Knowledge Base Article

Atlas Structure and Posting Guide

By joining Atlas you are able to stay up-to-date on the latest innovations, product information, ask and answer questions, share resources, collaborate, and participate in discussions with leaders across the globe.
Below are the different categories and discussion boards available to Registered Users and Customers. 
Current customers and partners, if you are unable to access any areas mentioned, please consult Maia and the Atlas guides via chat, or email to request additional access to Atlas.

Registered User Access Guide

As a registered Atlas member, you are granted limited access to engage in the Atlas community. 

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Board Sub-Category

Khoros Marketing: Here, you can learn about the latest innovations and capabilities available from Khoros Marketing.

Khoros Marketing Discussions: Discuss social strategy, technology, and best practices, and ask questions about the platform.


Board Sub-Category

Khoros Care is an industry-leading platform for connecting brands to customers in their preferred messaging channels.

This space is for anyone looking to innovate better customer experiences and more efficient operations.

Let's talk about rich channels, transforming contact centers, and chatbots, and AI!

Care Blog: Read about best practices, success stories, and product roll-outs for Khoros Care.


Board Sub-Category

Khoros Communities is a leader in building vibrant brand communities.

Communities BlogThe hub for Khoros Community analytics, tips, product features, and customer success stories.

Communities Product Discussions: Discuss Khoros Community, publishing, and strategy with other users.

Board Sub-Category

Developer Network: Connect with other developers working with the Khoros Development Platform and find out what they are doing to stay ahead.

Developer Discussion: Connect with other developers working with the Khoros Development Platform.

Care Dev Docs: Redirect to the Khoros Care developer docs.

Communities Dev Docs: Redirect to the Khoros Communities developer docs.

Marketing Dev DocsRedirect to the Khoros Marketing developer docs.


Board Sub-Category

Khoros Events: See what events Khoros has planned for customers around the world.

Khoros Events & Meetups: North America: Join this group to learn more about the Khoros events and opportunities to connect with event attendees.
Khoros Events & Meetups: EMEA: Join this group to stay updated on EU meetups, events, or conferences in the EU.


Board Sub-Category
Atlas HubDiscover the latest news and insights from Khoros, receive product coaching, learn how to engage with our community.

Education & Training: Home of Product Coaching and Education Information.

Khoros Kudos AwardsShare your stories and successes with the annual Khoros Kudos Awards

About AtlasAll you need to know about the Atlas Community.

Khoros Insights BlogKhoros news, industry insights, best practices, and more from our own community experts.

Job BoardFor employers looking to find the perfect candidate who already has experience with the Khoros platform.

Suggestions for AtlasShare your suggestions for improving Atlas and services.


Board Sub-Category
Support: Find general information and about Khoros Support team policies and procedures
Support Information: Find general information and information about Khoros Support team policies and procedures here.

Contact Khoros Support: Khoros Customer Support is committed to providing the assistance you need to meet your business objectives and drive the most value from your Khoros solution.


Customer/Partner Access Guide

As a Khoros customer/partner, you are granted additional access to the Atlas community. 

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Board Sub-Category

Khoros Marketing: Here, you can learn about the latest innovations and capabilities available from Khoros Marketing.

Marketing Learning: Learn about Khoros Marketing, figure out what to do first, get step by step guides for common and advanced tasks.

Marketing Release NotesLearn about the newest features for Khoros Marketing.

Marketing Product Coaching: Join a 1:1 Product Coaching session to learn more about Khoros Marketing from a team of platform experts.

Marketing Blog: Learn about the latest innovation and capabilities from Khoros Marketing.

Khoros Marketing Discussions: Discuss social strategy, technology, and best practices, and ask questions about the platform.

Khoros Marketing IdeasShare your ideas for improving Khoros Marketing, products, and services. Post your ideas or review those of others.


Board Sub-Category

Khoros Care is an industry-leading platform for connecting brands to customers in their preferred messaging channels.

This space is for anyone looking to innovate better customer experiences and more efficient operations.

Let's talk about rich channels, transforming contact centers, and chatbots, and AI!

Care Learning: Get acquainted with Khoros Care, figure out what to do first, get step by step guides for common and advanced tasks.

Care Release Notes: Learn about the newest features for Khoros Care.

Care Product Coaching: Join a 1:1 Product Coaching session to learn more about Khoros Care from a team of platform experts.

Care Blog: Read about best practices, success stories, and product roll-outs for Khoros Care.

Care Discussions: Discuss response, publishing, or broader social care strategies.

Messaging & Automation Forum: Discover the latest innovations from Messaging and Bots. 

Care Ideas: Share your ideas for improving Khoros Care products and services. Post your idea or review the ideas of others.

Care Developer Documentation: Visit our Khoros Care developer documentation portal.


Board Sub-Category

Khoros Communities is a leader in building vibrant brand communities. This space is for anyone looking to start, build, or grow their community and includes interactive information about strategy, technology, and the practical application of both to achieve your bigger purpose.

If you have a question, just ask!

Communities LearningLearn about our Community product, figure out what to do first, get step by step guides for common and advanced tasks.
Community Strategy Discussions: A place for Khoros customers to ask questions and share insights about community strategies.

Communities Release Notes: Learn about new Khoros Community features.

Communities Product Coaching: Join a 1:1 Product Coaching session to learn more about Khoros Community from a team of platform experts.

Communities BlogThe hub for Khoros Community analytics, tips, product features, and customer success stories.

Communities Product DiscussionDiscuss Khoros Community, publishing, and strategy with other users.
Communities IdeasShare your ideas for improving the Khoros Community and services. Post your own idea or review the ideas of others.

Board Sub-Category

Developer Network: Connect with other developers working with the Khoros Development Platform and find out what they are doing to stay ahead.

Developer Discussion: Connect with other developers working with the Khoros Development Platform.

Care Dev Docs: Redirect to the Khoros Care developer docs.

Communities Dev Docs: Redirect to the Khoros Communities developer docs.

Marketing Dev DocsRedirect to the Khoros Marketing developer docs.


Board Sub-Category

Khoros Events: See what events Khoros has planned for customers around the world.

Khoros Events & Meetups: North America: Join this group to learn more about the Khoros events and opportunities to connect with event attendees.
Product Webinars: Hosted by Khoros Product experts, Advanced Product Webinars take a deep dive into your Khoros solution to showcase advanced features and applications. Followed by a live Q&A with Khoros experts.
Khoros Events & Meetups: EMEA: Join this group to stay updated on EU meetups, events, or conferences in the EU.


Board Sub-Category
Atlas HubDiscover the latest news and insights from Khoros, receive product coaching, learn how to engage with our community.

Customer Hub: Home of Khoros Customer Blog and Customer Connection

Education & Training: Home of Product Coaching and Education Information.

Khoros Kudos AwardsShare your stories and successes with the annual Khoros Kudos Awards

About AtlasAll you need to know about the Atlas Community.

Atlas Insights BlogKhoros news, industry insights, best practices, and more from our own community experts.

Job BoardFor employers looking to find the perfect candidate who already has experience with the Khoros platform.

Suggestions for AtlasShare your suggestions for improving Atlas and services.


Board Sub-Category
Support: Find general information and about Khoros Support team policies and procedures
Support Forum: The place to go if you can't find the answer you need in our documentation.
Case PortalOpens a Support Case for questions or issues that haven't been answered in the community.
Support Information: Find general information and information about Khoros Support team policies and procedures here.

Contact Khoros Support: Khoros Customer Support is committed to providing the assistance you need to meet your business objectives and drive the most value from your Khoros solution.



Updated 3 years ago
Version 10.0

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