Knowledge Base Article

Aurora: Featured Guides Widget configuration

The Featured Guides Widget allows community members to easily discover and access highlighted guides on your community pages. With this widget, admins can showcase curated guides, providing members with quick links to essential content. They can be made available for use on designated community pages and helps drive engagement by featuring important or popular guides.

  1. Open the Account menu. 
  2. Go to Designer > Page Templates.
    The Page Templates page opens.
  3. Select the page template where you want to add this widget. 

    In this example, let’s open the Community Home template.

    The designer page for Community Home opens.

  4. Find where you want to add the widget and select Add widget (plus icon).
  5. Select Content from the Add Widget pane.

    A list of widgets that you can add appears.

  6.  Select the Featured Guides widget.



    The Featured Guides widget includes the List and Card layouts.

    From the Edit Widget panel, select one of these options to change the layout. 


    The List layout gives you a simple view of the guides featured.


    The Card layout showcases the guide’s name in the center of the card.

    The options in the List style section for List layouts are the following:

    • Space: Uses whitespace to create space between items.
    • Divide: Adds a horizontal line to divide items.
    • Border: Creates a border that separates items into individual boxes.


    Widget title

    Enter a title to appear at the top of the widget. If the Visible only to screen readers toggle is on, the title is relayed only through screen readers.



    Edit Sample Featured Guides


    Select Edit Sample Content to open a window where you can select a sample guide to preview how the widget will look in the community.


    Search for the guides you want to feature on the community page. You can then reorder the content by grabbing it with your cursor and dragging it to the desired location.

    Select Preview to return to editing the widget.

    Number of items

    Use the slider to indicate how many guides (up to 20) can be displayed on the widget. 



    Max lines of description text

    Use the slider to set up to 20 lines of text for the Featured Guides description. 

    Lead with

    From the Lead with menu, select one of the following:

    • the author’s Avatar
    • the Icon
    • None



    More options

    Additional configuration options for the widget include:

    • Include “More Guides” link: Creates a Show More link if there are more guides than designated on the Number of items slider.
    • Optimize page-load time: Optimize the page's load time using a lazy load method. Widgets only appear as the member scrolls down the page, shortening the time to render the page.


    If there are no articles in a guide or if a guide is hidden, and you choose that guide to be featured in the Featured Guides widget, that Guide will not be visible on the widget on the published page.

    As shown below, “Analytics Dashboard” is an empty guide.


    Let’s add this guide to the Featured Guides widget. 


    After publishing the page template, the “Analytics Dashboard” guide is not visible to the community. 


Updated 4 months ago
Version 3.0
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