Knowledge Base Article

Disabling 'Sign-In with Facebook'

At the start of August 2020, Atlas will be disabling 'sign-in from Facebook' to better streamline access points. Below are steps for disconnecting your Facebook account from Atlas. 

If you connected your Facebook account after registering, follow the First Case guide. 

If you used Facebook to register your account, follow the Second Case guide.

If you’re not sure Facebook is connected to your account, follow the Third Case guide to reset your password.


First Case - Facebook account has been added after registering the account:

  1. Go to Profile > My Settings > Social 
  2. Click on 'Disconnect from Your Facebook Account'. 
  3. The Facebook connection has been removed and the user can use the email/password for further logins.


Second Case Facebook has been used during the registration:

  1. Go to Profile > My Settings > Social 
  2. Click on 'Disconnect from Your Facebook Account'. 
  3. You’ll next be asked to enter and re-enter a password.
  4. Click on the button 'Set Password and Disconnect from Facebook Account'.
  5. Now the Facebook connection has been removed and you can use email/password for further logins.


Third Case Password reset is required before or after Facebook is disabled

  1. Click to Sign In at the top right of the page
  2. Select Forgot username or password
  3. Enter the email used to receive Atlas notifications
  4. Check your email and follow the instructions in the password reset email (The email may appear in the spam box)

Need some help or have a question? Drop a comment below or email us at and we’ll get you sorted.

Updated 4 years ago
Version 3.0

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  • Hi. 

    We have someone in our community trying to access their migrated account. They must have used Facebook to create their previous account and now cannot reset their password. We do not at the social tab set up in the community profile. How do I add the social tab so I can remove the connected link to allow them to reset their password?