JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
9 years ago

Lithys 2016: Rogers - Excellence in Customer Satisfaction

Company: Rogers

Entry submitted by: Margaret Tsuji (Community Forums and Social Media Support Manager) 

Community: Rogers Community Forums

Lithy Category: Excellence in Customer Satisfaction


Rogers Communications is a diversified Canadian communications and media company. We are Canada's largest provider of wireless communications services and one of Canada's leading providers of cable television, high speed internet and telephony services.  


In 2014, we launched a multi-year plan, called Rogers 3.0, to revitalize the company’s legacy of innovation and growth. The plan is centered around delivering a better experience for our customers. We are focused on fixing the basics, creating a more consistent experience and improving customer self-service.


Our 2015 customer satisfaction initiatives


Rogers made a $100 million commitment in 2015 and another $100 million in 2016 to customer experience improvements overall. One of our goals is to deliver the best end-to-end customer experience with minimal customer effort.


We adapted support models to customers’ mobile habits, so customers can get service on the digital and social platforms where they already spend time. In 2015, we made the quantum leap to offer support 24/7 for our customers through social media. We are still the only major Canadian telco to do so.


In partnership with Facebook, we were the first telecommunications provider in the world to offer customer support through Facebook Messenger. Customers can reach us through Facebook Messenger to ask questions, make changes to a plan, update an account, set up a new line and more.





Customers have the ability to respond at their convenience and keep track of the conversation just like they would with their friends.



Leveraging LSW has allowed us to seamlessly and efficiently respond to support requests on Facebook and Twitter, resulting in an average response time of 30 minutes or less. In fact, our goal for 2016 is to achieve an average response time of 15 minutes or less. LSW has also helped us better understand our volume and traffic patterns so we can make operational changes to better serve our customers. In order to support Facebook Messenger, we drastically increased the size of the team and were able to rely on the scalability of LSW to do so.


Our response time has steadily decreased and we have earned the “Very responsive to messages” badge consistently on our Facebook page:


How Lithium helps us solve customer issues


We want to make it easy for our customers to get help. More than 16 million Canadians are on Facebook every day, so it makes perfect sense to bring service to them -- when and where they want it. Now, our customers can message us on Facebook Messenger, ask questions, make changes to their account, and get their problems solved without waiting on hold.


Rogers has seen a significant increase in customer satisfaction metrics for social media support, and attribute part of this to the support customers are receiving from Messenger.


  • NPS has increased since the launch of Facebook Messenger. In fact, the Social Media Support team has the highest NPS score of all consumer contact channels at Rogers!
  • Furthermore, customer complaints, as reported by the Commissioner for Complaints for Telecommunications Services (CCTS) declined faster than all key competitors, down 26% in 2015 and down 50% over the past two years. At the time of this submission, the Mid-Year Report from the CCTS was just released:
    • The Mid-Year Report lists the number of complaints received from the customers of all Participating Service Providers, and shows a substantial decrease in the proportion of complaints received from customers of Rogers. “Although Rogers still had the second-most complaints, it generated 65% fewer complaints in the first half of this year than in the same period last year. We applaud Rogers for the time and effort it has invested in working with CCTS to reduce the number of customer interactions that require recourse to CCTS, thus improving the customer experience for its subscribers. We encourage all of our Participating Service Providers to make similar efforts.”
  • In our first month alone, we had over 70,000 customer interactions on Messenger. As we continue to invest in personalized, online and self-service options, contact volumes have declined by almost 13% in 2015.



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