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Company: Telstra  Entry submitted by: Karen Le (kazwalla) Head of Social Media, Telstra Digital, and Yannick Pierre (Yannick_P) Digital Community Manager Community: Telstra CrowdSupport ( Lithy category: D... See more...
Company: Telstra  Entry submitted by: Karen Le (kazwalla) Head of Social Media, Telstra Digital, and Yannick Pierre (Yannick_P) Digital Community Manager Community: Telstra CrowdSupport ( Lithy category: Digital Strategy Leader   Telstra is Australia’s largest Telecommunications Company and for over a hundred years we have connected Aussies with each other and the rest of the world.   History & Challenges          Telstra employs more than 39,000 employees.          In 2013 we had more than 15 million mobile customers (Australia’s total population is 22 million), 7.8 million fixed voice customers and 25.5 billion dollars in sales revenue.            Although large in size, fantastic business performance results and the fact that we have a long standing history in Australia, we are faced with our biggest challenge – Customer satisfaction. In 2011 our satisfaction rating was 66% when the industry average was 68%.     Business Goal As a Telecommunications company we know how significant it is for Australians to connect with each other, and we know that our role in connecting Australians needs to be one step ahead of the change in behaviour. Therefore Telstra’s goal is to create a brilliant connected future for all Australians.    One of the amazing things the Lithium platform has allowed us to do is not only let us having a conversation with our customers but allowed our customers to have conversations with each other.   CrowdSupport has helped us provide service to customers in a one to many channel and has helped build advocacy. By having customers answer each other’s questions we are able to assist more customers by being able to scale the customer service offered. We are also providing rich customer experience via Lithium Social Web; Telstra service agents are able to review each community post for accuracy and escalation which is a clear point of differentiation from other non Telstra brand supported forums.    We are using the Lithium platform to achieve our company purpose; by connecting people in connected channels. Telstra now has a community where the conversation starts with the community – this is at the very core of our DNA and our purpose. Every time we need to have a meaningful conversation with our customers about anything we can do it within CrowdSupport. Below are some examples of how we’ve used the channel as part of our digital strategy.    Handset Updates: Fortnightly device updates We launched the handset updates board taking a simple webpage on our corporate website that was updated every 3 months and converting it into a fortnightly community discussion with our customers around our mobile devices. This continual exchange of information around the process and steps we undertake to update these devices has not only helped to keep our customers informed but also helps us to prioritize what we need to review next. In the past few months the board has generated 46,000 unique visits, 884 post and 150 kudos.   This demonstrates how hundreds of thousands of people including news publications receive updates and information from Telstra at exactly the same time.   Product Exits: Facebook.Zero Application This particular post has been one of the top 5 most viewed posts on the Lithium platform over the past few weeks. The post was a result of the discontinuation of service planned for later this year and although it’s not a good news story, we acknowledge that it’s no longer acceptable for brands not to be transparent. was a new mobile site that includes all of the key features of Facebook but is optimized for speed with zero data charges. Crowdsupport has been used as one of our primary channels for communicating exits of products and services, and we have been able to communicate en masse to our customers around this upcoming change and allowed for a vibrant discussion around alternative options. The initial announcement post (for the exit of has generated over 62,000 unique visits and 11 Kudos.      TVC: Crowdsupport P2P Community goes mainstream. We’ve had a community for 3 years and in this time we’ve demonstrated our purpose of connecting Australians and recognized that communities are no longer for a particular type of user; it’s for everyone.    As part of our customer awareness program around our online support tools, CrowdSupport featured in a nationwide television and outdoor advertising campaign with the tagline “More heads are better than one”. This campaign ran in primetime hours and helped to drive engagement and registration in the community. This not only demonstrates what an integral part CrowdSupport plays in our overall digital strategy but how this has translated into an overall business focus.    TV ad:   Driving organic search Crowdsupport growth strategy has always been focused on understanding the analytics that drive community discussion and prioritizing our initiatives. Our help and support team are actively involved in reviewing what our customers are posting in the community and generating supporting content. This continual content review, supported by regular community members, has resulted in over 50% of all the community traffic being generated from Google search. A recent example of how we leverage the community organic search was our campaign, “Telstra New Phone Feeling”, where we managed to post an article which returned a top 5 search result within minutes of posting.     Telstra Identity (Single Sign On) We have removed the biggest hurdle to contributing to our community by implementing single sign on. Customers can now sign in using their Facebook credentials.    Migration of the community registration and login process to Telstra Identity was a key initiative driven by customer feedback in CrowdSupport. This project involved moving over 50,000 registered users off the Lithium Technology login to Telstra Identity and involved several months of planning, design, development and testing to minimize disruption. This change has quadrupled weekly completed registrations by significantly reducing the barrier to registering and logging into the community.   Community Reach With our focus on creating advocacy through improved customer service, the CrowdSupport Community has become an integral part of our online support and engagement strategy. In 2013 over a quarter of the Australian population visited CrowdSupport (6 Million) to find information around Telstra’s products and services. In the same period, visits to the community have increased two-fold and the quality metrics have also improved; with the average time on site reducing by five seconds and average page depth down from 2.26 to 1.90 PPV (pages per visit); this suggests that our customers are finding the information they need faster. The improved reach without effect quality is a great example of how a branded, managed peer to peer community can not only be used as an additional support channel but also as a platform for creating customer advocacy.      Our results demonstrate the customer’s need and desire and the need to connect with us and one another via the Lithium platform.    Current results – as of March 20, 2014:          Posts: 121,241          Accepted Solutions: 3595          KB articles: 337          Ideas submitted: 364          Registrations: 113,699          Kudos awarded: 18,316   Future initiatives that we’re considering.   The digitization of our company means we are now taking what we’ve learned to enable our 39,000 strong workforce to change the way the entire organization works. Once again the aim is to provide a brilliantly connected future by staying one step in front of a societal change.            ITC Internal Peer Community: Extending on the knowledge gained and success of CrowdSupport, the organization has begun work on deploying an internal instance of a P2P community that will allow Telstra staff to collaborate on common IT support questions. The aim is to significantly improve collaboration between our multiple business units and grow our internal knowledgebase.                Live Chat Connection: We are personalizing our interactions with each of our customers. To support this initiative we are leveraging CrowdSupport by registering each of our live chat agents with a Crowdsupport profile and providing the customer this profile when we close off each chat interaction. If a customer chooses to stay in touch with the same Telstra consultant with whom they have been chatting, they can easily reconnect with the agent on Crowdsupport. Internally we call it “My Customer, My Responsibility” and the goal of the initiative is to build a strong relationship by listening and resolving queries quickly.             Develop socially enabled enterprise: An enterprise wide participation includes cross functional collaboration with the rest of the organisation i.e having all product leads contribute to content and answers within the platform. As part of an organization-wide Brilliantly Connected Advocacy program, we are currently investigating the possibility of using Crowdsupport as a direct channel for connecting our customers with a face for each of our online customer support agents. This functionality will also allow our customers to come back to these agents for future interactions.            Mobile First Strategy to drive better user experience: Across the last 6 months, 45% of visits to CrowdSupport have come via mobile handset or tablet device and as part of our mobile first strategy we are undertaking a full review of the community experience on a mobile device and over the next few months be making changes to ensure content is easily consumed.  
Company: DenizBank   Entry submitted by: Ebru Urunga, Manager at Customer Satisfaction LSW: and Lithy category: Excellence in Customer Satisfaction   DenizBank was founde... See more...
Company: DenizBank   Entry submitted by: Ebru Urunga, Manager at Customer Satisfaction LSW: and Lithy category: Excellence in Customer Satisfaction   DenizBank was founded in 1938 as a state-owned bank in order to provide funding for the developing Turkish maritime sector. Acquired by Zorlu Holding from the Privatization Administration as a banking license in early 1997, DenizBank was further acquired in October 2006 by Dexia, a leading financial group in Europe. Continuing its activities under Dexia umbrella for 6 years, DenizBank operates as from 28 September 2012 under the roof of Sberbank, the biggest and deepest-rooted bank in Russia. As of July 1st, 2013; consumer banking portfolio of Citi Turkey with more than 600 thousand customers and nearly 1400 employees were transferred to DenizBank.   The innovative and reformist strategy is our dominant qualification in the market. We are happy to rank the 5th largest private bank in Turkey according to consolidated asset size from a bank without branches, employees or customers, in only 17 years which is considered very short for our sector. We place our customers at the heart of all activities and work towards offering highest benefit to their lives in the quickest way under a single roof with the most advanced banking products in line with our financial supermarket understanding.   Integrating digital and mobile technologies to our products and services is among our priorities. We work towards creating, rather than following trends and place digital & mobile technologies at the very heart of our operations in order both to ease our business practices and render people’s lives more beautiful at Deniz. As a reflection of this vision, we brought in such an innovative project as Facebook Banking to the banking industry not only in Turkey, but throughout the world; realized a breakthrough by accepting credit applications through “Direct Message” at Twitter, one of the most widely used social network websites in the world. We actualized our unique “mobile wallet” application FastPay that enables everyone to make money transfer whether they are DenizBank clients or not. In short, we shaped our whole road map for our customers to benefit more conveniently from the gifts of the mobile and digital world.   In addition, we have been placed among the top 3 most praised banks in the sector by Capital Magazine, the prestigious publication of business world in Turkey. Alongside our innovative approach in Digital Banking; we have been placed among the top 3 most praised banks in the sector by Capital Magazine, the prestigious publication of business world in Turkey.   The rise of DenizBank having undersigned many success stories with its fast and accessible solutions, excellent service quality and unconditional customer satisfaction philosophy will continue under Sberbank roof from now on… Dozens of achievements that we have realized so far give us an indescribable excitement as the guarantee of the triumphs we shall accomplish in the future. In the new era, we will continue to move towards our target to be among the top players of Turkey. As our motto “Life is beautiful at Deniz” explains, we will carry on working to become the “bank at the hearts of people”.   Lithium helps companies unlock the passion of their customers. Lithium software powers amazing Social Customer Experiences for more than 400 iconic brands and supports companies grow brand advocacy, drive sales, reduce costs and accelerate innovation to create social communities that redefine the customer experience.   The new Lithium brings together trusted people and trusted content to create an exchange of shared value and a more complete measure of reputation. Most importantly – and what really fires us up – is that this acquisition helps Lithium put the power back into consumers’ hands in a real way that delivers real benefits to consumers as well as brands.   We know that corporations that tap into their socially empowered customers stand to gain advantage on their socially reluctant competitors in ways beyond just reducing customer support costs. They’ve realized that customer engagement means real, topline growth and that customers who actively engage with brands, products and services are not only loyal advocates, they also spend more. If a business wants to continue to succeed, she needs to innovate and grow and to do that you need to get serious about social.   There’s a growing realization that people don’t want to engage with website marketing copy. They’re seeking to engage their peers and learn from their real experiences. Because that’s what they trust—shared human stories relevant to their personal experiences.  And that is the ultimate moment of truth for brands seeking success with the new customer everyone needs to understand today: Generation C.   Social networking will carry us one step forward in Turkey as we have many social media users in our country. We as a bank knows that when we gain the trust of the customers and when we understand them, we will be the bank at the hearts of the people.   We care about our customers’  thoughts and ideas.  Our focus is excellence in client service and as a result of this we are the first Bank in Turkey who makes surveys thru Social Media. We listen the customers in every area and provide them solutions proactively. We are aware of the value of experienced staff and we built up a dedicated team for Social media service. They have also separate trainings by professional agencies about social media trends and way of behaving. With the help of Lithium features, they are more aware and flexible with the priorities.     Denizbank knows that, we should be more integrated with social media and provide the best service in that area, to be strong in the digitilization and mobilization age. With this awareness , we recognized the power and privileges of Lithium. We can manage what we can measure and Lithium provides this in very basic and feasible way. We can follow the real time queue backlogs and take necessary actions immediately. If the conversation is not related with us or is not in our scope, we can classify all of these and delete them in one shot by saving time of supervisor. So we can focus with the real claim or complaint of the customers.   Word of mouth is a very effective power and social media area holds this by impressing very huge crowds with no cost. This channel becomes a very important candidate which run rings around the other channels by delivering fast and best service wherever our customer or whenever he/she wants to reach us in a very easy way. We improved our quality by the support of Lithium and increased our satisfied customers’ numbers.   In our point of view, customer satisfaction is far beyond resolving complaints and we have increased our customer satisfaction by 22%.   As we are the 1st  ranking country in Twitter and 2nd ranking country in social media usage in the World, we have a significant number of customers who actively use social media. With the help of Lithium’s flexibility we can process 19% more conversations than before.   We started to manage all accounts in one program which provided a 24% increase in agent productivity.   Frequent templates have been defined into the system and supply a 30 second savings for each notice by making easier knowledge contribution. Decreasing unrelated conversations provides agents the ability to deal with the real customer claims and complaints, and this feature resulted in a 25% improvement in agent response time.   Previously one staff member was checking all conversations and then measuring and reporting the metrics manually. But with Lithium’s privileges, the monitoring became easier and we had a 53% FTE savings.   Supervision management and reporting has the ability of online monitoring and being alert in any capacity issues or crisis environment. Real time queue backlogs can be followed up easily. This provides us the ability to take the necessary action where and when necessary.
Company: TalkTalk Group  Entry submitted by: Stephen Fell (Fellsteruk) Senior Online Engagement & Content Manager Community: TalkTalk Community ( Lithy category: The Organization Game Changer   With more... See more...
Company: TalkTalk Group  Entry submitted by: Stephen Fell (Fellsteruk) Senior Online Engagement & Content Manager Community: TalkTalk Community ( Lithy category: The Organization Game Changer   With more than 4 million customers TalkTalk Group is one of the largest Internet Service Providers in the UK, providing the best value home phone, broadband, TV and mobile packages to residential and business customers under the TalkTalk and TalkTalk Business brands. We pride ourselves on being innovative, and bringing disruptive new products such as TalkTalk TV, Britain’s fastest growing TV service, to market.   TalkTalk grew rapidly through a combination of acquisition and organic growth, and has spent the last year integrating its businesses to build a leaner, more efficient company offering competitive pricing backed up by good service.   Improving customer service has been key to realizing the company’s ambitions for growth.   This is being achieved by:       Getting things right the first time so customers don’t need to contact TalkTalk       Offering online solutions so that customers can fix problems themselves or seek help without calling   We promised customers that during the coming year we will deliver the best online self-service experience possible and created digital assets that provided a better experience than calling.    The Lithium-powered TalkTalk Community is at the centre of this work. It replaced the original forums, which launched in 2008, and were adequate for the time. As traffic on the old forums increased, cracks began to show in the infrastructure, and customers complained they were struggling to use the platform to self-help.   This made it hard to scale the forums as the company’s rapid expansion continued. Despite receiving no marketing or promotion from the wider business, the TalkTalk Community continued to quietly grow and evolve over time.    During 2013, the TalkTalk Community was re-launched, powered by Lithium, and with a new strategy. The idea was to slowly transition from being a traditional customer service channel, where Online Community Executives offered advice and support to customers, to a peer-to-peer network where customers could support each other.    We made our most helpful and prolific posters ‘Super Users’, who offered solutions to common problems. The mood of the boards improved dramatically, as members realized they could find answers to their questions about TalkTalk’s products and services quickly and with help from other customers.   TalkTalk set up an in-house Digital Care Team, made up of 12 support experts from across the business, along with a Community Manager to drive more customers to the Community.     Our new team and ownership of the community was placed under our Director of Digital, where it would be a part of our wider digital vision and supported by teams across creative, legal, PR, marketing and brand to name a few allowing us to give almost real-time feedback to the business of trending issues or to our customers with products suggestions and development.    In addition to helping us to leverage the power of our crowd sourced support platform to help shape our other online venues and future customer experience.   The team’s remit was to seek out customers from across all social media, forums, blogs and news sites, and drive them to the Community. Once signed up, new members would facilitate peer-to-peer discussions and help other members to find answers. The benefit to our customers has been clear:     TalkTalk Group has embraced the Community and placed it at the centre of our online support, communication and product development strategies, which has assisted with the creation of a marketing strategy to drive people towards the community.    Customers are encouraged to join the Community when they first join TalkTalk, in the Welcome Packs sent out with routers and other equipment, and in marketing emails sent to customers.   Email marketing activity alone has so far delivered an 18% increase in traffic to the Community.   In addition to measuring call deflection from community activity and to further our vision for the community, our strategic telephony teams have made efforts to reduce calls directly from the call center. Recently, we've added community messaging to our call center voice system- if a customer has a question that our Super Users have already answered on the Community, our IVR system lets them know where they can find the content online. Our initial tests have resulted in a 5% call drop off after this message is played, which shows great promise for directly correlating call reduction due from community content.       Customer Support Site Integration Using Lithium’s  REST api’s we integrated the best content and solutions from our members into our customer support site and help content. We did this by promoting the top accepted solutions for each product on our landing page and pushing relevant content to customers as they navigate through our site in addition to this we are surfacing targeted content from the community within our help articles, as customers are consuming our business answer they are encourage to view content from the community along with a federated search of community content in our global site search.   These changes alone have accounted for a 43% uplift in community traffic.         Collaborative Beta Testing Groups TalkTalk Labs is our beta testing team, who run trials on all the latest products and services before they go to market. The Community has been a valuable recruitment tool for new trials, and provides a secure, scalable discussion platform with private boards where they can discuss and share their opinions of new products.   Our Trials Managers who are easily identifiable within the Community have built the community into all their trial activities, leveraging our active base of advocates to test new services. During 2014/15 we plan to support the TalkTalk Labs team with more than 100 consumer trials being ran from the community. Our users’ voices will be heard within the business, and will help shape and define our innovations of the future.   The results so far Almost everyone across the business played a part in launching and continuing to develop the Community and although we are yet to celebrate the first birthday, we are truly proud of what we have achieved in just six months.       174% increase in traffic to the community       65% increase in registered users       Over 20% of our topics have an accepted solution       Over 58% Member Engagement with on average 6.5 replies/topic       £107k Call reduction cost saving   “Loyal customers and staff are a company’s strongest assets, and it has been fantastic to see the TalkTalk Community grow into a busy, useful forum that thousands of people log onto every day. We're looking forward to seeing it continue to develop in the coming months and years as we push ahead with our work to deliver a brilliant online self-service experience for our customers.” Dido Harding, Chief Executive Officer  
Company: MoneyGram  Entry submitted by: Lindsay Conant (LCMG) Digital Marketing Manager, Social Care LSW: and Lithy category: The Organization Game Changer   It’s a big world out the... See more...
Company: MoneyGram  Entry submitted by: Lindsay Conant (LCMG) Digital Marketing Manager, Social Care LSW: and Lithy category: The Organization Game Changer   It’s a big world out there. People now move across continents, through time zones, and around the globe with staggering speed, frequency, and efficiency. And when they do move, they need a way to move their money as well. While banks usually facilitate this need, there is a surprising population of individuals and countries that are either underserved by – or unable to fully use – traditional banking services.    For those individuals, MoneyGram, offers worldwide money transfer services through a network of 336,000 agent locations – including retailers, international post offices, and financial institutions – in more than 200 countries and territories. That’s more locations than McDonald’s, Starbucks, and Wal-Mart combined!   In the money transfer industry, sales are traditionally driven by word of mouth and methods of doing business and internal corporate structure are slow to evolve. Therefore a decision to become a more consumer-centric, socially-devoted company was a significant challenge for MoneyGram.   As MoneyGram’s Digital Marketing department began to nurture a stronger relationship with our customers via communication on preferred social media channels, and witnessed impressive growth of our online community, customers immediately started engaging with us to resolve service questions and concerns.   The ability to provide reliable money transfer services for our consumers is critically important to our business. Meeting the needs of consumers who use money transfer services is far from a simple Monday to Friday, 9 to 5 endeavor. Customers rely on MoneyGram services to enable them to complete financial transactions, quickly and securely, to send money to family members and loved ones across different time zones – often money that is intended to help with family emergencies and other important events.   And because our business consistently deals with fraud and privacy risk, we deemed it essential that our customers have a fast connection to our top-tier customer care team to address these concerns – 24/7/365. Timeliness and effectiveness are key. We also wanted to significantly decrease response time and streamline a fragmented customer support process by enabling our customer support team to directly engage with customers on their preferred social media channel.   To address these goals, we resolved to change and refocus the way we approached our customer relationships on social media by strategically combining our marketing channel customer support with our global contact center to respond to and resolve issues more efficiently. This would require a significant cross-functional collaboration and a shift in established social media procedures and customer service methodology within the organization.   Previously, Digital Marketing and Customer Care functioned in distinctively separate “silos.” The Customer Care department focused on issues received from the call center. The Digital team was dedicated to addressing communication with the online community to develop relationships and brand loyalty with customers. That’s where Lithium came in.   Lithium enabled our social care program to grow from one person to a team of eight, quickly and effectively, by providing an easy-to-use, single-engagement tool that: Met the unique needs of both marketing and customer care  Ensured one source of metrics and one message internally Provided a customer profile and conversation history that protected against duplication of conversations and requests Offered scalable workflow management and agent specific metrics which was essential for staffing, training, and performance evaluation purposes   Enabled us to share the voice of the customer back into the business to drive actionable results  Our business partnership with Lithium commenced in October when social care was still being monitored and responded to solely by the Digital team.  Both Digital Marketing and Contact Center leadership then worked together diligently to establish an alliance where both sides trusted the value of social media as a communication channel, and understood the needs of our global customers online.    With limited resources, we did not have the luxury of appointing a team solely dedicated to social care. To solve this issue, we addressed social care as a ‘rotating task’ to be carried out by current customer care representatives. Digital Marketing collaborated closely with Contact Center decision makers to agree upon an agent profile and identify the skill sets required for successful social media engagement. With this blueprint, Customer Care was able to select an effective Social Care team made up of senior representatives who fully understood our products, compliance, and legal guidelines.   Along with meeting the initial challenges, Lithium gives us the opportunity to expand our social care initiative and continue to address our customers evolving needs.   The impact on the organization was significant, highly successful, and received company-wide recognition and acknowledgement. Now, with the help of Lithium, MoneyGram enjoys the benefits of a cooperative relationship where two previously exclusive business channels can combine their respective expertise to serve the needs of our social media community, quickly & effectively, provide in-channel resolution of issues, and realize the potential to convert dissatisfaction into solid brand advocacy. Customer Care now looks at themselves as more than simply a “call center” and has repositioned the department as a “contact center” that can communicate with customers on a variety of different channels. And most importantly, they are now creating customer service roles that will be primarily focused on social media.   Our compliance, fraud, and security departments also gained more visibility into our customer’s online conversations and were, therefore, able to identify and respond to the most current and relevant customer concerns.   Additionally, our customers benefit in the ability to communicate directly with customer service representatives via our social media channels to resolve service issues and, at the same time, continue interacting with MoneyGram as a social media community member.   Here’s an example of how MoneyGram’s 24/7/365 Social Care program is directly impacting and improving the customer experience.   As well as improved customer experience, the new social care focus has enhanced our ability to protect our customers from fraud activity that involves money transfers. The interaction below shows an actual scenario wherein we were able to alert a customer to a possible scam before they became a victim.     Our Business Results: Since implementing Lithium in October 2013 MoneyGram has: Increased the number of customers assisted per month by 46% Increased social care outbound volumes per month by 95% Decreased conversations requiring off-line resolution per month by 17% Reduced response time by 93% – to just over an hour – in February   “It would be difficult to overstate how game-changing MoneyGram’s efforts to improve our customer experience has been for our organization, both globally and locally,” according to Christina Martin, Vice President of Digital Marketing.  “In an industry that is rooted in established business procedures, even minor changes require careful planning and thoughtful internal coordination.  Changing the way we looked at social media and its contribution to our customer care efforts was, in essence, a remarkable evolution. It gave birth to new business opportunities, increased service efficiencies, and unprecedented cooperation between departments.   And through this shift in thinking, Lithium was instrumental in providing us with the exact tool we needed to make the transition smooth and highly successful.”    
  Company: Vipnet  Entry submitted by: Hrvoje Puljko (puljac) Community (Forum) expert Community: VIP forum ( Lithy category: Best Community Design   Vipnet is the first private mobile network operator in Croatia... See more...
  Company: Vipnet  Entry submitted by: Hrvoje Puljko (puljac) Community (Forum) expert Community: VIP forum ( Lithy category: Best Community Design   Vipnet is the first private mobile network operator in Croatia, a part of the Telekom Austria Group. By entering the Croatian telecommunications market in 1998, Vipnet introduced competition into mobile telephony. Over the last 15 years Vipnet acquired the status of the most renowned innovation leader on the telecommunications market in Croatia.   Vipnet was the first in Europe to demonstrate the HSPA network, thus offering mobile Internet access that is faster than ADSL. Furthermore, Vipnet was among the first in the world to successfully test HSPA+ technology for mobile broadband.   In June 2013 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb Vipnet set a new world record for the fixed segment with speeds of 5 Gbit/s using the hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) network, and in the mobile segment presented speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s based on 4.5G – LTE Advanced technology. In September 2012 and again this year Vipnet was proclaimed winner in the Best value for money for business in the Business Best Buy Award. Vipnet currently has more than 2 million customers.   Vip forum as a goal has multiscreen customer experience, to increase street credibility, and to be customers' first choice when searching for support information’s.     Vip forum also has a purpose to increase brand awareness and to be the place for engaging existing and future Vip customers.     THE STRUCTURE In August 2013 we launched the first telco brand community in Croatia.   It is a small step in the world but big in Croatia where customers  don’t forgive unfriendly functionalities & illogical designs, because community is here for the users, not for designers or employees!   Well established names from online community and IT/telco journalists were involved in Vip forum trial and helped to design final version of community platform.   During the 2 week trial, beta testers spent more than 200 hours online and generated more than 50 different ideas and improvements which were implemented in final Vip forum version.   We made it clear in structure, transparent at the glance, light to use and spend time, easy to find answers & support.   We are the first telco community which is open to non-Vip & Vip customers with the intention to get customers help themselves.   COVER PAGE CALL FOR ACTION   FRONT PAGE BIG VISUAL BUTTONS – we are offering a way for a customer to Registrate / Login in to our community with these BIG buttons, familiar colors and sentences that are describing the action.     After customer login, he can now use his visual designed User Panel:   On the right side MENU of the cover we have visual help icons (links) to support customer  if this is his first time on Forum:   After customer login, he can now use his personalized custom component which depends on his rank and role: Personalized links Greeting and user avatar Last user posts   MENU CUSTOM COMPONENT TAB beneath main category icons allows customers to have an overview of what's new in a few seconds!     And depending on if user is logged in or not, he can see the personalized posts he didn’t read from the last visit to the community:     CSS CUSTOMIZATION   We made lot of CSS customization in our community but the latest demands from our community members were this three for better functionality and visualization:   Provided better “SOLUTION PROVIDED” visualization:   Provided better “QUOTE” custom visibility and automatically @mention the user we quote:   MOBILE VERSION   Cover page easy to use! Very similar to desktop version which is also available for mobiles. Same icons, structure & features are now available to customers!                
Company: Vipnet  Entry submitted by: Hrvoje Puljko (puljac) Community (Forum) expert Community: Vip forum ( Lithy category: Excellence in Customer Satisfaction   Vipnet is the first private mobile network operator in ... See more...
Company: Vipnet  Entry submitted by: Hrvoje Puljko (puljac) Community (Forum) expert Community: Vip forum ( Lithy category: Excellence in Customer Satisfaction   Vipnet is the first private mobile network operator in Croatia, a part of the Telekom Austria Group. By entering the Croatian telecommunications market in 1998, Vipnet introduced competition into mobile telephony. Over the last 15 years Vipnet acquired the status of the most renowned innovation leader on the telecommunications market in Croatia.   Vipnet was the first in Europe to demonstrate the HSPA network, thus offering mobile Internet access that is faster than ADSL. Furthermore, Vipnet was among the first in the world to successfully test HSPA+ technology for mobile broadband. In June 2013 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb Vipnet set a new world record for the fixed segment with speeds of 5 Gbit/s using the hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) network, and in the mobile segment presented speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s based on 4.5G – LTE Advanced technology. In September 2012 and again this year Vipnet was proclaimed winner in the Best value for money for business in the Business Best Buy Award. Vipnet currently has more than 2 million customers. Vip forum as a goal has multiscreen customer experience, to increase street credibility, and to be customers' first choice when searching for support information.     Vip forum also has a purpose to increase brand awareness and to be the place for engaging existing and future Vip customers.   Vip forum represents a new crowdsourcing platform intended for gadget and online discussion enthusiasts seeking fast, simple, precise and competent answers to all their questions concerning telecommunication technologies, products and services.   Vip forum was launched at the end of August 2013 as Vipnet’s first crowdsourcing platform. In just six months, Vip forum has become a unique place for online discussions about telecom technology, products and services in Croatia.   In its first 6 months of existence, Vip forum has generated 600,000 visits and a pool of 1600 registered users, which have proven to be very active with more than 12,000 posts.    Out of 1600 registered users, approximately 10% are active* continuously on a monthly basis. (*active members are those which have one or more posts per month – counted as one; not included are members who only login and read)     The idea to have an engaged community that is self-sustained has been achieved, since crowd ratio is constantly above 90% (ratio of user posts over moderator posts).   High scores of satisfaction were given by forum users in recent surveys conducted: 96% found or got an answer for their question 90% do not have a need for any other contact towards Vipnet (through customer services or shops) Vip forum NPS is 51%    BUILDING USER ENGAGEMENT   Vipnet’s vision from the very beginning was to create a place where everyone is welcome, not just Vipnet customers, and to create a non-censored playground where users can show their personal knowledge and expertise by providing valuable content.   To embrace this crowdsourcing concept and to start building user engagement, well established names from online community and IT/telco journalists were involved in Vip forum trial and helped to design final version of community platform.      During the 2 week trial, beta testers spent more than 200 hours online and generated more than 50 different ideas and improvements which were implemented in final Vip forum version.   Whole usability testing was done directly on the forum, enabling participants to be recognized as co-creators of new community.   During this trial, the forum received an excellent SUS* score from users which participated in SUS survey questionnaires => 87,5   (SUS* - the System Usability Scale ISO standard ISO 9241 Part 11, Measures Usability &  Learnability)   Beta testing purpose, besides functionality test, was also to gather pre-SuperUsers which will actively participate in forum after the public launch.   The purpose is fully accomplished, all beta testers are still active on Vip forum, and they alone provide a high percentage of answers to community questions.   Also, they are now a pool of usability testers for other Vipnet products and services, as independent and respected telco enthusiasts.    
Company: Vipnet  Entry submitted by: Hrvoje Puljko (puljac)Community (Forum) expert Community: Vip forum ( Lithy category: The Organization Game Changer   Vipnet is the first private mobile network operator in Croatia... See more...
Company: Vipnet  Entry submitted by: Hrvoje Puljko (puljac)Community (Forum) expert Community: Vip forum ( Lithy category: The Organization Game Changer   Vipnet is the first private mobile network operator in Croatia, a part of the Telekom Austria Group. By entering the Croatian telecommunications market in 1998, Vipnet introduced competition into mobile telephony. Over the last 15 years Vipnet acquired the status of the most renowned innovation leader on the telecommunications market in Croatia.   Vipnet was the first in Europe to demonstrate the HSPA network, thus offering mobile Internet access that is faster than ADSL. Furthermore, Vipnet was among the first in the world to successfully test HSPA+ technology for mobile broadband. In June 2013 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing in Zagreb Vipnet set a new world record for the fixed segment with speeds of 5 Gbit/s using the hybrid fiber coaxial (HFC) network, and in the mobile segment presented speeds of up to 300 Mbit/s based on 4.5G – LTE Advanced technology. In September 2012 and again this year Vipnet was proclaimed winner in the Best value for money for business in the Business Best Buy Award. Vipnet currently has more than 2 million customers.    Vip forum as a goal has multiscreen customer experience, to increase street credibility, and to be customers' first choice when searching for support information.     Vip forum also has a purpose to increase brand awareness and to be the place for engaging existing and future Vip customers.   REORGANIZATION AND PROJECT KICK-OFF   In just 4 months by reallocating right resources on Vip Forum project, together with support of Lithium partner, Vipnet managed to successfully launch the unique place (Vip forum) for online discussions about telecom technology, products and services in Croatia.   Reorganization was done by shifting a true gamer in the heart, from direct customer care phone/email support into responsibility of developing what was proved to become a self-maintaining and self-developing crowd source care center.   This was highly appreciated by forum members, because, one of their kind is managing the forum.   THE LAUNCH  (Video streaming conference)   In order to present Vip forum to a targeted audience, the launch of Vip forum was done via online press conference streamed directly on the Vip forum where journalists, as well as all new community members had a chance to ask questions (to our company MCO and Community Expert) directly on the forum and received answers in real-time.   With this innovative approach to launch presentation, Vipnet opened a new path for presenting all other new projects and products.   And of course, internally Vip Forum is supported by new line processes in company. We are especially proud of our process which is proving maturity of our organization and also is supported by our MCO – customers should test devices & services!   INVOLVING OFFICIAL MOBILE PHONE REPRESENTATIVES   Aside from customers, the significance and importance of Vip forum has also been recognized by several major players in telco manufacturing industry, such as HTC and Nokia, who have chosen to be present as active users on the forum, providing direct support to its customers.   With this move our customers gain additional benefit, not only from Vip as a telecom company, but also from official mobile phone representatives which they use:                                
Company: Google Glass  Entry submitted by: Sarah Price (sarahprice) Social Media & Community Lead, Teresa Zazenski (tzazenski) Community Manager, and Becca Samson (bsamson) Community Manager Community: Glass Explorers Program (http://glass-com... See more...
Company: Google Glass  Entry submitted by: Sarah Price (sarahprice) Social Media & Community Lead, Teresa Zazenski (tzazenski) Community Manager, and Becca Samson (bsamson) Community Manager Community: Glass Explorers Program ( Lithy category: Digital Strategy Leader   The Glass Explorers Program started in April 2013. We made Glass available to bold, creative individuals from different walks of life to help shape the future of Glass. People don’t just buy Glass, they become a “Glass Explorer.” Through the Explorers Program, we seek to empower our customer community to introduce the world to Glass and share their feedback to make Glass better.   On April 10, 2014, we announced that we would be expanding the Explorer Program. For one day on April 15, any adult living in the US would be able to buy Glass and become an Explorer.   There are countless public fan communities for Glass, but our official community is hosted by Lithium, with private discussion areas restricted to Glass Explorers. This enables customers to have open and honest conversations about Glass and the Explorer Program. Our team uses our Lithium community to get direct feedback and input from our Explorers in many ways, including through a “Glass Wishlist” ideation board. We also use Lithium Social Web to monitor and engage with feedback and Explorer-created content across the web.   For our latest and largest Explorer Program expansion (April 15, 2014), we implemented a robust community and social media strategy to support the expansion launch, detailed in the below section.   Our community and social media strategy for the April 15 Explorer Program expansion involved the following goals:   1) Leverage community and social media to provide scalable support to prospective Explorers. We anticipated that we would receive a high volume of inquiries once the expansion became known, and we expected delays on our phone lines and in our email queues. We set up a number of scalable options to support the expansion: Launched a public board and linked it from the sales site. Prior to the expansion, all content in our community was private to Explorers. We launched a new board called “Getting Ready for Glass” for “Explorers who haven’t met their Glass yet,” where potential Explorers can ask questions that our veterans could answer. We prominently featured the new board as a support option on the sales site.   Made our community blog public. Our private community blog, the “Glass Journal,” is full of helpful content by our team and our Explorers. When we launched the public board, we got permission from all contributors to make our blog public, so potential customers could read up on Glass. In the future, we expect both our blog and our new board to drive organic search traffic. Provide scalable, high-touch support via social media and community. We allocated additional Glass Guides (CSRs) to help out in the new public forum and ensure that questions were answered effectively. In the meantime, our social media Glass Guides used Lithium Social Web to keep a close eye on inquiries from social media. Social agents can handle more cases per hour than phone or email agents, although the questions tend to be less complex. Community provides a self-service support option as visitors view previously answered questions. Coordinate on customer-created support options for prospective Explorers. Our long-term strategy involves building deep relationships with key customer influencers who set the tone for the community (see below). Due to this strong relationship, these “Community Leaders” launched two support options of their own initiative. They created the #askanexplorer hashtag and invited potential Explorers to post questions about the program, which they in turn answered. They also led two Hangouts On Air (streaming video calls) for potential customers to join and ask questions of a panel of current Explorers. We shared these initiatives via Google Glass on Google+ and Twitter.     2) Maintain the goodwill of our veteran Explorers. Change can be scary in any community, and the “veterans” can become nostalgic for “the way things used to be,” leading them to resist newcomers. We wanted to ensure that our veteran Explorers would welcome our new Explorers with open arms. To achieve this goal we implemented several tactics: Feature our veteran Explorers in our launch video for the expansion, showing our appreciation of them and helping them to feel like rockstars. We asked for video submissions and built an amazing video that made our veterans happy, and introduced potential Explorers to the spirit of the Explorer Program. Please see our entry for Most Creative Promotion or Launch for more info on the I Am an Explorer video.     Work together with our customer influencers (superusers) to ensure their understanding and support, as they set the tone for the community. We invited our “Community Leaders” to the Googleplex for a summit a few weeks before the expansion to get their feedback on Glass and talk about the future of the Explorer Program, allowing us to learn about and start to address painpoints prior to the announcement. Turn our veterans into mentors. We described our new public board as “a place for Explorers who haven’t met their Glass yet” and encouraged our Community Leaders and community-at-large to contribute to the board, because they are the true experts in what it means to be an Explorer. By emphasizing their expert knowledge and helpful human nature, we made it easier for our veterans to approach our newbies with enthusiasm rather than resistance.         Kept most of our community private to customers. We wanted to ensure that our veterans and newbies both feel part of the community and have a private place to connect with each other and share feedback. Although we made two sections of our community public, we kept the majority of our community private.   Our business results   Community-driven launch video:       108k+ views in less than two weeks       Well-received by veteran Explorers, who were excited to be featured in the video   Public community user education board/blog:       860% increase in unique visitors to the community on April 15 vs. one week prior       New “Getting Ready for Glass” board drove 27% of all community traffic and 35% of unique visitors       63% of all community visitors viewed the newly-public community blog       New board received hundreds of posts from prospective customers. Veteran Explorers were deeply engaged with an average of 5.5 replies per topic and 5.4 views per visitor in this board alone.       90% of topics received a reply, with an average time-to-reply of 42 minutes.       Community promo was positioned with intention to defer 1:1 support needs; number of visitors to the community was greater than the number of individuals who contacted traditional support (email)       Well-received by veteran Explorers, who continue to be excited to offer support and advice to prospective Explorers   Social media care:       Small social media team fielded several thousand inquiries in the week around the announcement and expansion from April 10th to April 16th       Touched more than 70% of algorithmically-detected inquiries despite the incredible volume of “buzz” around the expansion       Maintained our usual social media care for current customers.   #askanexplorer:       At least 100 social media conversations were tagged #askanexplorer       Two Hangouts On Air Q&A sessions       Both initiatives entirely driven and supported by the community, with zero cost to our team   Explorer Program expansion:       The Explorer Program expansion was very successful       Sold out one of the colors of Glass midway through the day       Closed the expansion when our supplies ran low sooner than expected    
Company: Google Glass  Entry submitted by: Sarah Price (sarahprice) Social Media & Community Lead and Teresa Zazenski (tzazenski) Community Manager Community: Glass Explorers Program ( Lithy category: Most Creative... See more...
Company: Google Glass  Entry submitted by: Sarah Price (sarahprice) Social Media & Community Lead and Teresa Zazenski (tzazenski) Community Manager Community: Glass Explorers Program ( Lithy category: Most Creative Promotion or Launch    Entry for I Am an Explorer video:     The Glass Explorers Program started in April 2013. We made Glass available to bold, creative individuals from different walks of life to help shape the future of Glass. People don’t just buy Glass, they become a “Glass Explorer.” Through the Explorers Program, we seek to empower our customer community to introduce the world to Glass and share their feedback to make Glass better.   On April 10, 2014, we announced that we would be expanding the Explorer Program. For one day on April 15, any adult living in the US would be able to buy Glass and become an Explorer.   There are countless public fan communities for Glass, but our official community is hosted by Lithium, with private discussion areas restricted to Glass Explorers. This enables customers to have open and honest conversations about Glass and the Explorer Program. Our team uses our Lithium community to get direct feedback and input from our Explorers in many ways, including through a “Glass Wishlist” ideation board. We also use Lithium Social Web to monitor and engage with feedback and Explorer-created content across the web.   Our community of Explorers is the heart of our program, so for certain key Explorer Program milestones, we have invited our Explorers to share content with us that we used to create a community-driven launch video for our marketing efforts. These videos focus on the Explorers and show the world who makes up our community. They also show our Explorers how important they are to our team and to the program, especially in times of change: both milestones involved expansion of the Explorer Program. This makes the change a bit less scary and helps our veteran customers to welcome our new customers. We directly asked for new submissions in our community, and also used Lithium Social Web to identify additional Explorer content that fits into our theme.     I Am an Explorer [Through Google Glass] announced a new expansion of the Explorer Program where any adult in the US could become an Explorer for a limited time. This video showcases the diversity of our Explorers and shows some of the things that real Explorers do.   We were very pleased with the engagement that resulted from the campaign, and the finished product reflected our values and the heart of the Explorer Program.   Please see our entry for Digital Strategy Leader for more on the Explorer Program.   Business results       Video was released on April 10, 2014 and has 108k views as of April 24, 2014 (live for 2 weeks).       While submissions were open, the campaign was the 2nd most viewed and replied discussion in the community and received the most kudos by a margin of 61%.       We additionally received qualitative positive feedback from our Explorers about the campaigns        
Company: Aruba Networks  Entry submitted by: Sean A Rynearson (srynearson) Chief Airhead Community: Airheads Community ( Lithy category: Lithium Platform Innovator   We believe that buying a product is ... See more...
Company: Aruba Networks  Entry submitted by: Sean A Rynearson (srynearson) Chief Airhead Community: Airheads Community ( Lithy category: Lithium Platform Innovator   We believe that buying a product is just the first step. A User needs support after the buy. Community is a more efficient way of supporting end customers.   Lithium helps us reach our customer and answer their questions in a cost effective manner.      Hi, I am Sean Rynearson, Chief Airheads for Aruba Networks. That is just a fancy way of saying I am the community manager. This is our submission to the Lithium Platform Innovator Lithy.   We believe that buying a product is just the first step. A User needs support after the purchase. An online community is a more efficient way of supporting end customers. Lithium helps us reach our customers and answer their questions in a cost effective manner.    Our online community is very important to us. It is a place for Aruba customers, partners, and employees to connect and discuss Wireless and networking technology.   I started off my career as a contracting engineer working on Aruba gear. Many times I have depended on the Airheads Community to help me solve technical problems.     We currently have over 4000 unique logins this year, 450 unique participants every month with over 300 thousand active views a month. Our community is growing fast.   Our web-based community is amazing, but the times have changed. Or Users are not always in the office or on their laptop. We call this new concept #GenMobile .   Users need the same functionality on the go as they do on their laptop. Mobile browser interface is ok but we needed something with more usability. Something that is more intimate with the user.    Introducing the New Airheads Mobile App.      Using Lithiums REST API and the user/message calls we were able to build a mobile experience that gave users competing functionality over the Web based Interface.   We implemented some key Community function: Single Sign-on Support Full menu support Multiple discussion board functionality Knowledge base access Blogs Events Incredible search   Community Functionality is great but we also threw in some amazing user functionality: User Posts and comment  Kudos Share on social media Friends Private messages User Profiles   Is our Community now #Genmobile Ready? Mobile Community Functionality-- Check Mobile User Functionality-- Check Amazing online members-- Check We are good to go.   With the combination of community and user functionality along with the great minds of our online members, we have a solid community no matter if you are on the go or in the office.   Feel free to try out our new Airheads Mobile APP.  And send us feedback. Thank you.   Our business results 1300 unique app logins within the first month 2000 downloads   Watch our video here: 
Company: StarHub  Entry submitted by: Darren Choo (darren) AVP of Social CRM Community: StarHub Community ( Lithy category: Most Creative Promotion or Launch   StarHub Community, together with our social med... See more...
Company: StarHub  Entry submitted by: Darren Choo (darren) AVP of Social CRM Community: StarHub Community ( Lithy category: Most Creative Promotion or Launch   StarHub Community, together with our social media agency Vocanic has put in place a marketing strategy to promote use of Community on digital platforms. Each campaign we embark upon is angled at obtaining user-generated content. This then becomes a searchable bank of useful opinions that remains relevant after the end of the campaign. The content is amplified beyond the Community when it is shared on StarHub's social platforms Facebook (250,000 fans), Twitter (20,000 followers), Instagram, YouTube and Line. Through the Sparklers Club we nurture advocates who spend countless hours on our site helping other members with their queries. Our initiatives have been recognized and we have won industry accolades in Singapore: Best use of Brand Advocacy (Gold) at the Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2013 and Excellence in Loyalty Marketing (Silver) at the Marketing Excellence Awards 2013. Read the details below.   As Singapore's fully integrated info communications company, StarHub offers a full range of information, communications and entertainment services for both consumer and corporate markets. With the aim of providing every person, home and business in Singapore with world-class multimedia services and content, StarHub operates a mobile network that provides 4G, 3G and 2G services, manages an island-wide HFC (Hybrid Fibre-Coaxial) network that delivers multi-channel pay TV services, as well as ultra-high speed residential broadband services.   In a bid to further enhance our relationship with customers, it was decided that improving and reinforcing the way we handled customer service, was key. Simply put, the traditional customer service call-centre system needed to be revamped, to take advantage of the power of Social Media. In so doing, StarHub was able to tap into the vast prowess of peer-to-peer support, eliminating the need for customers to call in. The strategy unearthed unlimited potential going beyond customer service to touch on topics relating to Human Resource, Content Marketing, Sponsorship Deals, Marketing Communications and Direct Marketing just to name a few. We have worked with various departments within our organization to run campaigns for their activations. As each department adds StarHub Community to their activity scorecard, we become a vibrant platform that integrates into the different layers of our organization. The results across the board have been phenomenal, with the industry recognizing the value and effectiveness of our Lithium-supported Social Strategy as evident from the following accolades: • Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2013 – Best Use of Brand Advocacy (Gold) • Marketing Excellence Awards 2013 – Excellence in Loyalty Marketing (Silver)   Business Goals   The launch of the Lithium based StarHub Community presented us with the opportunity to develop a whole array of campaigns and activations that strived towards a singular endpoint – to drive brand advocacy. StarHub embarked on an enthusiastic digital marketing programme. The Community gave us the fans and an avenue for us to engage in a meaningful 2-way conversation with them. Further to that however, we were able to tap into their likes and dislikes, problems, issues, challenges and even suggestions to improve our offerings. The wealth of information garnered allowed StarHub as a brand to tailor our marketing strategies to meet, and more importantly match our fans interests – to give them what they want, not what we want to sell. It gave us the ability to: • Roll out Social and Community activations for sponsorships • Develop content based on popular television programmes, translated to offline activities (Social TV) • Perform segment marketing and social sales, e.g. listing a Recontract thread to ask questions and harvest opinions before putting forth a call-to-action for consumers to renew StarHub services • Provide a channel for customers to “self-help”, with crowd-sourced expertise on troubleshooting. Here are the some of the campaigns we have embarked upon to promote use of StarHub Community:   Sparklers Club Among the thousands on StarHub Community, there lies a select few who shine. A select few who spend countless hours on the Community for the sole purpose of helping others – through troubleshooting, moderating conversation threads, and even defending the brand when “bashing” arises. These heroes – influencers and brand advocates - are recognized by the brand and invited to the Sparklers Club. We put in place a gamification framework identify Community members and advocates and invite them into the Club in order to be groomed as brand guardians. To encourage this behavior, a value-exchange was set up. As a Sparkler, one would be able to attend get-togethers to meet, greet and share ideas for improving the Community. Sparklers are also regularly engaged for co-creation, ideation and market research, giving them the opportunity to feel like a part of the brand, making the Community a fun and meaningful place to be and contributing to its ultimate growth and success.     Sparklers members are also selected for their expertise on different topics which tie back to StarHub’s goals: Android and Blackberry experts help people in the Community and drive StarHub’s Mobile agenda. Beauty bloggers talk about fashion, hair and makeup to drive StarHub’s content leader agenda, particularly the Lady First TV show which StarHub has franchised from Taiwan.   We also hold meet-ups with our Sparklers members. Check out the video of the 2014 meet up: Watch this video introducing the Sparklers Club!  When we hit our 1 millionth unique visitor, we wrote a post on Community acknowledging our topic experts and created an infographic to highlight our top users and achievements. Check it out here:   Some of our community Experts:     HITS campaign Best way to make fans happy? Give them what they want. That’s exactly what HITS TV set out to do, by crowdsourcing all-time favourite TV shows that may have ended their runs but which people love and miss. Contest mechanic: We asked people to submit and vote for the TV shows they’d like HITS to air in the coming months. The idea should fit HITS’s DNA: epic characters, riveting stories, cult following, multiple seasons. Top Prizes: A Samsung GALAXY Tab 3 7.0, vouchers to Resorts World Sentosa, Sephora vouchers As part of the contest promotion we received airtime on the HITS TV channel on StarHub! Watch the TVC here:  TVC Screenshot driving viewers to StarHub Community:     Lady First Background: At the beginning, it was found that StarHub Community was rife with male-skewed content, e.g. mobile phones, routers, gadgets discussions and more. This campaign was launched to drive females to the site. We sent out emails that led customers to perform a simple survey in order to ascertain interests. We targeted females whose interests included beauty, makeup, fashion, hairstyling and write their own blogs. The survey acted as a filtering process to find legitimate female bloggers. 20 bloggers were then invited to attend a briefing where they received topics and social tasks to share with their followers that in turn led to activities, conversations and buzz on the Community. Results: - 7,143 unique visitors to StarHub Community’s Lady First board - 470 Topics written - 1,274 replies to topics - Out of 20 original bloggers, 5 remain active to this day, close to 1 year after the activation. 2 of them are members of our Sparklers super user group.   The success of the drive to include the female target audience in the conversation prompted the brand to plan for and launch a sequel activation set to take place mid-2014. Link to Winners Announcement post: Oscars Background: The Academy Awards is a big annual event, televised live globally and watched by many in Singapore. In order to ramp the viewership up on the programme further, we decided to tap into the crowd in the Community for their Oscar predictions. The mechanic was simple. Fans needed to submit their predictions for the winners of 4 categories – Best Actor, Best Actress in a Leading Role, Best Picture and Best Animated Feature. Get them right, and they would stand a chance to win a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0. In just 5 days we received: • 259 Entries (from original target of 5) by 151 participants • 448 votes • 1,700 Likes, 141 Comments and 57 Shares on our Facebook post about the campaign   Check out the entries here:   Posts on StarHub’s Social Platforms Each week, we put up posts on StarHub’s social platforms. We leverage on StarHub’s 250,000 Facebook fans and 20,000 Twitter followers to drive awareness and engagement for the Community by highlighting useful posts on Community and encouraging followers on our social accounts to visit and share their reviews. These posts are boosted by a Facebook media budget. We also use Instagram and Line as additional platforms to drive awareness for Community campaigns.     Community presence on main With a link on to the Community, we have seen an increase in traffic to our site. Refer to screenshot below:        
Company: Google Glass  Entry submitted by: Sarah Price (sarahprice) Social Media & Community Lead and Teresa Zazenski (tzazenski) Community Manager Community: Glass Explorers Program ( Lithy category: Most Creative... See more...
Company: Google Glass  Entry submitted by: Sarah Price (sarahprice) Social Media & Community Lead and Teresa Zazenski (tzazenski) Community Manager Community: Glass Explorers Program ( Lithy category: Most Creative Promotion or Launch    Entry for 50 States video:     The Glass Explorers Program started in April 2013. We made Glass available to bold, creative individuals from different walks of life to help shape the future of Glass. People don’t just buy Glass, they become a “Glass Explorer.” Through the Explorers Program, we seek to empower our customer community to introduce the world to Glass and share their feedback to make Glass better.   On October 12, 2013, we announced that we would be expanding the Explorer Program. Customers would be able to refer up to three friends to buy Glass and join the Explorer Program.   There are countless public fan communities for Glass, but our official community is hosted by Lithium, with private discussion areas restricted to Glass Explorers. This enables customers to have open and honest conversations about Glass and the Explorer Program. Our team uses our Lithium community to get direct feedback and input from our Explorers in many ways, including through a “Glass Wishlist” ideation board. We also use Lithium Social Web to monitor and engage with feedback and Explorer-created content across the web.   Our community of Explorers is the heart of our program, so for certain key Explorer Program milestones, we have invited our Explorers to share content with us that we used to create a community-driven launch video for our marketing efforts. These videos focus on the Explorers and show the world who makes up our community. They also show our Explorers how important they are to our team and to the program, especially in times of change: both milestones involved expansion of the Explorer Program. This makes the change a bit less scary and helps our veteran customers to welcome our new customers. We directly asked for new submissions in our community, and also used Lithium Social Web to identify additional Explorer content that fits into our theme.   50 States [Through Google Glass] announced the launch of Explorer referrals, where each Explorer was allowed to invite 3 friends to join the Explorer Program. Explorers had been asking for invitations, and were also a key driving force in bringing new Explorers to the program. We wanted to illustrate the diversity of our Explorers and thank them for their feedback and participation. The creation of this video also was an experiment to see what would happen if we asked our Explorers for help: would we see increased engagement?     We were very pleased with the engagement that resulted from the campaign, and the finished product reflected our values and the heart of the Explorer Program. We saw a dramatic increase in community engagement during the campaign. When we were falling short of our goal to get a video from each state, our community rallied to find customers in the missing states, demonstrating their deep engagement and passion. We eventually received the 50th state shortly after the official end of the campaign, in time to include all 50 states in the final compilation.         Video was released on October 12, 2013 and has 128k views as of April 24, 2014 (live for 6 months).       For all community members who viewed the call to action, we saw a submission rate of 18%.       While we were taking submissions, we observed a 7x boost in community engagement, with a 21% increase in engagement from key customers.       Our stated goal was to obtain submissions from each state in the US within two weeks. We achieved 49 of 50 by the end of the campaign, with the 50th state arriving the following week, in time to be included in the final video compilation.    
Company: ING Direct  Entry submitted by: Nicolas Hun (nicolashun) Brand Content and Social Media Manager Community: Le Web Café ING Direct ( Lithy category: Most Creative Promotion or Launch   ING Direct ... See more...
Company: ING Direct  Entry submitted by: Nicolas Hun (nicolashun) Brand Content and Social Media Manager Community: Le Web Café ING Direct ( Lithy category: Most Creative Promotion or Launch   ING Direct has launched its Lithium community to give visibility and highlight the good relationship it has with its customers, but also to reduce the costs of customer relations mainly services by call.   In December 2013, ING Direct France, the leader of online banking in France, launched its Lithium community, "Le Web Café".   This community, 100% integrated in website enriches the existing ecosystem "Web Café" of the brand composed from a Facebook Page, a Twitter account and 2 physical coffees in Paris and Lyon.   It was really important for the brand to use the name of "Web Café" as "Web Café" is the link for all the places where clients and prospects can discuss and share each other and with ING Direct, but also to give a possibility for the clients to tell and share their satisfaction and good relation with the bank.     The Lithium community is composed of three bricks. 1) A forum where clients and prospects can directly and freely discuss with the bank's customers, allowing customers to share their experiences and expertise with the community. 2) A lab where members can test and share their ideas to improve and build the bank of tomorrow. 3) A blog to decrypt, give tips, and share all useful informations to members to complete their projects.   For the launch of the community, we produced a video explaining in detail the community created by the agency. This video respects ING Direct's graphical guidelines and is in line with ING Direct philosophy.   A voiceover presents all the sections of the website and all that would be possible to do. The tone is light, and reflects the state of mind and the positioning of the bank. On screen, we follow a discussion between François (a client) and Jeanne (a prospect) who wishes to learn how to join ING Direct.   VO : In principle, the atmosphere of a coffee is very different from that of a bank.   Maybe not that much after all. ING Direct creates its "WEB CAFÉ". A community where you can discuss, exchange and share with us your ideas.   In the "Web Café ", it is you who have the floor.   Finally, you and the whole community gathered around ING Direct. There is a forum where you can ask questions or respond to those of other clients. It's by helping each other we make a difference.   Simple, isn't?   "Web Café " is also a blog: articles and analysis to help you save, invest or manage your budget. In the blog you will find tips for your projects.   WEB CAFÉ is finally a lab where we create the services of tomorrow together​. You propose ideas, big or small, and we submit ours...   And you vote for the ones you prefer.   Share your ideas and together build the bank tomorrow   Join the ING Direct "Web Café " community now.​   The community is a real success. In 4 months, the community has about 2 800 active members and more than 73 000 unique visitors. 741 discussions have been raised and more than 270 ideas to improve the lives of customers and build the bank of tomorrow have been shared.   Our business results: "Le Web Café", with more than 466 247 pageviews and 741 discussions. 69% - Topics posted by members generated reactions from other members. 45% - Topics posted by members received answers from other members. 21% - Discussions related to the category "Become a customer" 62% of these discussions are about the process   Watch our launch video here:   
Company: StarHub  Entry submitted by: Darren Choo (darren) AVP of Social CRM Community: StarHub Community ( Lithy category: Digital Strategy Leader   StarHub Community, together with our social media agency ... See more...
Company: StarHub  Entry submitted by: Darren Choo (darren) AVP of Social CRM Community: StarHub Community ( Lithy category: Digital Strategy Leader   StarHub Community, together with our social media agency Vocanic has implemented a stellar digital strategy which no other brand on the Lithium platform has done before. We have made StarHub Community the go-to platform for user discussion on all things StarHub: Social TV, Social Sales, Engagement of Segments, Sponsorship, cultivating Influencers & Advocates, nurturing Loyalty and building Partnerships. Our initiatives have been recognized and we have won industry accolades in Singapore: Best use of Brand Advocacy (Gold) at the Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2013 and Excellence in Loyalty Marketing (Silver) at the Marketing Excellence Awards 2013. Read the details below.    As Singapore's fully integrated infocommunications company, StarHub offers a full range of information, communications and entertainment services for both consumer and corporate markets.   With the aim of providing every person, home and business in Singapore with world-class multimedia services and content, StarHub operates a mobile network that provides 4G, 3G and 2G services, manages an island-wide HFC (Hybrid Fibre-Coaxial) network that delivers multi-channel pay TV services, as well as ultra-high speed residential broadband services. In a bid to further enhance our relationship with customers, it was decided that improving and reinforcing the way we handled customer service, was key. Simply put, the traditional customer service call-centre system needed to be revamped, to take advantage of the power of Social Media. In so doing, StarHub was able to tap into the vast prowess of peer-to-peer support, eliminating the need for customers to call in. The strategy unearthed unlimited potential going beyond customer service to touch on topics relating to Human Resource, Content Marketing, Sponsorship Deals, Marketing Communications and Direct Marketing just to name a few. The results across the board have been phenomenal, with the industry recognizing the value and effectiveness of our Lithium-supported Social Strategy as evident from the following accolades: • Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2013 – Best Use of Brand Advocacy (Gold) • Marketing Excellence Awards 2013 – Excellence in Loyalty Marketing (Silver)   What were the goals? We wanted to position StarHub as a company that listens, understands, cares for our customers and the Singapore community. At the same time, we acknowledge that endorsements are often regarded to be more credible and objective when they come from third parties that do not have a stake in the business. In creating a new platform, it was crucial that it be instrumental in cultivating brand advocates, where in times of need, users could step in to defend the brand on our behalf from the “bashing” conducted by others. It was to also be a sanctuary for frank opinions, transparency and a hotbed for equipment testing by our loyal customers. Hence, the aim was to create a community managed by consumers, for the consumers and moderated by StarHub. StarHub Community would present a centralized platform for existing customers to turn to should they have any StarHub product or service-related problems. There, they would be able to access to a wealth of user-generated trouble-shooting tips, solutions, general information and more.   In harnessing the community for support, the secondary goals were to reduce budget spent to hire and train call-centre personnel, and at the same time increase efficiency in addressing technical issues. In addition, the community would serve as the go-to place for StarHub news updates regarding new handset releases, promotions, cable television show discussions and more. For the ladies, it served as a rallying point to take part in contests and promotions tied in with Lady First Singapore – franchised from Taiwan’s leading lifestyle magazine show. StarHub Community as a whole would stand as a lifestyle hub for the masses. The launch of the Lithium based StarHub Community presented us with the opportunity to develop a whole array of campaigns and activations that strived towards a singular endpoint – to drive brand advocacy. StarHub embarked on an enthusiastic digital marketing programme. The Community gave us the fans and an avenue for us to engage in a meaningful 2-way conversation with them. Further to that however, we were able to tap into their likes and dislikes, problems, issues, challenges and even suggestions to improve our offerings. The wealth of information garnered allowed StarHub as a brand to tailor our marketing strategies to meet, and more importantly match our fans interests – to give them what they want, not what we want to sell. It gave us the ability to: • Roll out Social and Community activations for sponsorships • Develop content based on popular television programmes, translated to offline activities (Social TV) • Perform segment marketing and social sales, e.g. listing a Recontract thread to ask questions and harvest opinions before putting forth a call-to-action for consumers to renew StarHub services • Provide a channel for customers to “self-help”, with crowd-sourced expertise on troubleshooting.   1) Social TV StarHub cable television provides a colourful and energetic tapestry of entertainment that constantly engages with consumers. The proposition for Social TV was to tap into this buzz, taking it offline to drive participation on StarHub Community.   As part of the brand’s 2-year SCRM roadmap, we aimed to promote product and service launches through Social Media. StarHub has gone into production of its own content and StarHub Community was seen as the perfect opportunity to drive exposure and engagement. Lady first Background: At the beginning, it was found that StarHub Community was rife with male-skewed content, e.g. mobile phones, routers, gadgets discussions and more. This campaign was launched to drive females to the site. We sent out emails that led customers to perform a simple survey in order to ascertain interests. We targeted females whose interests included beauty, makeup, fashion, hairstyling and write their own blogs. The survey acted as a filtering process to find legitimate female bloggers. 20 bloggers were then invited to attend a briefing where they received topics and social tasks to share with their followers that in turn led to activities, conversations and buzz on the Community. Results: - 7,143 unique visitors to StarHub Community’s Lady First board - 470 Topics written - 1,274 replies to topics - Out of 20 original bloggers, 5 remain active to this day, close to 1 year after the activation. 2 of them are members of our Sparklers super user group.   The success of the drive to include the female target audience in the conversation prompted the brand to plan for and launch a sequel activation set to take place mid-2014. Link to Winners Announcement post:   Oscars – Predict the Winners Background: The Academy Awards is a big annual event, televised live globally and watched by many in Singapore. In order to ramp the viewership up on the programme further, we decided to tap into the crowd in the Community for their Oscar predictions. The mechanic was simple. Fans needed to submit their predictions for the winners of 4 categories – Best Actor, Best Actress in a Leading Role, Best Picture and Best Animated Feature. Get them right, and they would stand a chance to win a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0. In just 5 days we received: • 259 Entries (from original target of 5) by 151 participants • 448 votes • 1,700 Likes, 141 Comments and 57 Shares on our Facebook post about the campaign   Check out the entries here:   HITS TV – crowd source for which shows to air next   Best way to make fans happy? Give them what they want. That’s exactly what HITS TV set out to do, by crowdsourcing all-time favourite TV shows that may have ended their runs but which people love and miss. We asked people to submit and vote for the TV shows they’d like HITS to air in the coming months. The idea should fit HITS’s DNA: epic characters, riveting stories, cult following, multiple seasons. Top Prizes: A Samsung GALAXY Tab 3 7.0, vouchers to Resorts World Sentosa, Sephora vouchers In addition to posts on StarHub’s social media platforms, the HITS channel on StarHub TV even ran a TVC promoting the contest:   Results:   Post on Community   2) Social Sales   Background: To encourage recontracts, customers needed to feel the want to. Social Sales put into place a process to help existing customers make that informed choice during their zero-moment of truth (ZMOT) i.e. the step they take right before they make a purchase. Direct mailers and eDMs were utilized to present a recontract offer that encouraged the customer to head to the Community to ask questions about the offer and get opinions. Community managers on Community then responded to their queries, helping them make the choice to stay with us. This thread garnered 88,000 views.     Posts on Community: 3) Segment Engagement Strategy Background: In order to diversify conversation threads and subjects in the Community beyond technology, the brand tapped into the various likes and interests harboured by fans to create and list lifestyle content. This produced two long-term advantages. First, we were able – through the information gathered – develop a knowledge base that gave us an insight into our customers. This would allow us to tailor marketing strategies accordingly. Secondly, with this knowledge at our disposal, we were able to effectively take the conversation to our customers, speak in a language they appreciate, and harvest a meaningful relationship. Food segment – Auspicious dishes Background: StarHub’s Hubalicious - a gastronomic extravaganza that celebrates all things food – is a testament for the brand’s love for food. And since food holds a special place in the hearts of Singaporeans, the opportunity presented itself, to reach out to consumers via gastronomy. StarHub leveraged on the Chinese New Year festivities to invite fans to share their celebrations with food. It was a call for foodies to unite, to showcase home-made treats and dishes. The top-voted entry walked away with a Samsung GALAXY S4 (LTE), while consolation prizes were made up of 8 $50 Resorts World Sentosa vouchers. Results: - 252 unique visitors - 20 entries   View the entries here: Female segment – Ask the beauty experts and Lady First community activation Lady First didn’t just fulfil our Social TV agenda (above). It also served as a content piece to drive participation from the Female segment. Please refer to the Social TV segment above for results.   Travel Segment - Crowdsourcing of itineraries In conjunction with the year-end holidays, travel plans follow with fervor. StarHub recognized this and tapped into the myriad of vacationers planning their getaways. Through Community, StarHub encouraged members to share their upcoming travel itineraries and get their friends to vote for them. However, no touristy itineraries were allowed. Anyone can head to the Eiffel Tower. Plans shared had to unveil lesser known foreign destinations like jungle trekking in Cambodia and local coffee shops in Vietnam, and more.   3 winners snagged a total of $2,000 Chan Brother Travel Gift Vouchers. (3rd prize: $400, 2nd prize: $600, and 1st prize: $1,000.) Results: - 1,404 unique visitors - 29 entries After the contest ended, we created an Interest Group on StarHub Community with the crowd-sourced travel itineraries so visitors can continue to discuss and share their ideas.   Elderly segment – Active Ageing Hackathon Phase 1   The StarHub Golden Gurus initiative saw campaigns rolled-out on the Community targeted at including senior citizens in the online conversation. The brand appreciated that seniors often felt left behind and clueless when it came to IT, new media, the internet and the likes. Golden Gurus sought out seniors who were well versed in the intricacies of technology to coerce and train their peers.   The Active Ageing Hackathon paired StarHub Community members with UP Singapore members to bring together experts, researchers, marketers, designers and developers over one weekend from 16 - 18 Aug 2013 to develop prototypes of solutions to improve the lives of our Seniors in Singapore. 2 best ideas clinched a Samsung GALAXY Tab 2 7.0 Tab each.   Results: - 988 unique visitors - 97 entries - 2,305 votes   View the entries here:   Elderly segment – Active Ageing Hackathon Phase 2   In a follow-up to the submissions from phase 1, we displayed the submitted prototypes on the Community and asked people to vote for their favourite ones on the forum, giving them the power of influence in helping the prototypes become a reality. 10 $50 StarHub vouchers were given away to lucky voters.   Results: - 106 unique visitors - 381 votes   Community post:   4) Sponsorship - Digital Engagement Strategy Kim Soo Hyun In a typical sponsorship deal where a celebrity is involved, fans rarely get the chance to revel in the thick of the action. StarHub Community however, gives them a unique digital platform where their shared content is logged, consolidated and seen by all – giving them the airtime to unabashedly show off their love for the star. Popular Korean celebrity Kim Soo Hyun commands legions of fans in Singapore. We set out to give his fans an avenue to shout about their adoration by showcasing their “die-hardness”. All they had to do was to get creative with photos, videos and more and the best entries would win a pair of passes to an exclusive fan-meet. Total entries: 60 within just 4 days   For those who had passes in hand, we leveraged the selfie trend to get fans to take creative photos of themselves with ticket stubs for a chance to have Kim Soo Hyun call them on their phone during the event to join him on stage and grant their one wish with him. Total entries: 181 within just 9 days 74679#U74679 5) Influencer and Advocacy strategy Among the thousands on StarHub Community, there lies a select few who shine. A select few who spend countless hours on the Community for the sole purpose of helping others – through troubleshooting, moderating conversation threads, and even defending the brand when “bashing” arises. These heroes – influencers and brand advocates - are recognized by the brand and invited to the Sparklers Club.   We put in place a gamification framework identify Community members and advocates and invite them into the Club in order to be groomed as brand guardians.   To encourage this behavior, a value-exchange was set up. As a Sparkler, one would be able to attend get-togethers to meet, greet and share ideas for improving the Community. Sparklers are also regularly engaged for co-creation, ideation and market research, giving them the opportunity to feel like a part of the brand, making the Community a fun and meaningful place to be and contributing to its ultimate growth and success.     Watch this video introducing the Sparklers Club! More info:   6) Loyalty strategy StarHub Community Rewards Phase 1   In conjunction with the 1st anniversary of StarHub Community, we partnered with 15 different lifestyle and F&B brands, with exclusive members-only offers. For purposes of the redemption, we created a mobile browser app, from which fans could flash offers to merchants (following a sign-up through Community) in order to enjoy respective perks. Results: - 3,606 participants, 2,547 new SHC members through this app, 434 offers redeemed across the period of 3 months (Oct – Dec 2013) - 11,601 unique visitors, 14,550 visits, 753 StarHub Facebook page likes Jackpot Bonanza   The objective of Jackpot Bonanza was member acquisition. A total of 198 prizes worth $10,000 were up for grabs through a specially designed digital slot machine. Every player was given 10 chances to spin. The catch was this – if they’d run out of chances, they were then required to perform social tasks like tweet, invite friends or sign up on StarHub Community to get extra chances. Results: - 6,205 people played Jackpot Bonanza, 1,752 new SHC registrations - 700 tweets, 1,331 Facebook invites. - 11,502 unique visitors, 21,299 visits     7) Partnership strategy StarHub entered into a partnership with Marina Bay Sands in support of the Annie Leibovitz exhibition. A contest will be launched on 5 May, targeting photography enthusiasts on Community, inviting them to reenact a rendition of selected Leibovitz works. The best photo will win tickets to the Annie Leibovitz exhibition at ArtScience Museum and a night’s stay at the Marina Bay Sands Hotel including access to the rooftop infinity pool.
Company: TELUS  Entry submitted by: Scotty Jackson (deturbulence) Sr Strategy Manager Community: TELUS Neighbourhood (  Lithy category: Excellence in Customer Satisfaction    At TELUS, we put customers first – This is und... See more...
Company: TELUS  Entry submitted by: Scotty Jackson (deturbulence) Sr Strategy Manager Community: TELUS Neighbourhood (  Lithy category: Excellence in Customer Satisfaction    At TELUS, we put customers first – This is underlined by our Customer Declaration.   We're not perfect, but our employees are deeply motivated to consistently delight our customers. We know that getting better means making sure we're listening to you.   That’s why we’re embracing new ideas that will make your TELUS experience better, everyday. We’re on a journey to build on your trust by being clear, helpful and dependable.   In other words, at TELUS, we put you first.   Within TELUS, our social media team plays an important role in bringing our Customer Declaration to life.   In 2010, we started listening and responding to customer mentions of “telus” on Twitter. This was done using our enterprise platform (Radian6) with a very small team of contact centre agents, looking at only our Mobility line of business. As we gained experience and the channel became more active, we found we could not only serve customers, but also exceed their expectations by listening to discussions and engaging.   In 2012, we added additional agents to support Home Services and created more robust processes to enable communication and hand-offs between operations, public relations/corporate communications, and marketing. These processes have evolved into meaningful partnerships, with the business aligning behind common goals of putting our customers first, and having teams that historically did not inter-operate collaborate on a daily basis.   Having established a uniquely agile and cross functional team, we have been able to consistently exceed our client’s expectations. By building relationships through Twitter, Facebook, and our online community, we have increased customer loyalty which is reflected in our 77% Top 2 Box Likelihood to Recommend and 88% Top 2 Box customer satisfaction client survey results.   Screenshot from   As we, from a social service standpoint, were getting more and more involved in delivering customer experience and support through engagement, we found that we needed tools and technologies focused on engagement to suit the needs of this growing channel.   To that end, in the back half of 2012, we undertook an evaluation of a multitude of social tools to not only underpin our engagement and customer experience needs, but also to grow our social capabilities. We selected Lithium Social Web as the best tool for our needs based on routing, case management, tagging, and reporting. These capabilities not only empowered the operational teams to really own social engagement, but also gave them credibility internally.   In early 2013, LSW was implemented, enabling our operational team with clear lines of accountability and responsibility on a case by case basis, also giving us insight to volumes, times, and topics of conversation. Supported by this capability, we opened our historically closed Facebook wall to customer posts, allowing customers another communication channel with TELUS, and in to a sustainable workflow process.   To further our strategy of putting customers first and our goals of delivering strong social experiences, we began work on the TELUS Neighbourhood, a Lithium community, in March of 2013. Launching in June, our community serves as an opportunity to ensure support content does not expire/evaporate as it does on Twitter (due to Twitter’s velocity), as well as to enable the growth of superusers and brand advocates. Further, we can leverage it as a draw to bring social experiences on-domain, closer to self serve capabilities and to shopping.   Screenshot from   Our efforts in the social space have taught us the need to develop people and skillsets directly related to social service. To that end, we are developing a formalized team (outside of the typical contact centre agent pool) with a distinct mandate, learning and development track, and set of success metrics to properly grow and sustain our social service efforts. This team will own all operational activity, and will continue the active collaboration with PR and marketing teams.   As we move in to 2014, we are finding new ways to leverage social insights internally. We are partnered with web teams, as our community activities demonstrate content customers are most hungry for, based on authorship and views, which inform web development and content authoring/promotion. Operational enablement teams are also receiving our feedback and insights to better tune our processes.   Additionally, we are able to springboard off of our community design and internal partnerships to launch TELUS Ideas, providing us yet another stream of insights in to the customer experience, directly from customers. This, coupled with our work to introduce a gamification strategy, continues to unite the organization internally to better hear and serve our customers.   In 2013: Twitter 56k+ engagements Ended year by reaching an average total response time of 25 minutes in Q4 Quality survey results say: If a colleague, friend or family member were looking for services such as home phone, Internet, TV or Wireless, what is the likelihood that you would recommend TELUS to them? 77% Top 2 Box How would you rate the performance of the TELUS social media support agent for the level of service you received? 88% Top 2 Box After your experience with TELUS’ social media support team, how likely are you to share your experience with others? 86% Top 2 Box Facebook 6.3k+ engagements Ended year by reaching an average total response time of 118 minutes in Q4 TELUS Neighbourhood (Lithium Community) June launch 5.6k+ forum posts 1.3k+ Accepted Solutions Estimated 28.7k+ live contacts displaced 11k+ completed registrations, 254k+ logins  
Company: StarHub  Entry submitted by: Darren Choo (darren) AVP of Social CRM Community: StarHub Community ( Lithy category: The Organization Game Changer   StarHub Community, together with our social media a... See more...
Company: StarHub  Entry submitted by: Darren Choo (darren) AVP of Social CRM Community: StarHub Community ( Lithy category: The Organization Game Changer   StarHub Community, together with our social media agency Vocanic, has embarked upon cross-functional collaboration with 10 departments in our organization. Apart from Customer Service and Marketing, we have worked with our Network, Market Research, Marketing, Human Resources, Content and Mobile teams. Through collaboration within our organization, our initiatives have been recognized and we have won industry accolades in Singapore: Best use of Brand Advocacy (Gold) at the Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2013 and Excellence in Loyalty Marketing (Silver) at the Marketing Excellence Awards 2013. Read the details below.   As Singapore's fully integrated info communications company, StarHub offers a full range of information, communications and entertainment services for both consumer and corporate markets. With the aim of providing every person, home and business in Singapore with world-class multimedia services and content, StarHub operates a mobile network that provides 4G, 3G and 2G services, manages an island-wide HFC (Hybrid Fibre-Coaxial) network that delivers multi-channel pay TV services, as well as ultra-high speed residential broadband services.   In a bid to further enhance our relationship with customers, it was decided that improving and reinforcing the way we handled customer service, was key. Simply put, the traditional customer service call-centre system needed to be revamped, to take advantage of the power of Social Media. In so doing, StarHub was able to tap into the vast prowess of peer-to-peer support, eliminating the need for customers to call in. The strategy unearthed unlimited potential going beyond customer service to touch on topics relating to Human Resource, Content Marketing, Sponsorship Deals, Marketing Communications and Direct Marketing just to name a few. We have worked with various departments within our organization to run campaigns for their activations. As each department adds StarHub Community to their activity scorecard, we become a vibrant platform that integrates into the different layers of our organization. The results across the board have been phenomenal, with the industry recognizing the value and effectiveness of our Lithium-supported Social Strategy as evident from the following accolades: • Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2013 – Best Use of Brand Advocacy (Gold) • Marketing Excellence Awards 2013 – Excellence in Loyalty Marketing (Silver)   What were the goals? We wanted to position StarHub as a company that listens, understands, cares for our customers and the Singapore community. At the same time, we acknowledge that endorsements are often regarded to be more credible and objective when they come from third parties that do not have a stake in the business. In creating a new platform, it was crucial that it be instrumental in cultivating brand advocates, where in times of need, users could step in to defend the brand on our behalf from the “bashing” conducted by others. It was to also be a sanctuary for frank opinions, transparency and a hotbed for equipment testing by our loyal customers. Hence, the aim was to create a community managed by consumers, for the consumers and moderated by StarHub. StarHub Community would present a centralized platform for existing customers to turn to should they have any StarHub product or service-related problems. There, they would be able to access to a wealth of user-generated trouble-shooting tips, solutions, general information and more.   In harnessing the community for support, the secondary goals were to reduce budget spent to hire and train call-centre personnel, and at the same time increase efficiency in addressing technical issues. In addition, the community would serve as the go-to place for StarHub news updates regarding new handset releases, promotions, cable television show discussions and more. For the ladies, it served as a rallying point to take part in contests and promotions tied in with Lady First Singapore – franchised from Taiwan’s leading lifestyle magazine show. StarHub Community as a whole would stand as a lifestyle hub for the masses. How has your company incorporated Lithium against those business goals? Cross-functional collaboration with StarHub Community with various departments in our organization: 1. Network dept.: The Network team has a Network feedback app where employees – on the private Employee Board – are asked to give feedback when they encounter data access problems so the Network team can take action to rectify issues. After a successful trial we intend to launch this to the public. This will greatly enhance customer feedback by pinpointing to us areas with network issues which we can then take action on. Link to post (private) Mobile-Network/m-p/52905#U52905   Screenshot of Network post:   2. Market research dept.: Instead of conducting expensive focus groups, we now conduct them through Community and additionally develop long-term relationships with respondents. For confidential projects we use trusted, closed-group advocates for respondents. Link to post:   Screenshot of post:   3. Corporate Communications dept.: We work closely with the Corp Comms team to manage crises. StarHub Community is a more positive environment for constructive feedback compared to Social Media platforms like Facebook and Twitter where customers may slam us. Here, trusted advocates who potentially have StarHub’s interests in mind give us fair and constructive feedback and step in to moderate other users who may troll us. Link to post:   Screenshot of post:   4. Human Resources dept.: StarHub believes in keeping employees happy and healthy and to show that the company cares, the HR team embarked on a program to deliver to our employees a package of fresh fruit every Friday. We leveraged on this to run a fun employee photo contest called the Juicy Smile contest. We asked employees to "flash your juiciest smile with the fruit of the day,” take a photo and upload it on the Contest page on the private Employee board on StarHub Community. The top 3 best smiles were rewarded with a $50 shopping voucher each. We previously tried other platforms to engage employees but these had little participation because employees could not access these platforms at home. Community however, is on the cloud and has an easy user interface, encouraging employee participation. Link to post (private board):   Some of our employees' entries:   5. Segment marketing dept.: Segment marketing used to be once-off tactical events but with the Community we can build long term engagement and sustainable interest groups for various segments Here are some of our successful segment marketing campaigns: Food segment – Auspicious dishes Background: StarHub’s Hubalicious - a gastronomic extravaganza that celebrates all things food – is a testament for the brand’s love for food. And since food holds a special place in the hearts of Singaporeans, the opportunity presented itself, to reach out to consumers via gastronomy. StarHub leveraged on the Chinese New Year festivities to invite fans to share their celebrations with food. It was a call for foodies to unite, to showcase home-made treats and dishes. The top-voted entry walked away with a Samsung GALAXY S4 (LTE), while consolation prizes were made up of 8 $50 Resorts World Sentosa vouchers. Results: - 252 unique visitors - 20 entries View the entries here :   Screenshot of entry:    Female segment – Lady First Background: At the beginning, it was found that StarHub Community was rife with male-skewed content, e.g. mobile phones, routers, gadgets discussions and more. This campaign was launched to drive females to the site. We sent out emails that led customers to perform a simple survey in order to ascertain interests. We targeted females whose interests included beauty, makeup, fashion, hairstyling and write their own blogs. The survey acted as a filtering process to find legitimate female bloggers. 20 bloggers were then invited to attend a briefing where they received topics and social tasks to share with their followers that in turn led to activities, conversations and buzz on the Community. Results: - 7,143 unique visitors to StarHub Community’s Lady First board - 470 Topics written - 1,274 replies to topics - Out of 20 original bloggers, 5 remain active to this day, close to 1 year after the activation. 2 of them are members of our Sparklers super user group. The success of the drive to include the female target audience in the conversation prompted the brand to plan for and launch a sequel activation set to take place mid-2014. Link to Winners Announcement post: Screenshot of winning bloggers:     Travel Segment - Crowdsourcing of itineraries In conjunction with the year-end holidays, travel plans follow with fervor. StarHub recognized this and tapped into the myriad of vacationers planning their getaways. Through Community, StarHub encouraged members to share their upcoming travel itineraries and get their friends to vote for them. However, no touristy itineraries were allowed. Anyone can head to the Eiffel Tower. Plans shared had to unveil lesser known foreign destinations like jungle trekking in Cambodia and local coffee shops in Vietnam, and more. 3 winners snagged a total of $2,000 Chan Brother Travel Gift Vouchers. (3rd prize: $400, 2nd prize: $600, and 1st prize: $1,000.) Results: - 1,404 unique visitors - 29 entries After the contest ended, we created an Interest Group on StarHub Community with the crowdsourced travel itineraries so visitors can continue to discuss and share their ideas.   Creatives for Travel Segment Engagement campaign:     Elderly segment – Active Ageing Hackathon Phase 1 The StarHub Golden Gurus initiative saw campaigns rolled-out on the Community targeted at including senior citizens in the online conversation. The brand appreciated that seniors often felt left behind and clueless when it came to IT, new media, the internet and the likes. Golden Gurus sought out seniors who were well versed in the intricacies of technology to coerce and train their peers. The Active Ageing Hackathon paired StarHub Community members with UP Singapore members to bring together experts, researchers, marketers, designers and developers over one weekend from 16 - 18 Aug 2013 to develop prototypes of solutions to improve the lives of our Seniors in Singapore. 2 best ideas clinched a Samsung GALAXY Tab 2 7.0 Tab each. Results: - 988 unique visitors - 97 entries - 2,305 votes   View the entries here: 6. Content Marketing Dept: The StarHub Community platform allows us to hold creative contests e.g. crowdsourcing Instagram photos and your favourite TV shows which is more fun than other platforms. This contributes positively to our SEO as content is crowd-sourced, easily searchable and more engaging. Oscars – Predict the Winners Background: The Academy Awards is a big annual event, televised live globally and watched by many in Singapore. In order to ramp the viewership up on the programme further, we decided to tap into the crowd in the Community for their Oscar predictions. The mechanic was simple. Fans needed to submit their predictions for the winners of 4 categories – Best Actor, Best Actress in a Leading Role, Best Picture and Best Animated Feature. Get them right, and they would stand a chance to win a Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 7.0. In just 5 days we received:   • 259 Entries (from original target of 5) by 151 participants • 448 votes • 1,700 Likes, 141 Comments and 57 Shares on our Facebook post about the campaign   Check out the entries here:   Screenshot of contest:   HITS TV – crowd source for which shows to air next   Best way to make fans happy? Give them what they want. That’s exactly what HITS TV set out to do, by crowdsourcing all-time favourite TV shows that may have ended their runs but which people love and miss. We asked people to submit and vote for the TV shows they’d like HITS to air in the coming months. The idea should fit HITS’s DNA: epic characters, riveting stories, cult following, multiple seasons. Top Prizes: A Samsung GALAXY Tab 3 7.0, vouchers to Resorts World Sentosa, Sephora vouchers In addition to posts on StarHub’s social media platforms, the HITS channel on StarHub TV even ran a TVC promoting the contest:   Results:    Post on Community: a-TV-show-and-stand-to-win-a-Samsung/m-p/65113 7. Product Marketing Dept: Through our sponsorship of celebrities like Korean TV actor Kim Soo Hyun, we have run a StarHub Community pull-down campaign. In a typical sponsorship deal where a celebrity is involved, fans rarely get the chance to revel in the thick of the action. StarHub Community however, gives them a unique digital platform where their shared content is logged, consolidated and seen by all – giving them the airtime to unabashedly show off their love for the star. Popular Korean celebrity Kim Soo Hyun commands legions of fans in Singapore. We set out to give his fans an avenue to shout about their adoration by showcasing their “die-hardness”. All they had to do was to get creative with photos, videos and more and the best entries would win a pair of passes to an exclusive fan-meet. Total entries: 60 within just 4 days   For those who had passes in hand, we leveraged the selfie trend to get fans to take creative photos of themselves with ticket stubs for a chance to have Kim Soo Hyun call them on their phone during the event to join him on stage and grant their one wish with him. Total entries: 181 within just 9 days Promo Banner:   8. Mobile dept.: Reviews of latest Mobile phones on the market. We harness reviews from the crowd, bloggers and employees on a common platform that was previously not possible.   Blog link:   Blog screenshot:     9. Cross-bundling & Recontracting dept.: HomeHub & Recontract bits. Previously, ATL and BTLs were one-way communications which did not allow us to control the flow of information to customers searching for details on recontract promotions. With Community, we have put into place a process to help existing customers make that informed choice during their zero-moment of truth (ZMOT) i.e. the step they take right before they make a purchase. Customers can read the discussions and questions by others, ask questions and obtain answers from the Community as well as the Community Managers. Posts on Community:     10. Customer Service dept.: We work with the CS team to create articles for The Knowledge Base (TKB) on StarHub Community. We also feature How-To videos available on StarHub's YouTube channel. The CS team then direct people with queries to these resources for answers and discussions on solutions. This reduces reliance on call-centre personnel. TKB: 100,000 views over 55 articles How-To Videos: 29,360 views One of our articles on TKB:   Categories on our Knowledge Base:     Screenshot & Link of one of our How-To videos:    
Company: StarHub  Entry submitted by: Darren Choo (darren) AVP of Social CRM Community: StarHub Community ( Lithy category: Excellence in Customer Satisfaction   StarHub Community, together with our social m... See more...
Company: StarHub  Entry submitted by: Darren Choo (darren) AVP of Social CRM Community: StarHub Community ( Lithy category: Excellence in Customer Satisfaction   StarHub Community, together with our social media agency Vocanic has worked to build a platform which is managed by consumers, contains info relevant to consumers and is moderated by StarHub. Visitors post their questions and topic experts from among our members step in to respond, thereby setting the scene for peer-to-peer support. Understanding that advocacy is the highest order in social media marketing, we have also built a team of super users – the Sparklers Club – who spend countless hours on the site for the sole purpose of helping others through troubleshooting, moderating conversation threads, and even defending the brand when “bashing” arises. Our initiatives have been recognized and we have won industry accolades in Singapore: Best use of Brand Advocacy (Gold) at the Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2013 and Excellence in Loyalty Marketing (Silver) at the Marketing Excellence Awards 2013. Read the details below.   Customer sentiments have changed, leading to a growing preference for peer-to-peer over topdown customer-service assistance. With social media usage on the rise, it became easier for consumers to engage with their favourite brands, and in so doing sought to be a part of the brand’s activities – to have their voice heard.   Advocacy is the highest order in social media marketing but the brand had yet to explore the maximum potential of these advocates with the proper social media tools and platforms. We want to position StarHub as a company that listens, understands, and cares for our customers and the Singapore community. At the same time, we acknowledge that endorsements are often regarded to be more credible and objective when they come from third parties that do not have a stake in the business. In creating a new platform, it was crucial that it be instrumental in cultivating brand advocates, where in times of need, users could step in to defend the brand on our behalf from the “bashing” conducted by others. It was to also be a sanctuary for frank opinions, transparency and a hotbed for equipment testing by our loyal customers. Hence, the aim was to create a community managed by consumers, for the consumers and moderated by StarHub – functioning as a lifestyle hub for the masses. We required a platform that harnessed advocacy through positive customer support experience – thus, converting detractors to advocates.   StarHub’s social media strategy has always focused on engaging customers across all social media channels, hence establishing a dynamic social brand presence on platforms such as Facebook and Twitter, and occupies spaces on LinkedIn and YouTube. However, we found that a more intimate approach was needed to complement StarHub’s social efforts and amplify engagement with present and potential customers — to handle their issues individually and to foster communication between customers. While social platforms like Facebook and Twitter were excellent tools that encouraged brand to fan conversations, StarHub wanted a platform that specifically enabled consumers to talk to each other, and found that a forum-styled platform was the way to go.   StarHub Community was rolled out over a series of phases. The first phase from concept to integration took two months, including design, development, testing and debugging. It was also important that before launch, to ensure that the tone of the site was right: a strategy was mapped out to define the right tone, and approach, ensuring that this was a friendly place for consumers to raise their questions and/or offer their own solutions to others. As consumers today are heavily reliant on info-communications, StarHub and its counterparts in Singapore receive the most flak on social media, so StarHub's customer service team was roped in to manage customer complaints and guide complainants towards an understanding that the site was not a forum for complaints, but a place for a community to grow and learn together with a strong support from the brand itself. We then moved to identify and select topics that were frequently discussed on StarHub's social media platforms. This pre-populated the Community as a searchable FAQ bank. StarHub Community was launched with these initial content pieces. Once the site was launched, various marketing activities were carried out to create awareness, educate and drive registrations on the site. Every week, we created and managed wall posts on StarHub's two Facebook pages and two Twitter accounts to create awareness about the site among our existing fan base. To boost visibility and reach, Facebook ads were created from these wall posts to get more eyeballs amongst Facebook fans as well as interactions on our Wall posts that included comments, likes and shares. With our member base, we kicked off the influencer identification and activation phase. The objective was to get as many influential online personalities as possible to spread the word about StarHub Community and invite their fans and followers to visit the site. For this phase, we employed the theory of the 1-9-90 rule. 90% of the people on the site are consumers of content but did not participate much in discussions. 9% are people who consume content and also interact with it, for example sharing the content with their own networks and contributing their opinions. 1% of the people are very active on the site, contributing articles, blog write-ups, helping others solve their problems. We worked to identify and activate the 9%, to drive them into the 1% bracket. We invited these people first to contribute on the site and later created events so we could personally meet them, show our appreciation for them and invite them to help StarHub further strengthen the Community with their recommendations. One of these events was graced by StarHub's Heads of Customer Service and Marketing. Their presence further solidified the influencers' convictions that StarHub is indeed committed to listening to the public. The launch strategy was executed in a straightforward, two-phase process. Phase 1 – Establishing content: We began by populating the forums with existing articles like phone reviews, tech trends, general FAQs as well as information on all StarHub products and services.   Phase 2 – Creating awareness and recruitment: To drive visitors to the site to sample the content, we ideated and executed a contest hosted on a Facebook application, where participants had to register as a member of the community first before taking part. The mechanics were such that they had to search for an answer to a question that could only be found on StarHub Community. Prizes included a Samsung Galaxy Note 2 and movie tickets. We also leveraged on existing fans on the StarHub Facebook to grow the user base on StarHub Community. One example of how this was carried out was to post a summarized review about a particular mobile handset on Facebook, and then encourage the reader to proceed to the Community for the full article. In addition, we tapped on existing databases collated from sales of products, for example, the iPhone. From there, we encouraged customers to log onto the Community to provide reviews on their handset. We also conducted a recruitment drive among our staff, inviting them to act as conversation starters and subject matter experts to address customer enquiries. StarHub Community boasts multiple access touch-points, which means that we were able to garner traffic across a multitude of channels that ranged from YouTube to monthly newsletters, over and above Facebook and Twitter. An application on Facebook was created to allow fans to have a taste of StarHub Community, by providing a “lite” version where they could have their account- or product/service-related questions answered. If they were keen to find out more, all they had to do was crossover to our brand new community. This encouraged users to find answers to their StarHub-related questions themselves instead of approaching our call centres or Shops. To continue the drive for awareness as well as recruitment, we staged regular contests during popular occasions such as Valentine’s Day and Lunar New Year. The contests required submission of entries on StarHub Community. We also reached out to our senior and less technologically proficient customers via the Golden Gurus campaign. The aim was to get them involved in conversations that would answer questions they may have had about technology in general. We appointed eight tech-savvy senior citizens aged between 58 and 77, who stood as information technology (IT) champions for their peers. Acting as StarHub’s ambassadors, they were committed to giving back to society by imparting IT knowledge to other seniors using the Community portal. Our Active Ageing Hackathon showcased a contest to develop mobile apps that can and will enrich the lives of the elderly. For this, StarHub Community acts as the main platform for the call to action as well as idea submissions. In addition we have invited our Golden Gurus to mentor at workshops to educate contestants on what types of services and apps an older person might benefit. Active Ageing Hackathon Phase 1 : The StarHub Golden Gurus initiative saw campaigns rolled-out on the Community targeted at including senior citizens in the online conversation. The brand appreciated that seniors often felt left behind and clueless when it came to IT, new media, the internet and the likes. Golden Gurus sought out seniors who were well versed in the intricacies of technology to coerce and train their peers. The Active Ageing Hackathon paired StarHub Community members with UP Singapore members to bring together experts, researchers, marketers, designers and developers over one weekend from 16 - 18 Aug 2013 to develop prototypes of solutions to improve the lives of our Seniors in Singapore. 2 best ideas clinched a Samsung GALAXY Tab 2 7.0 Tab each. Results: - 988 unique visitors - 97 entries - 2,305 votes   View the entries here:   Elderly segment – Active Ageing Hackathon Phase 2 : In a follow-up to the submissions from phase 1, we displayed the submitted prototypes on the Community and asked people to vote for their favourite ones on the forum, giving them the power of influence in helping the prototypes become a reality. Ten $50 StarHub vouchers were given away to lucky voters. Results: - 106 unique visitors - 381 votes Community post:   To engage our female audience, we leveraged on the popular lifestyle magazine show Lady First Singapore, which was localised from a Taiwan format and produced by StarHub. We engaged a targeted group of our influencers and advocates to begin seeding beauty-related content on topics such as skincare, fashion and make-up on StarHub Community. This, along with discussion generated about each episode of the programme, effectively sparked an influx of female chatter on the community. This successfully integrated online and offline engagement activities, thereby extending the “Lady First Singapore” experience beyond the traditional TV screen for its customers.   We sent out emails that led customers to perform a simple survey in order to ascertain interests.   We targeted females whose interests included beauty, makeup, fashion, hairstyling and write their own blogs. The survey acted as a filtering process to find legitimate female bloggers. 20 bloggers were then invited to attend a briefing where they received topics and social tasks to share with their followers that in turn led to activities, conversations and buzz on the Community.   Visit this link for a video of the event:   Lady First Campaign Results: - 7,143 unique visitors to StarHub Community’s Lady First board - 470 Topics written - 1,274 replies to topics - Out of 20 original bloggers, 5 remain active to this day, close to 1 year after the activation. 2 of them are members of our Sparklers super user group. The success of the drive to include the female target audience in the conversation prompted the brand to plan for and launch a sequel activation set to take place mid-2014. Link to Winners Announcement post:   Screenshot of winning bloggers:   We organised an event to strengthen ties between users, and more importantly between StarHub and our advocates. Among the thousands on StarHub Community, there lies a select few who shine. A select few who spend countless hours on the Community for the sole purpose of helping others – through troubleshooting, moderating conversation threads, and even defending the brand when “bashing” arises. These heroes – influencers and brand advocates - are recognized by the brand and invited to the Sparklers Club.   We put in place a gamification framework identify Community members and advocates and invite them into the Club in order to be groomed as brand guardians. To encourage this behavior, a value-exchange was set up. As a Sparkler, one would be able to attend get-togethers to meet, greet and share ideas for improving the Community. Sparklers are also regularly engaged for co-creation, ideation and market research, giving them the opportunity to feel like a part of the brand, making the Community a fun and meaningful place to be and contributing to its ultimate growth and success.     Watch this video introducing the Sparklers Club! Visit this link for a video and recap of the 2014 event:   In 2013, we won these local marketing awards: • Loyalty & Engagement Awards 2013 – Best Use of Brand Advocacy (Gold) • Marketing Excellence Awards 2013 – Excellence in Loyalty Marketing (Silver)   In January 2014, we hit our one millionth unique visitor. We recognized and acknowledged our top super users:   Members of our community have commended our Community managers:   Our members were surveyed for feedback on the Community and this is what they had to say:   Visit this link for the infographic and full story: We also work with the Customer Service team to create articles for The Knowledge Base (TKB) on StarHub Community. We also feature How-To videos available on StarHub's YouTube channel. The CS team then direct people with queries to these resources for answers and discussions on solutions. This reduces reliance on call-centre personnel. TKB: 100,000 views over 55 articles How-To Videos: 29,360 views   One of our articles on TKB:   Categories on our Knowledge Base:       Screenshot & Link of one of our How-To videos:      
Company: Vodafone Australia  Entry submitted by: Timothy Hanslow (Tim_h) Community Care Manager Community: Vodafone Community ( Lithy category: Lithium Platform Innovator     Vodafone Australia is the t... See more...
Company: Vodafone Australia  Entry submitted by: Timothy Hanslow (Tim_h) Community Care Manager Community: Vodafone Community ( Lithy category: Lithium Platform Innovator     Vodafone Australia is the third biggest mobile network provider in Australia and has a 20-year history of providing excellent value to its customers. In 2010, network issues driven by the sharp uptake in smartphone use created problems for our customers, that saw our customer sentiment and NPS drop rapidly. The launch of Vodafone Community came at a time when our customers needed support, a place to share, talk to one another and to get information to us, and for us to talk to them directly.    Vodafone launched the Community almost three years ago as a way for customers to communicate with us. It gave customers a voice to talk to us openly and publicly. We loved the Community for the customer interactions, their honesty in saying “me too” with other’s issues, and their support and information in solving one another’s issues. Lithium provided the platform we wanted to get the incredible expertise our customer base and let them work together. We named the Community because of its goals. Our customers were going to be having these conversations anyway so we wanted to ensure we were part of them.    We’ve built something genuinely exciting and different on top of the platform.   Our community is modified a lot from a default Lithium Community with major changes already made to the layout and functionality available. We’ve taken the amazing functionality of the platform and rearranged it to fit our needs and used REST to build whole new functionality on top of it.   New options We’ve repurposed labels in the forums as a new type of content tag and tied it into our other custom work to tie in with data stored per user. We’re displaying content in colour coded groups across the top of threads. Users are using labels without even realising it. New custom content stored on user profiles allows us to store “devices” for a user to identify which mobile/s they are using and which they’ve had in the past. We display this information on their user profile and in their avatar hover. We tie this data together with the repurposed labels (two different data sets) and indicate on a thread where the conversation is about the device a user has. It adds a quick visual flag that this conversation would have something of value, or that they can add value too.   Forum navigation has been replaced with a custom component that displays the forum navigation structure above the fold. We’re letting people get to content quickly and see the options available to them without scrolling or hiding it behind multiple tabs.   “My devices”  is a custom built set of pages displaying content matching labels. We custom built product pages to house related conversations and piece them together with labels. We’ve designed it to use 1 or multiple labels in a single page and a label can exist in multiple pages. This allows us to drive customers to a single point of interaction for a topic of interest, even when those posts fall into multiple boards and categories.    Avatars across the site now feature a hover card that displays username, posts, kudos, custom device data, etc. It provides a great deal of information on demand but keeps it out of the way when not in use. The other major driver was to get information about our members visible in multiple places. You can quickly see a users details from whatever page you see their avatar. Leaderboards, contributors, post histories, recent posts, etc.   Page stats are now featured on each page at the top right. This varies from page types but shows details like total view count, contributors and their avatars, post count, etc. We use this across the boards, forums, categories, user profiles and REST keeps it updated in real time. It provides a common visual anchor to the top right page.   User logon and profile details are moved into an interactive dropdown at the top right. We’ve minimised the text at the top of the forums but left the options accessible by creating a widget that expands on mouse click. Users can quickly get to their profile, community help or sign out without taking up screen real estate.     “My Posts” is a new sidebar widget showing the last posts a user made. To keep engagement high and let people return to conversations in progress we show them the last posts they were in on every page. It’s one click from wherever you are to get back into a thread you recently posted in. It keeps users on site and moving in conversations they want to take part in.   Redesign of existing options Forum threads now run a 3 column layout with a tiny left column containing the avatar. We’ve recreated the avatar=>post relationship from other social channels to let users quickly visually scan for posts from known entities. We’ve then pulled all the non post specific data and moved into the avatar hover cards. The result is a clean simple interface without a left column of data to get in the way. As users read left to right we’ve minimised clutter to the left to keep people engaged in the conversation.   The sidebar has been moved into forum threads and contains similar content across the Community. We dynamically adjust widgets and deliver the same type, but different specific content on all pages.   “Post a message” lives at the top right column across the entire community. From boards, forums, topics and even the front page users are one click away from jumping into the conversation. We’ve removed the barriers and prevented people from searching for the right place to post and just made it as simple as possible for them to contribute.   Our TKB has two significant design changes, authors are out and contributors are in. We’ve  reshuffled the fields and only show the contributors to a post and not the author. This lets our internal team publish, edit and work with content from our members but keeps the contributors as the public face.  It’s another big way to reward our users for the content they produce without needing them to do extra work to see their name in lights.   We’ve also built custom javascript to hide elements of a TKB article from a query string passed via the URL. We’re using this to personalise articles for users as we need to, but leaving the full article content ready for others to find. We’re taking a full set of troubleshooting steps and showing people just what they need to see. The best of both worlds.   Our NPS continues to climb, and month on month customer sentiment improves. The Community page views and unique visitors continue to climb quarter on quarter.   Our new features are providing tangible benefit to customers with a direct uplift in resolution rates, and a decrease in time to resolution. Both staff and super users are engaging in a higher % of posts and delivering consistently better results because of customer profile data.
Company: K2  Entry submitted by: Todd Lilienthal (toddlilienthal) Director of Digital Strategy Community: K2 Community ( Lithy category: Best Community Design     K2 software allows people to build and run business pro... See more...
Company: K2  Entry submitted by: Todd Lilienthal (toddlilienthal) Director of Digital Strategy Community: K2 Community ( Lithy category: Best Community Design     K2 software allows people to build and run business process applications, including forms, workflow, data and reports. Across enterprises and within departments, K2 customers are rapidly transforming their companies with applications that allocate work to the right people, with all the information they need to make great decisions.   With K2's visual tools, creating, launching and using the first K2 application is a snap. Reusable components ensure the next application delivers faster than the one before, and when the business needs change, it's easy to update your K2 apps to fit. More than a million users in 80-plus countries rely on K2 to streamline operations, save money and reduce risk.    In March 2014, we launched Our philosophy was to create a highly functional site with great user experience and a really clean design. We wanted to provide access to a large amount of information, while keeping it simple for the user. One of the core components to this philosophy is our prominent search bar. A large amount of information is only valuable if a user can easily find what they are looking for. With that in mind, we implemented Lithium’s predictive search and made it a stand-out feature on every page. In addition to the search being predictive, the search results page allows filtering by content type so that the user can further specify what they are looking for.   Our requirements started with the basic idea that it needed to be more than just a discussion forum. Our Lithium community includes forums, the K2 blog, a code sharing section (K2 Market), events calendar, and a resources section. We took design cues from our other digital properties, but wanted to make the community site stand out on its own as a great looking and very usable information hub.   We are very happy with the outcome and believe that we accomplished what we set out to do.     Here is the homepage of     Our business goals are to boost user engagement and satisfaction, reduce support costs, and provide prospective customers with a resource that they can use when evaluating K2.   Within a week of our March 2014 launch, we experienced a huge increase in forum activity and resolved issues. The community has already become an amazing asset for our support team, allowing the community to assist each other.   We’ve seen increased engagement in our community as well as increased downloads inside of our “Market” section which allows user to share code and plugins that they’ve developed on the K2 platform.    K2 led the strategy and implementation of this community in conjunction with Lithium and CloudSquads. We worked together to launch a best in class community site that is drastically different than any other community on the platform.   We looked at how the Lithium platform could be utilized and extended in order to provide our users with a bunch of functionality not normally found on a standard forum. We also made sure to only include features that we knew would be of value to our K2 audience. This resulted in a highly customized experience with a beautiful layout that gives our users everything they need and nothing that they don’t.   Every element of the K2 Community site was thought about individually as well as a part of the whole. The Forum, Blog, Market, Events Calendar, and Resources area all contribute to the experience by offering unique and valuable content while adhering to strict design and UI/UX standards.   Our metrics are already starting to prove the success of the new community.   Our first week on the new platform, we were seeing an average of 17 posts per day (88 posts for the week). All of our traffic was redirected from our old forum and was starting to pick up speed. Our old forum suffered from poor design, outdated functionality and user experience and our users were not motivated to use it to resolve their issues.   A month and a half later, the week of April 7 th tallied an average of 41 posts per day (209 posts for the week). Many of the threads are leading to resolved issues and are helping to divert support tickets.   This is a 137% increase in weekly posts! We expect to see this trend continuing as we gain even more engagement from new and active users.   
Company: Vodafone Australia  Entry submitted by: Timothy Hanslow (Tim_h) Community Care Manager Community: Vodafone Community ( Lithy category: Best Community Design   Vodafone Australia is the third bigg... See more...
Company: Vodafone Australia  Entry submitted by: Timothy Hanslow (Tim_h) Community Care Manager Community: Vodafone Community ( Lithy category: Best Community Design   Vodafone Australia is the third biggest mobile network provider in Australia and has a 20-year history of providing excellent value to its customers. In 2010, network issues driven by the sharp uptake in smartphone use created problems for our customers, that saw our customer sentiment and NPS drop rapidly. The launch of Vodafone Community came at a time when our customers needed support, a place to share, talk to one another and to get information to us, and for us to talk to them directly.    Vodafone launched the Community almost three years ago as a way for customers to communicate with us. It gave customers a voice to talk to us openly and publicly. We loved the Community for the customer interactions, their honesty in saying “me too” with other’s issues, and their support and information in solving one another’s issues. Lithium provided the platform we wanted to get the incredible expertise our customer base and let them work together. We named the Community because of its goals. Our customers were going to be having these conversations anyway so we wanted to ensure we were part of them.    We set out to redesign the Community last year to deliver a better user experience and to freshen our design to keep up with our other web properties. The core goals were to get users to contribute more, remove the barriers for new users, to focus on our members and to get information to people as quickly as possible.   We began by first tackling the core page design and sliding the right-hand sidebar into all of our pages from the homepage to threads. We use the space to create consistent, usable elements for our members. The top right of every page is the customer’s voice. Every page has a comment, reply or post topic button. We’ve added a dropdown selector to choose a board when posting from the front page. We’re taking away the need to hunt or dig for joining in and letting customers engage in the conversation as soon as they are ready.   Right alongside the “voice” is the stats. Our numbers dive into every conversation showing the total posts, kudos, contributors and views. The stats help people to see how conversations are moving and how active things are. They update in real time and give users a quick visual view of what’s popular.     The last addition to the sidebar is our two post widgets to keep users abreast of the Community from within a topic view. We’ve used a ‘recent posts’ widget to show a user their most recent contributions. Keeping this visible in the sidebar on all pages lets super users keep track of updates to recent conversations without needing to navigate through boards or the homepage. A user receives a visual reminder of updates to recent conversations by the bolded thread titles and can easily continue in multiple conversations at once.   User avatars have been rebranded into hubs of information. We use smaller square avatars across the design to show who is taking part. Avatars are easier to recall than a long list of usernames and they provide a constantly moving parade of people to interact with. The visual anchor of the avatars responds on mouseover to a hover card with the user’s core stats and details. From the sidebar, to the frontpage or in a thread, a user’s avatar is a moving card of their real time stats.   Into the thread view, We’ve split things into three columns, and then reduced the left column to only the avatar. Like other social networks the avatar provides a visual cue to the author but the post stands on its own. Unessential information from a post is moved into the avatar card leaving the conversation in the spotlight. The footer of each post contains an “action bar” at the bottom right allowing users to reply, quick reply, share on social and kudos. Just like the “voice” button at the top of the pages, users have a single location to interaction with a post – We’re removing meaningless mouse movement across the page as they navigate.     Threads also received a makeover in the form of labels. We’ve designed them as physical tags like a filing cabinet and placed them across the top of each thread. These bright, colourful labels show users the mobile device being discussed in the thread with a different colour for each manufacturer for easy recognition. And if a thread is about a device the user says they own, we mark that for them too. It’s fast and simple for our users to know if they can contribute to the conversation at hand.     The front page received an enormous overhaul to fit with our goals. We’ve replaced the tall vertical category list with a three-quarter width navigation menu without tabs or options. Users can quickly see the list of available boards and categories without needing to scroll around or dig through a list. It was a core part of the redesign to let users move around the Community quickly. Narrowing the navigation down to a shorter vertical element freed up space on the page to introduce a feed of recent posts and solutions, ensuring a dynamic looking page with fresh content whenever a user visits. We chose recent posts over topics because of the sticky nature of many of our conversations. Keeping users up to date on the full conversations continuing and not just those recently started lets hot topics rise to the top and stay there.     We’ve rounded out our user focus by shuffling of the profile page. The avatar has been doubled in size and is followed by a new custom component showing the mobile device a user is currently using. These bold visuals keep user profiles looking fresh and colourful with lots of white space to let your eyes flow across it. We fill the rest of the page with recent topics contributed to, and an activity feed showing the users actions step by step.    Since our redesign we’re seeing an up lift in super user engagement and resolution rates. As well as the average posts per thread has increased. Conversations are stickier and people are spending more time on site. The overall post volumes have increased slightly because we’re getting more quality content in front of people more often, so casual users have less need to post, but still actively participate.