Lalonde (Social Media Support and Community Manager)

Community: Fido Community

Lithy category: Marketing Champion


Fido connects Canadians to the things they love through its ultrafast LTE network, as well as services such as Fido Pulse Plans and Fido Home Internet (Fido Home Internet currently only available in parts of Ontario).


Fido was originally launched by Microcell Solutions Inc. in 1996 and went on to revolutionize the wireless industry in Canada with a unique approach to pricing, a money-back satisfaction guarantee and more. Today, we continue to move ahead with new voice and data technologies as well as the latest in wireless Internet services to keep you connected to what matters most in your life.


The Fido network consists of three network technologies GSM, 4G HSPA+ and now LTE – the new global gold standard of wireless technology. Fido wireless compatible devices fall back onto each network, assuring you have a network to fall back onto. Fido also offers its customers access to the FidoTM wireless network coast-to-coast and with over 300 roaming partners in over 200 countries your device will be compatible wherever you travel.


The Fido Community turns 5


To celebrate the Fido Community’s 5th year anniversary, we held a month-long contest throughout September 2015. In order to enter the draw for a chance to win one of 10 prizes (total of $4000 in prizes), participants were invited to post their best cellular tip and/or trick into the Tips & Tricks board. This new board was created for the contest.


The goals were to:

  • Increase Community registrations;
  • Increase overall Community traffic and liveliness (posts, likes, page views, unique visitors);
  • Raise Community awareness, both externally and internally;
  • Increase useful content in the Community;
  • And, of course, to celebrate the Community’s 5th


We received a total of 371 entries, and some of the best Tips & Tricks were shared on our Social Media properties to promote the Community and give our Community members some exposure and recognition.


Our promotional tactic consisted of a Community blog post to announce and describe the contest, along with the rules & regulations. We then promoted this blog post using the following methods:

  • Our social media properties (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram post)Banner on the homepage of our website
  • Special blurb in emails to customers
  • Text message (to targeted customers)


Facebook Post



On Twitter



Banner on Fido.ca



On September 15th, the actual anniversary date of the Community, we wrote a second Community blog post to remind everyone of the contest and to keep the hype going. We took this opportunity to thank our Community members who have been with us since the start. This blog post was also shared on our Social Media properties, but this time with curiosity sparking infographics to recap the 5 years:



Community Tip Shared on Social Media



Our Results


The results were outstanding! We met each and every one of our goals. The contest increased the Community liveliness, traffic, and overall interaction to a level we hadn’t seen before. Multiple records were broken during the month of September 2015 (percentages are in comparison to the previous month):



The contest was also very well received by the Community, who took joy in sharing their feedback. Our first blog post generated many comments, which mostly consisted of happy birthday wishes and expressions of excitement towards the prizes. Many members voiced their happiness, including top contributors:



The birthday contest not only served as a means to break traffic and registration records, but also as a means of promotion. Even after the contest ended, our traffic continued to increase, justifying our promotional efforts.