Knowledge Base Article

List of Khoros Community OOTB and Custom components

We get a lot of questions about whether specific Khoros Community components are available out-of-the-box (OOTB) or are customizations. Here' a list of the components we get questions about and whether they are available OOTB or via a Professional Services engagement.

List of Khoros Community page components

Home Page Notes Availability
Header  Flyout navigation menu, avatar messages, general navigation OOTB
Notification banner Custom (existed on old Khoros Community, too) Custom
Header  Search bar and Statistics OOTB
Header  Personalization, fixed background, carousel Custom, via PS engagement *
Wayfinding bar cc block hooked into settings list editor Custom, via PS engagement *
Activity feed Completely custom (part of Themes) Custom, via PS engagement *
Resources Custom module Custom development **
Featured posts Settings list editor Custom development **
Latest from Khoros Settings list editor Custom, via PS engagement *
Welcome   OOTB
Community stats   Custom, via PS engagement *
Users online   Users Online (Avatar Only)
Top Contributors   Custom development **
Custom Header Reimagined Community header to build a more intuitive navigation and search experience. Custom
Header   Custom, via PS engagement *
Tiles   Custom, via PS engagement *
Tiles drop down   Not currently available
Category activity See homepage activity feed Custom development **
Node Information The Node Information component displays the node avatar, title, description OOTB
Node Avatar
The Node Avatar displays the avatar set for the node in Community Admin > Community Structure when creating or editing a node.
Node Message List (Preview)
The Node Message List (Preview) component displays a list of topics within the node and its subnodes.
Filter   Custom, via PS engagement *
Follow button Bookmark that has some light customization Custom development **
Board feed   Custom
Tags   OOTB 
Leaderboard   OOTB 
Trending discussions   Custom (from Themes) 
Inline replies and threading With Inline replies, you can reply to another reply and continue the discussion in a separate, single thread. OOTB
Thread Help from PS Custom development **
Related Topics   Custom
 WYSIWYG Quick Reply   OOB, but requires extra styling 
Message editor Layout changes from OOTB 
Discussion style icons for content mentions Enhanced content mentions to add an icon before the content mention that indicates the type of content being mentioned (forum, blog, TKB, etc.) Custom
All Blog pages and articles   Custom, via PS engagement *
Blog Page Article List   OOTB
Featured Article   OOTB
Labels   OOTB
Popular Articles   Custom (from Themes)
Related Articles    Custom (from Themes)
Follow and Filter See above Custom, via PS engagement *
Rest of TKB    OOTB
My Settings   OOTB
Layout, member profile, header   Custom, via PS engagement
Drafts   OOTB
Topics I participated   OOTB
Right rail   OOTB
Status Page Banner Show any currently reported issues/outages relevant to the solution. Custom
Access Signposting Customization that displays a fixed indicator (we call it a signpost) highlighting the access level of content on the current page being viewed. Custom
Sign-In Page Customized to allow SSO and non-SSO login/registration options. Custom
Idea Exchange   OOTB
Profile Hovercard Hovercard that shows when hovering the mouse over the username. Custom, via PS engagement
Group Hubs Group Hubs are our next generation to Groups OOTB
Contest   OOTB

* Custom, via PS: These items have been done by our professional services team on a number of occasions.

** Custom development: These were built specifically for the Khoros Community. We are currently assessing  how to make these items more wildly available.

Updated 4 years ago
Version 8.0

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