JaniceK's avatar
Lithium Alumni (Retired)
9 years ago

Lithys 2016: SFR - Community Design of the Year

Company: SFR

Entry submitted by: Laurent Partouche (Community Strategist) and Stéphane Guillemot (Community Project Manager)

Community: RED by SFR

Lithy category: Community Design of the Year


Recently initiated February the 16th, 2016, RED by SFR brand targets the Digital Natives people and is meant to complete the SFR company proposal. In order to answer these target expectations, we imagined a model where the community dimension would be a structural pillar from our customer proposition. Thus was born the Community RED by SFR powered by Lithium. Two major objectives: mutual assistance between our customers and commitment to the brand and with the brand.



It is in a very tight schedule that we realized the entire project. From the strategic thinking to the release candidate, six weeks have passed and only 2 employees supported this goal from the beginning to the end, including the development phases.



Initiated into the agile software method, the RED Community is part of the brand ecosystem, adopting their codes and fitting perfectly with the global website (design, UX and UI), from desktop and mobile devices.


However these 6 weeks did not reduce our ambitions since we realized a lot of advanced customizations to meet specific needs. For example, the development of a second home page corresponding to a dedicated part of the mutual aid and assistance. We will approach this below.



We deemed it essential that the Community have a space where exchanges are extremely dense to enable all users to easily access the search function. Thus it appears on the whole Community pages. We even chose to rearrange this whole function and especially the search results pages.



Therefore we have simplified this experience for our customers by adapting the existing filters: by content type (FAQ, Forum), by date, by solution and an instinctive user search.



We also modified the results display by optimizing the search engine and allowing a better visual identification of the contents.




We have completely redesigned the FAQ organization keeping in mind two things:

  • The users are used to the search engine and dislike browsing the content in order to find what they want.
  • The brands are often unable to maintain over time the FAQ with a coherent hierarchical organization.


Therefore, all our FAQs appear in an unique and same category. However, we wished to keep a classification of them into 2 thematics, by diverting the Tags and Labels functionalities:

  • Tags: corresponding to the product type (Mobile, xDSL, Fiber)
  • Labels: the key moments of our Customer Journey (Ex: “choisir red” = “Choose Red’).


Thanks to this organization, a same FAQ concern one or several products and/or one or several moments of the Customer Journey. Moreover, all the filters act on this unique page. In sum, the classification and duplicate contents issues no longer arise. Only the relevance of the articles has to be managed over time.



Let’s scrutinize an article more in detail. Once again, we concentrated on our customers' expectations: obtaining the searched information quickly and efficiently.


So we focused all relevant information on a given subject and have implemented paragraph anchors to easily find the desired information:

  • Browsing on the article color the part of read summary
  • Browsing over the other parts is done by clicking on this summary, without loading. An experience that our customers desire.



In order to strengthen our digital anchor and maximize the bridges between the Community and social networks, we chose to couple Tumblr to Lithium. The RED Lab homepage dynamically loads from the Tumblr REST API the latest published messages. Their numbers are adjusted accorded to 2 criteria:

  • For the animation needs, the Community Managers are able to make this number vary.
  • The number of messages adapt itself to the user device. For example, on a desktop, the user will have four posts while on a tablet, there will be only 3 messages.


The “Aujourd’hui” page is the integral Tumblr, perfectly integrated into the Community environment (header, menus, footer, etc.).




Our community structure is based on the Customer Journey. So we follow the concern of our customers without creating complexity for our users. They identify more easily where to post their messages and the overall boards perception is richer for readers.




At the heart of the aid section of the community, we insist on putting forward the “solutions” and the “Likes”. Indeed, each connected user has their own pad which emphasizes its status and its progress in the community.



These graphic elements are found repeatedly in our interface.



These elements allow us to have an engaged community, innovative, simple and clear and thanks to a fully responsive interface.


The results at 1 month:

  • 5,000 engaged members
  • 8 Super Users whose contributions represent more than 30% of discussions
  • The RED community management team represent less than 5% of the discussions, meaning 95% of discussions stem from members


  • TimWi's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    9 years ago

    Impressive self-launch using the full responsive Lithium Community Platform. The RED by SFR team has an impressive knowledge about all the layers of what a community are made of and masters all the stages of maturity you need to go through to have a long term self sustainable community.