JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
9 years ago

Lithys 2016: Orange Espagne SAU - Marketing Champion

Company:  Orange Espagne SAU

Entry submitted by: Daniel López Nieto (SocialMedia/Customer Care)

Community: Orange Community

Lithy category:  Marketing Champion


Spain is the second market in importance for Orange Group, one of the most prominent telecom companies in the world, with more than 263 million clients during 2015.


Through different brands – Orange itself, newly acquired Jazztel, amena and Simyo, we have the trust of more than 19 million clients in Spain making daily use of our fixed and mobile services as well as TV.


Our unique promotion and goal 


Organization of the offline “Event for superusers”, a meeting in the Orange Spain offices. The goals were:


  • Personally meet the most active users of the Orange Community.
  • Show them the way we work daily on the Community.
  • Get feedback and ideas to improve.


The event, that lasted a whole day, included talks of agents and community managers of the Orange Community, talks of directors of different areas of the company, an award ceremony for superusers and a focus group session to gather feedback for improvement.


The event also included an informal lunch in a restaurant in Madrid, as a way of bonding with the users, where everyone expressed their love for the event and encouraged us to repeat it on a frequent basis.


Our strategy and tactics for our community 


The marketing campaign began with a gamification strategy to encourage participation of the Community users. We also encouraged them to register and participate in the Community through the different social media profiles of Orange. The gamification program was based on the challenge to obtain different medals for those with active participation. Four types of superusers were established:

  • Solucionadores (or Solvers): They resolve doubts and problems of the community users.
  • Friendly: Constant participation, always positive, in the different categories of the community.
  • Master Tekkies: Expert users in different áreas (smartphone tricks, gadget and mobile reviews, etc.).
  • Shopping Assistant: They recommend the most adequate tariff, Smartphone or offer to those clients in need of a certain product.



Users under these roles were recognized with customized medals that appeared in their profiles. Also, their participation was shown publicly in the community rankings.



Once they were identified, we created a private fórum only for superusers, where they receive the latest news about the Company and we offer them to be beta testers of some of our products.



After several months of constant activity in the private fórum, the superusers were contacted individually to invite them to the “Orange Superusers” event in Madrid. During the event, they received an award for their hard work on the community, a pack containing different Orange products, including a Smartphone.


They also had the opportunity to give a little thank you speech where everybody attended: superusers, directors of the company and the team in charge of the communities.



After the event, both External and Internal Communications created press notes and other communication published in several media and social networks.




Since then, the activity of the superusers increased, and it is actually themselves who promote other users to be a future superuser of the community. They have asked us to repeat the event in the near future.


Our results


The event was a total success, almost all of the superusers came to Madrid from different cities in Spain, some from as far as the isle of Ibiza. Engagement has improved (posts, problem solving, kudos…) and some of the ideas and suggestions from the event are now in practice.


Everyone that attended (superusers and company employees) published afterwards positive messages in their Twitter and Facebook profiles. And Orange sent an internal note to all employees detailing the marketing action that took place.