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Company: Vodafone Turkey Entry submitted by:  Fahrünnisa Bilgin (FahrunnisaB)  Online Product Specialist - CMS & Social Media     Community:  Vodafone Forum ( Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Vodafone revoluti... See more...
Company: Vodafone Turkey Entry submitted by:  Fahrünnisa Bilgin (FahrunnisaB)  Online Product Specialist - CMS & Social Media     Community:  Vodafone Forum ( Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Vodafone revolutionized digital transformation in the Turkish telecommunication market. With a market share of %33,9 (Feb'15) Vodafone Turkey is in use of innovative online technologies and social media to service the special needs of Turkish mobile customers. Vodafone Forum launched in March 2012, as Turkey's first open discussion platform among competition is representing Vodafone Turkey with customer care on social media. Today Vodafone Forum is used as a marketing and support platform, increasing engagement of users through super user cultivation and brand advocacy.      Vodafone Forum is the “go-to” place for products and services, campaigns, apps, network coverage with peer-to-peer communication… providing a new channel for feedback and exchange between VF customers, customer operations, marketing and product teams. Our vision is to reach customers online and achieve first hand resolution. Vodafone Forum's business model contributes to reducing call centre costs by deflecting calls, decreasing response times and increasing user generated content.   With Vodafone Forum, we are reaching out to more than 600 K visitors, deflecting an average of 150 K calls monthly, making huge savings of more than 250 K USD annually.     We are saving response time with a moderation team of 12 dedicated people and 2 admins. We have got 12 super users, as customers with a certain knowledge; willing to help others, loving to spend time on Vodafone Forum. Most of them are helping users in  their leisure times. Our company is counting on them in cooperating with them for resolving customer needs.   Meet HamdullahH Hamdullah is Vodafone Forum's indispensable superuser, employed as store manager at the Vodafone Shop franchise in Bingöl. He's almost working as a full time moderator. He has got 5.251 kudos, 5.648 posts, 444 solutions. He says about himself:"When I'm driving the car I keep responding to posts during red light." HamdullahH is the happiest user about mobile forum.   Meet ZeynepK  ZeynepK was working at the Vodafone Shop franchise, she used to respond to posts in Vodafone Forum as daily routine. Vodafone Forum team was looking for a new team member, when ZeynepK was looking for an opportunity in social media, now she is employed in Vodafone Forum responding team.   Meet SeckinK SeckinK is a university student, his first Vodafone Forum post was a deep criticism about network performance. He later became a voluenteer of Forum when the social media team sent network people to his residence to solve the issue. Meanwhile SeckinK has gained expertise on devices, he's broadcasting videos on devices and Vodafone services. See SeckinK's latest video on Sony Xperia Z3.     Transferring support savings to e-commerce activities   The time and help amount realized by our superusers has an impact of 5 support agents which makes cost reduction up to 70 K USD annually. We had the choice to use these savings in marketing campaigns to boost e-commerce activities.    Our business results    Vodafone Forum has more than doubled its objectives in 3 years… - attracting 80 K + users (versus goal of 50 K) - 500 K + visitors per month (versus goal of 250 K) - we have achieved twice as much call deflection than our target estimations  - annually 250 K USD call deflection savings (versus goal of 150 K)   The results of the quality-based community growth strategy have made Vodafone Turkey the fastest-growing Forum in Vodafone Group’s 21 countries.        
Company: Optus Contact: Karen Le (Community Manager) Community: My Optus Community Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   As Australia's second largest Telecommunication provider, Optus is in the business of connecting people. We offer a ... See more...
Company: Optus Contact: Karen Le (Community Manager) Community: My Optus Community Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   As Australia's second largest Telecommunication provider, Optus is in the business of connecting people. We offer a broad range of communications services including mobile, telephony, internet, business network services, satellite services and subscription television to over ten million customers every day.   While we are a company that is focused on enabling homes and businesses with technology and entertainment, our vision is to lead Australia in outstanding customer experience.   How community meets our customer care business goals   Like many companies, the provision of customer service through traditional channels contributes to a significant proportion of our operational cost base. This year, our overarching Customer Service Strategy has been firmly rooted in digital with the dual purpose of meeting the shift in customer preference and reducing support costs. The under-utilisation of community based customer support was recognised as a key area of opportunity. The resulting business objective was to actively drive My Optus Community to deflect an incremental 350,000 calls from the call centre during FY16 (March ’15 to April ‘16). What we actually achieved was an incremental 500,000+ calls. There were a number of key initiatives that were implemented in order to achieve these goals;   Integration of Community within our digital assets   This focused on the inclusion of contextually relevant widgets that surface community conversation on the website, including the homepage, help & support, product and sales pages. Strong community CTA’s were on all electronic communications and a further extension of our online integration strategy has been to develop campaign landing pages directly within the community; giving customers the opportunity to directly ask questions, comment and respond directly. These questions are work flowed into to LSW where moderators are able to respond where required. This has worked so well that the Pre- Paid team have made the community landing page part of the customer on-boarding journey, allowing all new Pre-Paid customers ask questions at the time of setup to provide a seamless experience. Pre-Paid Welcome Hub   Default support channel within our Go to Market Programs   One of the most significant cultural changes was to position to community as THE default support channel for our Go To Market programs. When Optus launched a new mobile App in September, WiFi Talk (gives customers with limited indoor mobile coverage can use the app to make and receive calls over a WiFi connection), My Optus Community was used as the primary support channel and for the very first time all the customer broadcast communications directed customers to a blog post in My Optus Community with all of the key details. Over 67,000 people viewed the post, resulting in 230 comments. This was so effective that only 20 support calls were logged about WiFi Talk issues each week since it launched. This has been successfully replicated a number of times since with equal success and is now considered BAU practice. WiFi Talk Launch   Australia’s First Responsive Community   We’ve acknowledged the trend of needing support on-the-go by making My Optus Community the first fully responsive community in Australia, ensuring that members have the same experience across all of their devices. This has resulted in a jump from 510K mobile visits last financial year to 1.3 million this year. Today over 50% of our traffic is generated by mobile devices.   Driving traffic and informing customers through the Optus Blog   In June of 2015 we launched the My Optus Community Blog, which has played an important role in our content marketing strategy and has been an excellent vehicle for the discovery of community content. Since launch, we have maintained a steady rhythm of content production with over 125 articles published, which have received over 500,000 page views and contribute a significant proportion of search referrals.   My Optus Community Blog   Improving the Resolution Rate   In a world first, we customised the way that the Tribal Knowledgebase (TKB) module is traditionally used to change the way articles are created and published. In doing so, we give community members the control to identify support content they want and think other members might need, allowing us to scale through crowd sourcing. Threads can be nominated as Wiki articles by the community, who can also make updates to the content, giving them power to help other members. Since we launched this module in September, 63 articles have been authored and received over 26,000 views. My Optus Community Wiki   This combined with prioritised routing of unanswered posts into the social media team through LSW has seen the customer reported resolution rate increase from 9% to 37%.   Retaining & recognising our members   The implementation of a formalised Super User program and the introduction of Premium Gamification has seen the contributions made from our super users increase by almost 300% year on year. This translates to almost 1,500 hours being spent in the community by our top 5 users. The program runs on a 6 month cycle, is built on deep personal relationships (that extends into the ‘real’ world) and actively recruits users from other communities based on a set of attributes.   The execution of our strategy in combination with attentive and responsive community management has seen us exceed the 350,000 incremental call reduction target by more almost 60%, delivering a 230% increase on Opex saving.   Cost reductions from our community   The organisation’s business objective was to actively utilise My Optus Community to deflect an incremental 350,000 calls from the call centre. These call reduction projections are used to plan for our voice channel workforce. The number of actual calls are recorded and tracked against the projection figures ensure that capacity planning and headcount is accurate and adjustments are made accordingly, and due to these reduced volumes we are able to incrementally increase capacity when unforeseen issues arise.   Also, through the increased participation by members there a reduction in the reliance on Optus moderators to input into the discussion by 40% in comparison to the previous financial year, meaning we were able to handle an 82% increase in engagement volume across social with minimal increase in resource (4 FTE).   Our results   The combination of executive support, solid strategy and a focused team has delivered an outstanding set of outcomes for My Optus Community including an incremental reduction of over 500,000 calls delivering 230% increase on Opex savings. There has been a considerable impact, not only on the number of calls reduced but in the way we organise and plan our headcount and workforce. This has meant we’ve been able to provide more support to customers when they need us as well as a significant reduction in our operational expenditure.   Listen to what the VP of Customer Service has to say about the results and the impact they’ve had on the organisation’s performance.    
Company: Turkcell   Entry submitted by: Mustafa Altay (mustafaaltay) UX Information Architect Community: Turkcell Forum ( Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   GSM-based mobile communication in Turkey beg... See more...
Company: Turkcell   Entry submitted by: Mustafa Altay (mustafaaltay) UX Information Architect Community: Turkcell Forum ( Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   GSM-based mobile communication in Turkey began when Turkcell commenced operations in February 1994. Since then, it has continuously increased the variety of its services based on mobile audio and data communication, as well as on its quality levels and as a result, its number of subscribers.   Turkcell is a regional leader by being the market leader in five countries out of nine it operates in. Turkcell, with its wide coverage area and diverse range of services abroad, is able to provide its subscribers with mobile communication services both in Turkey and around the world.   Before Turkcell Forum implementation Turkcell only use social media channels like FB, twitter as two way communication. Customers became more online and want to touch companies online. Turkcell had to adapt these changes in customer behavior. So, Turkcell changed its digital strategy to one way communication to two-way communication. Turkcell believes that two-way communication reveals invaluable information about customer needs and buying habits, and this gives Turkcell a vital edge over its competitors.   Recently a large number of companies offering web-based customer opinion platforms have emerged worldwide, providing them with the opportunity to articulate their experiences and comments on products and services. Turkcell recognized that it is not about a platform, it is all about culture and strategy.   Turkcell has the best customer support in all areas. As a leading technology company, Turkcell believes in online channels. E-WOM is getting more pervasive and more important in purchase decision-making and customer support. Most of the companies sees online channels as an alternative to traditional support centers. We believe in our customers and omni channel interactions. As a strategy to shift from traditional customer care to digital customer care, we aim to implement true continuity of customer experience.   Turkcell aims to use the persuasive effect of E-WOM for following reasons and based its strategy according to them:   The information provided by WOM is perceived as being more credible than that provided commercially since most WOMs are from peers, relatives, friends and the third party whom one trusts more; WOM is a two-way communication, not a one-way propaganda; WOM provides potential customers with user experience to reduce purchase risk and uncertainty; Since WOM is live and can instantly respond to inquiries, it can provide more complete and relevant information. Word-of-mouth has been proven to be an effective method of obtaining useful information for purchase decisions.   Customers believe in peer advice and begin to respond customer queries and provide customer service. Thus, Turkcell defines its Digital customer care strategy in 3 categories:     Paradigm shift in customer experience is a long path and it must be considered as change management project. With these awareness Turkcell promotes first Forum implementation. After baby-sitting period, next phases started according to Business value-Complexity matrix in Q2 of 2015. Phase 2 covers all the items listed above.   Not only Turkcell aims to lower costs but also enhance customer care, richer differentiation and higher brand advocacy. After establishing a digital presence, Turkcell will start devising creative social strategies across all major platforms to engage with active audiences.   To sum up, Turkcell redesigns its organization around customers in a customized, relevant way. By listening customers, Turkcell will know exactly what customers are doing, and understand the context of where they are in their journey with Turkcell. This is all enabled by the right strategy and digital paradigm shift.   Changes in customer care organization   Turkcell wants to manage customer relationships in one place. With intelligent context and insights to customers, Turkcell can be quick, agile and smart with its relationships. Turkcell Forum is a central concept that businesses need to understand deeply and integrate fully, in order to serve the social customer. Turkcell will combine all digital customer care in a single organization. With dynamic FAQ creation, peer advice and user generated content will be the basis of success. So Turkcell begins digital paradigm shift and organization according to omnichannel strategy.   Business results   Social media and emerging technologies have transformed the way the world communicates. From being available on social networks to reaching out through interactive and mobile resources, businesses are evolving their customer experience efforts to support the new ‘Connected Consumer’. So, in order to shift in servicing and customer experience, you have to invest in your strategy. Turkcell is already aware of the process and measure every step in change management. With quantifiable results and targets it is easy to rationalize the investment in Turkcell E-Care solutions to top management.   Turkcell launches its Forum in June 2014. Turkcell plans to double every figure in Forum in the first half of 2015.   After the first steps taken and user base extended, Turkcell will implement other modules in E care platform.               
Company:  TELUS Entry submitted by:Scotty Jackson (Sr. Strategy Manager) Community: TELUS Neighbourhood Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   TELUS is Canada’s fastest-growing national telecommunications company, with $12.5 billion o... See more...
Company:  TELUS Entry submitted by:Scotty Jackson (Sr. Strategy Manager) Community: TELUS Neighbourhood Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   TELUS is Canada’s fastest-growing national telecommunications company, with $12.5 billion of annual revenue and 12.5 million customer connections, including 8.5 million wireless subscribers, 1.5 million residential network access lines, 1.6 million high-speed Internet subscribers and 1.0 million TELUS TV customers. TELUS provides a wide range of communications products and services, including wireless, data, Internet protocol (IP), voice, television, entertainment and video, and is Canada's largest healthcare IT provider.   Reimagining our Social Strategy for Customer Care   In 2015, we reimagined our social strategy, developing a new operations team focused on not just customer service and engagement, but on content development and deep communication skills. We paired this team investment with LSW, which we use to listen and engage across Twitter and Facebook, and redesigned how we workgroup and flow potential cases. Most significantly, we also onboarded more teams internally to LSW, including Marketing Communications and PR, enabling better collaboration and swifter auctioning of support opportunities. With the launch of the Tribal Knowledge Base inside our community, the TELUS Neighbourhood, and LSW campaign and publishing capability, we have developed and implemented a virtuous cycle of customer listening, engagement, and needs fulfillment (see supporting visual).     Organizational Efficiency Through LSW   Through focused use of LSW and the redefinition of our operational team’s skillsets, we have consolidated a number of job functions within operations from our Marketing Communications team, and have further enabled the collaboration between operations, Marketing Communications, and PR teams. We have enabled efficiencies, reduced hand-offs, and optimized the customer experience by getting support opportunities identified and handled faster, also recognizing that experience and brand conversations often become support opportunities.   Leveraging both operations team expertise and the fact that more teams and functions were onboarded to LSW, we were able to further rethink team functions for efficiency, and maximize the value of our new operations team by consolidating some of the functions previously executed on by other teams.   Our Q1 2016 Support Savings Results   A summary of the benefits realized in Q1 2016:   $3.6M in annual operational savings Offsetting of over 66,000 live contacts (call, email, web chat, or store visit) > 11,000 Twitter and Facebook conversations and over 30,000 responses sent 80% of Twitter conversations responded to un 35 minutes or less > 1,600 community posts, 90%+ community-created > 330,000 unique community visits 98% customer satisfaction 90% likelihood to recommend TELUS (NPS) 89% likelihood to share experience
Company: Fido (Rogers Communications) Contact: Caroline Lalonde (Social Media Support and Community Manager) Community: Fido Community Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Fido connects Canadians to the things they love through its u... See more...
Company: Fido (Rogers Communications) Contact: Caroline Lalonde (Social Media Support and Community Manager) Community: Fido Community Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Fido connects Canadians to the things they love through its ultrafast LTE network, as well as services such as Fido Pulse Plans and Fido Home Internet (Fido Home Internet currently only available in parts of Ontario).   Fido was originally launched by Microcell Solutions Inc. in 1996 and went on to revolutionize the wireless industry in Canada with a unique approach to pricing, a money-back satisfaction guarantee and more. Today, we continue to move ahead with new voice and data technologies as well as the latest in wireless Internet services to keep you connected to what matters most in your life.   The Fido network consists of three network technologies GSM, 4G HSPA+ and now LTE – the new global gold standard of wireless technology. Fido wireless compatible devices fall back onto each network, assuring you have a network to fall back onto. Fido also offers its customers access to the Fido TM  wireless network coast-to-coast and with over 300 roaming partners in over 200 countries your device will be compatible wherever you travel.   Meeting Our Business Goals                      Consumers have grown accustom to reading reviews and researching products online. “What do you recommend?” is a question anyone who’s worked in the servicing industry has heard. One of the greatest advantages of having a Community is that all this information is centralized, tabulated, searchable and kept up to date. Another great advantage is that a lot of traffic directed to the Community is traffic deflected from our contact centres, resulting in the reduction in operational costs.   In most communities, questions are answered publicly, but on our Community we answer our customers in private as well. This is very useful for when customers have questions concerning their services or account, requiring us to discuss and exchange confidential information. Our customers also love that we can treat their requests directly from the Community, as opposed to referring them to our other contact channels.   We also use the Community as a means of communication with our customers. For example, we inform our customers of upcoming software updates, Fido sponsored events, known issues, etc. This transparent approach is truly appreciated by our community members. But why stop there? Our contact centres also send our customers links to useful articles found in the Community, such as ways to pay your bill, ways to activate services, etc. The Community is used to support our customers even when they call in. Talk about versatility.   How do we keep track of all this information and manage all this traffic? That’s where LSW comes in.   LSW proved to be the perfect tool for our Community moderators, as it helped improve our response time by keeping on top of all Community posts, as opposed to sorting through them individually. To do this, we created a Community queue in LSW to receive all incoming Community posts. LSW allows us to “snooze” Community posts to allow time for our members to respond, based on our response strategy. We also created a common “FidoSolutions” Community profile, which we use for all of our Community PMs only, to make the process seamless from a customer perspective. In turn, this helped us be more efficient, improve our CHI score, response time, call deflection rates and resulted in cost savings. LSW also proved efficient to help our Social Media Specialists to manage our incoming social media posts, improve on our response time and promote the Community thanks to the knowledge base feature. A single click allows us to answer our customers by sharing articles found within the Community and our website. It’s an incredible time saver and our Specialists and customers love it! Here are some of the LSW features that help us deliver best in class service:   Community response time: Moderators can “snooze” posts for a certain amount of time, based on our response strategy. The snooze functionality is essential to our Community moderation process. We snooze non-account specific inquiries, to give other Community members a chance to respond. If no one responds, we step in and assist. This incredibly useful functionality ensures no one is ever left unanswered. CommunityPMs: Moderators can take over the PM conversations from other moderators once their work shift has ended, greatly increasing efficiency and customer satisfaction. Information centralization: All customer information is now centralized, including contact info, and even notes for internal purposes. Profile merging: LSW allows us to merge customers various social profiles, so we always know who we are speaking with. Analytics and tags: This LSW feature helps us with reports and the analysis, such as our volumes (incoming posts, responses), response time, top topics…. Thanks to Analytics, we can clearly see what our customers are talking about, which allows us to address potential issues in a more efficient manner. Rules and Routing: Through key words, we can proactively engage with people who aren’t specifically reaching out to us. This shows our customers that we’re always willing to help and we’re not afraid to be proactive.   Klout: Allows us to prioritize influencers within our Queues and offer support accordingly.     Changing How We Operate   Based on our target market, the Fido brand's main focus is to enhance and grow servicing through self-serve. Our Community is a big part of this focus as it allows customers to help out other customers, and houses a lot of searchable information/solutions.   We are changing how we use the Community as a means of communication with our customers. We now use the community to inform customers about useful information which can reduce contacts to our other channels. We now inform our customers of upcoming software updates, known issues, etc. directly on the Community, and proactively refer them to the Community to increase our support savings. Amongst other initiatives our contact centres send our customers links to useful articles found in the Community, as opposed to spending considerable amounts of time over the phone discussing what a simple short and visual article can explain. Talk about versatility.   In the past, people would call, chat, and message us for updates and questions, but now all they need to do is visit the Community. If we know something’s up, we’ll post about it in the Community and let everyone know that we’ll update it as soon as we receive any news. So no need to contact us.    Our Results   The integration of LSW as our primary Social Media and Community customer response tool proved to be seamless, stable and incredibly effective.   Community   In 2015 alone, we successfully reduced our Community response time by 93% compared to 2014, and based on the information from our customer surveys we registered over $385K worth in call deflection savings from our contact centres. For our first quarter in 2016, our surveys are already indicating over $645K in cost savings.     Social Media Support   For our Social Media Support channels, we recorded over $325K in cost savings based on the information from our customer surveys. We also reduced our response time by 87%. For our first quarter in 2016, we’ve already registered over $110K in call savings.  
Company: Telekom Deutschland GmbH Contact: Eva Heinrichs (Platform Owner Telekom hilft Community) Community: Telekom hilft Community Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   Following our slogan “life is for sharing” Telekom Deutschland Gm... See more...
Company: Telekom Deutschland GmbH Contact: Eva Heinrichs (Platform Owner Telekom hilft Community) Community: Telekom hilft Community Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   Following our slogan “life is for sharing” Telekom Deutschland GmbH offers innovative products and services connecting people all over the word. Customers should be given easy access to the world of telephone, Internet, Internet TV and cloud services. As a telecommunications provider, it is Telekom's goal to enable this by providing the best possible communications and IT services. Meaning Telekom customers can enjoy the "life is for sharing" experience anytime, any place.   Telekom hilft Community, Europe’s largest telco community, is a pillar of Deutsche Telekom’s customer care -for both consumer and business customers. The focus is on support, but also leveraging product feedback and co-creation.   Our three pillars to leverage the community for support excellence   Established in 2014 we bundled three legacy forums to Telekom hilft Community to foster the peer-to-peer “customers help customers” concept. Steadily growing, the community has >550.000 registered users (growth of 50% since 2014). To enhance the involvement of our most active super users producing >50% of all content, we are using gamification elements. Furthermore the closed user group “Community Guides” with advanced editing rights enables us to gain customer insights for the platform development. Additionally, we also launched the closed user group “Telekom hilft Lab” connecting product managers with customers to develop and evaluate current as well as future products and services.   Title: Participants of the Community Manager Guides event with the superusers of Telekom hilft Community   Title: Example of promotion on Facebook for our CUG “Telekom hilft Lab”   Telekom hilft Community enables us to increase our permeability and customer proximity by facilitating involvement in closed user groups. Participation of super users and active listeners helps Deutsche Telekom to gain valuable customer insights. The project PM@ThC (product manager at Telekom hilft Community) helps for example product managers to receive precious feedback and also users to get profound answers from experts. The close relationship between customers and Deutsche Telekom’s employees has even effect on 3 rd party support, such as shorter on-site technical support time. These insights are communicated to the management board and are part of our early-warning system.   Recognizing the changing user behavior, a relaunch in 2015 included a responsive design to increase traffic of mobile phones and tablets, which now accounts for up to 30% of our overall traffic. Additionally, we integrated Telekom hilft Community in other DT websites such as Telekom eShop and help portal. They include a search widget, a service tab and customized landing pages informing about the Telekom hilft Community. Auto suggestions help customers to find relevant content and enrich the problem solving or buying process at all stages. Relevant discussion feeds were posted on Deutsche Telekom’s social media channels, enabling the community team to enrich their content and link to Telekom hilft Community by using synergies between the different platforms.   Title: Example of integration within via service tab   Title: Example of seamless integration of community posts within search results of other portals   Title: Example of a posting at Deutsche Telekom’s social media channels from the Telekom hilft Community: Why do my incoming calls always end directly on my mailbox?   The community’s impact on our customer care organization   Community Management is the new Service: By linking Community solutions on other social media channels, we are constantly promoting Telekom hilft Community. By doing so, we are increasing the relevance of our “user to user” centric platform. Adapting to the new business environment, customer service focuses now more on community management instead of just answering questions. Due to the community focused activities, we improved the solution rate within the community from 25% to 35% year to date.   Facilitating the permeability and customer proximity, the success of Telekom hilft Community is influencing the online strategy of Deutsche Telekom i.e. user generated content cements the reputation of Deutsche Telekom as a customer-centric company. Furthermore, providing a strong external reputation affects the employees who have learnt about the value of Telekom hilft Community and strengthen it through blog entries on   Introducing new use cases steadily, we start social commerce with ratings and reviews at the business customers’ eShop to foster product recommendations and to assist in the buying process by giving additional information. By doing so, gamification elements motivate users to rate products while other users award those ratings with kudos. This encourages the overall community building of Telekom hilft Community. Title: Example of integration of ratings & reviews in business customers shop on   How we became leader in service through customer satisfaction and operational efficiency   Deutsche Telekom pursues a quality leadership strategy in the German market. Therefore customer satisfaction is an important part of the overall strategy. We believe that happy customers share their experiences just as troubled customers ask for help. 80% of the questions in the community are answered by other community members, mostly happy customers. Telekom support colleagues answer only 20% of the questions.   A recent survey by a big German business magazine, Focus Money, confirmed the leading role of Deutsche Telekom: The best online service across industries in Germany is provided by Deutsche Telekom. As Focus Money also says, “Telekom hilft” is rated as a most likeable service brand in Germany.   Title: Gero Niemayer, managing director customer service Telekom Deutschland, proudly presents Focus Money survey results on Twitter   Telekom hilft Community attracts on average approximately 1.6m unique visitors each month – trending up 22% on year to year comparison. Based on a 35% solution rate, we assume that >350,000 calls can be avoided per month. In addition to the value of deflected calls, we take advantage of priceless value from customer insights and increased reputation for Deutsche Telekom.   Before Telekom hilft Community started, Deutsche Telekom offered three different online platforms. Migrated and consolidated to one platform, Lithium helps us to streamline customer service and the IT landscape as well as to enhance usability and the user journey for our customers.  
Company: Zuora Contact: Lana Lee  (Support Community Manager) Community: Zuora Community Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Zuora’s Relationship Business Management (RBM) solution helps businesses launch or shift products to subscript... See more...
Company: Zuora Contact: Lana Lee  (Support Community Manager) Community: Zuora Community Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Zuora’s Relationship Business Management (RBM) solution helps businesses launch or shift products to subscription, implement pay-as-you-go pricing and packaging models, gain insights into subscriber behavior, open revenue streams, and disrupt market segments to gain competitive advantage. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, Zuora also operates offices in Atlanta, Boston, San Francisco, London, Paris, Munich, Beijing, Sydney, Tokyo, Amsterdam, Vienna, Copenhagen and Stockholm. Clients come from a wide range of industries: media, travel services, consumer packaged goods, cloud services, and telecommunications. Clients include Financial Times, Schneider Electric, Box, Honeywell, NCR, RTL,, The Guardian,, BlueJeans, Shutterfly, TripAdvisor, Vivint and Trulia.   How our community meets our customer care business goals   The Zuora Community is a one-stop destination for our customer and partners to discover “just-in-time” solutions through peer-to-peer collaboration and easy access to knowledge documentation, contribute and vote on product ideas, learn about new product releases and grow in their Zuora expertise. Using our Zendesk integration with our Community, any non-Zuora community post that has no intial response within 48 hours will automatically create a Zendesk ticket. Once a Support agent answers the Zendesk ticket, the answer goes back to the Community as a response and is auto-selected as an accepted answer.  With over 30 support agents in our global Customer Support Services and Community team, we ensure that no issue is left unattended. Our Community uses Lithium’s topic discussion boards, blog, ideas, forums and user group features to engage with our customers: Our Topic Discussion Boards provide a collaborative space for customers to ask questions from Zuora staff and other users, gain credibility via kudos and accepted answers and share best practices. Our Announcements area informs customers about release notifications and product updates and allows Zuora to interact with our customers when they have questions. The Ideas forum is our most popular area because it allows our customers to interact with our Product Managers to potentially impact our product roadmap. We use User Groups to help connect users before events, network with each other locally and grant access to limited availability programs where customers can provide feedback to product managers on our latest releases and new features.   In only 3 months, at at an average of 20k page views per month, we trust that the Zuora Community is a “home run”  for our company and we look forward to its bright future. Since our Community launched, the reduction of support tickets was seen immediately which gives us time to become more focused on strategic initiatives such as customer advocacy, SME training, and increasing product adoption through self-service.   Our results Within a week of our community’s launch, the Support Team saw a 9% reduction of support tickets.  Now, in our third month post-launch, we have reduced support tickets by 11% - proving that the Zuora Community is rich with content that helps our customers easily find the information they need to power their subscription business.  
Company: AT&T  Entry submitted by: Bridgette Butler (Lingoes) Sr. Community Manager Community: AT&T Community Forums (  Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   AT&T is bringing it all together - helping people mobili... See more...
Company: AT&T  Entry submitted by: Bridgette Butler (Lingoes) Sr. Community Manager Community: AT&T Community Forums (  Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   AT&T is bringing it all together - helping people mobilize their worlds - with advanced mobile services, next-generation TV and high-speed Internet services, and smart solutions for businesses. For more than a century, we have consistently provided innovative, reliable, high-quality products and services. Our mission is to connect people with their world, everywhere they live and work, and do it better than anyone else. We're creating new solutions for consumers and businesses to help them mobilize their communications and entertainment.   How our Community meets our customer care business goals   AT&T Community Forums provide 24 x 7 peer-to-peer assistance as well as AT&T direct support during normal business hours to tens of thousands of users daily, supporting customers across AT&T’s diverse spectrum of products and services.  Recognizing areas underserved by more traditional support, in 2014 we launched a Third-Party Devices board and a Wearables board, together averaging approximately 75k page views by 45k unique visitors monthly. Additionally, we launched a public-facing board for Samsung representatives to interact publicly with our general community, and a Samsung  Ambassadors board for those skilled professionals to interact privately with our 34 recipients of the Award for Community Excellence (ACE) .  This innovation directly connected Samsung experts with AT&T experts, resulting in a superior customer experience that contributed to the rise in Customer Satisfaction we saw in 2014.  We’ve begun tweeting out our most valuable Accepted Solutions, and linking to them   from Facebook.   Example of AT&T Community Forums content in the Social Support Center of AT&T Facebook To better assist the wider base of customers searching for help on, we increased the number of Accepted Solutions appearing with knowledge base articles by 40%.   Example of “Help from Community Discussions” modal on an knowledge base article Additionally, the AT&T Community Forums redesign, launched during July 2014, provides in-context features, game mechanics and an unprecedented level of personalization that enables users to tailor their forums experience in new ways. Archiving activities prior to redesign also improved the relevancy of internal and external search results, fostering repeat traffic and increased viewership.   July, 2014 – from “Yawnnnnn”     … “Yowzers!”   How Community has changed our customer care organization   Sparked by the community’s success in producing call deflection, AT&T recently launched a team of crack Wireless specialists to assist customers with account and technical issues on the forums, much like the U-verse experts on-boarded in 2013.  In addition, AT&T Community Forums was added to the “Contact Us” flow.  U-verse customer care agents now routinely refer customers to our Third-Party Devices board for support outside their traditional scope.  AT&T’s 200k+ employees – including care agents – learned about the value of our community and especially its star ACEs via recognition in the AT&T Employee Insider newsletter and the AT&T Consumer Blog.   Our customer care business results   Call Shed In 2014, AT&T Community Forums worked to implement a standardized call shed model through the extraction of Community key performance indicators and pairing visitor calling rates with quantitative sentiment survey data. This model enables us to identify opportunities within each LOB to serve up content that addresses top call drivers, effectively shifting contact volume from our Call Centers to the Community Forums while also growing online adoption. During 2014, AT&T Community Forums shed over 4 Million calls.   Cost Avoidance Cost avoidance in the AT&T Community Forums determines digital ROI and frequently spurs Officer-level conversation around Community impact to the overall business. During 2014, the AT&T Community Forums generated over $30 Million in savings for the Organization, driving further ideation for additional points of invocation and awareness-building campaigns.   New Threads - Accepted Solutions On a larger scale, our groundbreaking Community redesign with a faster, simplified user experience launched in July, 2014, yielded a 19% increase in call shed. Key drivers impacting Call Shed include a 54% lift in new thread creation and a 63% improvement in accepted solution development.  
Company: MEO Contact: Vanessa Simão (Community Manager) Community: MEO FÓRUM Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   MEO is a fully owned subsidiary of Altice group, and a leading telecommunications and multimedia operator based in Portug... See more...
Company: MEO Contact: Vanessa Simão (Community Manager) Community: MEO FÓRUM Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   MEO is a fully owned subsidiary of Altice group, and a leading telecommunications and multimedia operator based in Portugal. The company’s activities extend across all telecommunications segments: fixed line, mobile, multimedia, data and business solutions. In the Portuguese market, MEO is the leader in all segments it operates, with over 8 million mobile subscribers, 2.5 million wireline voice customers, 1.4 million pay-tv customers and 1.4 million broadband customers. MEO is the pioneer and the market leader of convergent services, with a comprehensive offer of 3Play and 4Play bundles. In 2015, domestic business revenues amounted to Eur 2,533 million.   PT Portugal's focus on the customer   In the Portuguese market, PT Portugal is a customer-oriented company, focused on innovation and execution to meet the needs of the digital consumer. PT Portugal is organized by customer segments, promoting collaboration between functions and platforms to ensure the best customer experience. PT Portugal’s priority is to create sustainable value for all customer segments.   In order to answer ever-changing consumer habits, the company has directed its provision towards convergence, mobility and virtualization of content and services.   How the Forum meets our customer care business goals   Helping people find solutions to their problems in a simple, fast and virtually free way, is the main purpose of the Forum, available 24x7 in the PC or smartphone. Good and credible aid is given either by peers or by selected moderators and company’s employees.   Recognizing that Meo’s site is still the first online place where customers try to find a solution to their problems, we incorporated the Forum into the site’s search results in September 2015. This means that people searching within the Meo site will also see any Forum posts, which are relevant to their search.   This change brought a 40% increase in referral traffic coming from the Meo ecosystem, when compared to the previous year.   Example of Meo site search with community content results.   In addition, we noted that one of the categories with more page views - Mobile Phones - required reorganization. So, we created an index of mobile phones that gathers every phone model and any written posts about them.     We also noticed that many users used the Forum to get their mobile phone’s instructions manuals. Thus, proactively, we created a new board, within the category of mobile phones, which serves as a repository for all manuals. The content is provided by company’s employees who are responsible for mobile phones certification, hence bringing them into the community, and then published both by company staff and Forum moderators.   Another way for costumers to get these manuals was through the self-care portal. We were getting 120 requests a month that had to be answered by our front office employees. Since the creation of this new board, we started redirecting these customers to the Forum, instead of allowing them to create a request that had to be analyzed and answered manually. With this change, we were able to free front office agents, allowing them to perform functions that are more complex.     Keeping Meo Forum present along the customer journey, we spread Meo Forum’s image throughout and our self-care portal, with banners, and promoted the community in every email sent by our online store, after a purchase. We also promoted it in some of our online store’s weekly newsletters.   How our community has changed our customer care organization   We felt the need to connect our customer care assisted help with our community. So we integrated information about Meo Forum in every email sent to our customers, either through our CRM system or our self-care portal.   Both when the contact involved a complaint or a simple information request, in the footer of the email the customer would see a reference to Meo Forum with a simple message stating its purpose and a link to the community.   Pergunte, responda, contribua. Aceda já ao MEO Fórum. Ask, reply, contribute. Access MEO Forum. Moreover, we highlighted Meo Forum on the Meo Login dashboard, putting the community inside the Meo services’ ecosystem.     Today, our help and support team and customer care teams are regularly updating their contents and processes based on insights from this community, which demonstrates how the Meo Forum helped transform the way we serve our customers, beyond the digital frontier.   Our customer care business results   Call deflection   Since we launched Meo Forum, we recorded a decrease in the percentage of customers who need to use another customer care channel after visiting the Forum, either for posting or just browsing for a solution. We call this “Leakage” – nowadays, less than 13% of Meo Forum visitors have to contact a traditional customer care channel in the next 7 days.   Since peer-to-peer help was the focus of Meo Forum, we started directing personal customer inquiries and requests that concerned access to private information (such as invoice’s analysis or contracts’ end dates) to their self-care portal, where they could get a more personalized assistance. We have the Moderators for this purpose. They moderate the community by controlling the behaviour of members and providing support in most community questions, besides generating new content.   The majority of post replies are now provided by community members and only 10% of replies require company’s staff intervention, making the information richer.   Technical tutorials created by our Moderators and other loyal and more active members, are appreciated by the community and contribute greatly to this decrease. They have a high number of page views and are also used by our technical staff.   Search Engine Optimization   Meo Forum’s contribution for total organic search traffic in Meo site increased considerably in 2015. The community was responsible for 10% of all traffic coming to   Problems Scanning   Meo Forum is increasingly sought after by customers as a channel to seek solutions and post questions, increasing customer feedback. This allows us to monitor the conversations in a better way, contributing to the rapid identification of problems.   ROI   Based on the outcomes of a 667 online survey we conducted on the community website, during the period from March to October 2015, we built a ROI model where we estimate savings in customer contact deflection of approximately €550.000 in 2015.   The online survey is showed to each user who logs in to Meo Forum, and tries to determine if the original questions they had were solved during that visit. If the answer is positive, we also ask them if they would have used an assisted channel if had not found the answer in Meo Forum. With this model we can measure the amount of customers that solve their issues in Meo Forum without requiring a telephone or in person contact.      
Company: Centrify Corporation Entry submitted by: Anton Chiang (Sr. Manager, Community & Support Program) Community: Centrify Community Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Centrify is the leader in securing enterprise identities aga... See more...
Company: Centrify Corporation Entry submitted by: Anton Chiang (Sr. Manager, Community & Support Program) Community: Centrify Community Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Centrify is the leader in securing enterprise identities against cyberthreats that target today’s hybrid IT environment of cloud, mobile and on-premises. The Centrify Identity Platform protects against the leading point of attack used in data breaches ― compromised credentials — by securing an enterprise’s internal and external users as well as its privileged accounts. Centrify delivers stronger security, continuous compliance and enhanced user productivity through single sign-on, multi-factor authentication, mobile and Mac management, privileged access security and session monitoring. Centrify is trusted by over 5000 customers, including more than half of the Fortune 50.   How we are implementing Community to meet our customer care business goals   Centrify provides unified identity management for end users and privileged users, with flagship products addressing needs for identity management across cloud, mobile and data centers. Our support team interacts with IT admins with diverse skills sets spanning across *NIX, Windows, Active Directory and SAML, just to name a few.   The Centrify Support team believes that building a Community of Centrify admins across the globe plays an important role in providing world class support to our customer base. With a vibrant community, we are able to increase customer satisfaction with an ever growing library of user generated solutions, tech blogs and videos. In addition, we’re able to reduce support contact cost across all regions yet meet SLA’s and responsiveness by leveraging the community.   Our community consists of product forums, tech blogs and Ideas Exchange. All users have read access across all product forums and tech blogs. With our newly implemented “Ask the Community” widget, customers can quickly find existing answers in a wealth of accepted solutions and tech articles. All registered users are welcomed to post in our free Centrify Express forum. This enables Centrify to provide a positive user experience for our free product users, potentially leading to paid upgrade when their organizations expand.   For our paid customers, they have the option to ask questions in the premium product forums. These questions are automatically escalated to an internal “A-Team” of superusers if the community does not answer within 24 hours. This ensures that our paid customers receive timely responses while Centrify reduces support contact volume.   Our paid customers can also to post product enhancement ideas and vote on them in the Ideas Exchange. Here, Centrify’s product team members regularly engage in discussions with customers, providing them with an exclusive channel to share valuable feedback to the Centrify product team.   Changes we implemented  because of cost reductions based on Lithium Community    At Centrify, we value support as a team that adds value to our customers and not a cost center. That being said, just like every successful and customer centric organization, we keep a close eye on our costs every year. The savings in headcount to support our customers are re-invested to make the Community and Support Portal more interactive and resourceful. With new products, new customers we are always innovating and ensuring that every type of customers who come to us for a help can easily find their answers. We have re-launched our community several months ago with an improved design and structure, focusing on making the community easier to use for new and returning members alike. In the future, we will be enhancing the UI further to provide a single pane of glass for all existing customers to address their technical and product needs. The success of Community for our customers has also encouraged our internal teams to increase participation. Technical teams across Centrify now regularly create useful tech blog articles, how-to’s and videos to increase the value of this every growing library of user generated content.   Our customer care and business results    Centrify Community started as a platform for our freemium product (Centrify Express) users to ask their questions. Since then, we have opened up additional product forums, tech blogs and customer Idea Exchange.   In spite of growing our customers base and revenues by 2x, our team has been able to successfully support 5000+ customers and continuously achieve a 92%+ customers satisfaction*. Without enabling peer-to-peer community help, we would not be able to sustain such rapid growth while maintaining a high score for customer satisfaction. Support Management at Centrify is always looking at metrics to drive more self-service, engineer efficiency and content creation (Knowledge articles and how-to videos).   *Customer Satisfaction is derived from 5 survey metrics that we collect from our customers. Every time a case that is opened with Technical Support team at Centrify, the customer will have an opportunity to provide their feedback on the products, people, and features / functionality of Centrify Solutions. Customer are asked to rate us on the 5 parameters (1) Case Owner Satisfaction (2) Overall Product Satisfaction (3) Product Quality (4)Features and Functionality and (5) Overall Support Satisfaction.     We’ve seen steady community growth in the past 4 years. Q1 2016 we saw a year over year increase of user sessions by 38%.   More than 30k visits per month in indirect contact deflection. 40+ technical topics are answered and turned into searchable community knowledge for future use. 15+ technical blogs / video blogs are created monthly for our community member’s consumption.   Rich Multimedia Content in the community tech blog:     Wealth of technical information and resource in the community. “Ask the Community” widget makes it easy for users to get started:     Idea Exchange:        
Company: Autodesk  Entry submitted by: Lois Townsend (loisT) Director, Social Media and Community Community: Autodesk Community ( Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Autodesk, Inc., is a leader in 3D design, engin... See more...
Company: Autodesk  Entry submitted by: Lois Townsend (loisT) Director, Social Media and Community Community: Autodesk Community ( Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Autodesk, Inc., is a leader in 3D design, engineering and entertainment software. Customers across the manufacturing, architecture, building, construction, and media and entertainment industries—including the last 19 Academy Award winners for Best Visual Effects—use Autodesk software to design, visualize, and simulate their ideas before they're ever built or created. From blockbuster visual effects and buildings that create their own energy to electric cars and the batteries that power them, the work of our 3D software customers is everywhere you look.   Since its introduction of AutoCAD software in 1982, Autodesk continues to develop the broadest portfolio of state-of-the-art 3D software for global markets. Through our apps for iPhone, iPad, iPod, and Android, we're also making design technology accessible to professional designers as well as amateur designers, homeowners, students, and casual creators. Whether it's a kid looking to build a new contraption, a seasoned pro sketching out a great new idea, or someone who just wants to amp up their creative output, we're taking technology originally built for movie studios, automakers, and architectural firms, and making it available to anyone who wants to create and share their ideas with the world.   Autodesk, one of the world leaders in 3D design, engineering, and entertainment software is delivering on customers’ needs before they ask. Autodesk drives customer loyalty and product affinity through a Total Community strategy. The strategy includes activations on Facebook, nearly 200,000 followers on Twitter, more than 40 million views on YouTube, and a branded community, running on the Lithium platform, which has seen its unique visitors grow by 34% in the last year, with a membership of 2million+ customers. One of the pillars of the Autodesk social strategy is its branded community which is the main hub for directly connecting with customers.  Dating back to 1986, with Compuserve, Autodesk has leveraged community to foster peer-to-peer to support, drive greater brand affinity, and solidify relationships with its customers. It has evolved to focus on collaborating with and anticipating the needs of customers. Now its nine communities in multiple languages offer customers unique experiences by industry, region, and expertise level. The company shares product use information, solves potential product issues, and promotes best practices to proactively supply customers with the tools and information needed for a successful product experience supporting Autodesk’s customer care goals which are centered on rapid, relevant, service, support and learning for every customer.   Autodesk’s recently-launched Knowledge Network (AKN) as a place for users to find product solutions, learn more about products and link in to the community. When looking for support, top knowledge based articles appear in search results, which even include accepted solutions from the community. This speaks volumes to the importance of the Autodesk Community participation for quick problem solving capabilities, not to mention the Expert Elites our Super Users of Autodesk Community who answer support questions directly.  In the last 12 months, nearly 20 million unique visitors came to the AKN site to learn and explore, troubleshoot an issue, or download software.   Autodesk’s Expert Elite are the Super Fans and lifeblood of the Autodesk Community. The Autodesk Expert Elite program was created to recognize customers around the world who have contributed a significant amount of time, knowledge, and assistance to fellow customers.  These people have demonstrated a strong sense of leadership and use an engaging style of collaboration that contributes to a healthy and valuable customer community. The program now has over 200 members representing 23 different countries. They have delivered 7,000 accepted solutions, received 17,000 kudos and posted 60,000 replies. Autodesk has also recognized the importance of video content on the community, and last year piloted and launched a webinar program to proactively offer customers another way to learn about and experience Autodesk products. For instance, the Installation and Licensing Community hosted “Troubleshooting Desktop Subscription Licensing issues” webinar to give users the information they need to get the “software up and ready.”  The Autodesk Help webinar series is a virtual studio house, with regular, and in some cases weekly offerings.  Webinar attendance can be as high as 200 live attendees and videos posted online can reach over 5,000 views. Over 50% of webinar attendees are repeat participants because they derive continued value from the webinar content.   These programs provide information that helps our customers get their products up and running quickly.  Our goal is helping customers to optimize productivity and with these programs our service and support professionals can begin to shift reactive help to providing more proactive solutions to our customers.   Our business results   Autodesk’s collaborative and proactive approach supported by several key programs, including Expert Elite, Knowledge Network, and Autodesk Help Webinars. The tactics have delivered the following community success metrics: Autodesk Communities received over 27 million unique visits in the last 12 months. Autodesk Community successfully serves answers to millions of customers, yielding a multimillion dollar value to Autodesk and its customers. Customer success is tracked and measured via surveys to ensure that the community is providing actual solutions, and at an increasing rate. The community has more than 2 million registered members that have shared more than 135,000 kudos and over 20,000 newly accepted solutions in the last year.  
Company:  Telstra Entry submitted by: Richard Manley (Project Manager – Digital First) Community: Frontline Peer Support Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   Telstra is on a journey to become a world class technology company. A key par... See more...
Company:  Telstra Entry submitted by: Richard Manley (Project Manager – Digital First) Community: Frontline Peer Support Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   Telstra is on a journey to become a world class technology company. A key part of this strategy is the use of Digital to improve customer advocacy. Through our Digital transformation program Digital First, we’re transforming the way we engage and support our customers. A key part of this has been the adoption of Lithium in August 2015 across our Global Call Centres.    How we are implementing Community and LSW  to meet our customer care business goals     As an international business with 37,000 staff worldwide and a 100 year history, Telstra has introduced the Digital First program with the mission to digitise our channels, remove cost, and help us become a world class technology company. In August 2015, Telstra adopted Lithium to support our frontline call centres. The tool also captures the expert knowledge of our consultants so this can be shared across the company. The adoption of Peer Support by our front line represents a significant commitment to improving our support tools and driving increased efficiencies across our business.     With Peer Support, we have improved on our existing knowledge management systems. We now also have a question and solution model, where a solution can come from anyone in the business and be validated by empowered Moderators. Critical knowledge gaps are promptly identified and flowed back full circle to improve the scope and quality of our knowledge management systems.       To ensure rapid adoption across our business, we produced a series of Peer Support training videos that are both engaging and punchy. These videos represent part of our core induction experience for new starters, and enable them to intuitively start using Peer Support to find solutions from day 1.   Peer Support Training Videos:   Check them out here.             But the Peer Support story does not end there. Our customers have also benefited, through improved service levels. This is evidenced by results showing an increase in First Call Resolution, and a reduction in Multi-Agent Events since we rolled out the tool. For our customers, this means we’re getting it right first time more often, and we’re transferring customers less. All this equates to greater customer advocacy, and brings to life what it means for Telstra’s journey towards becoming a world class technology company.   Changes we implemented in our customer care organization because of cost reductions based on Lithium Community and LSW   Through Peer Support our frontline staff across different countries are able to support each other, and reduce reliance on support staff. It has also expedited the onboarding process for new starters.     Telstra agents are now able to draw on the huge wealth of knowledge captured in Peer Support.  We’re driving efficiency by being able to serve our customers better and with less transfers as agents have access to more information. And we’re giving our centres visibility of key metrics and performance through the Lithium Social Web Monitor Wall which is enabling us to embed Lithium into the way our centres operate.   The efficiencies realised by Peer Support has been a critical enabler in reducing our reliance on traditional support channels. A great example of this is we have been able to reduce support FTE in centres, which is a direct cost-reduction benefit to the business. These cost efficiencies, delivered by our Digital First transformation program, will continue as we progress and industrialize the tool across our organisation, and in our journey to becoming a world class technology company.   Our metrics   Peer Support has enjoyed significant success since launch in August 2015, with results showing an increase of 1.92 percentage points in First Call Resolution, and a reduction of 1.19 percentage points in Multi-Agent Events (call transfers).   These impressive results were proven using a robust data analysis and benefits model.     The natural language search capability in Peer Support has been a real game-changer for Telstra, enabling our consultants to search for a solution using phrases intrinsic to their business area. Our traditional knowledge bases have always found this challenging. This has enabled a reduction in training time for new starters, as they can get up to speed more quickly by searching for solutions as they learn on the job. Lithium’s natural language search capability, combined with our multi-faceted approach to enabling the Global Call Centres to adopt the tool, led to 320,000 page views in the first 6 months.  Our strategic focus on questions and solutions has led to 96,000 verified solution views in the same period. These figures alone show significant value is being extracted from the tool, and there’s much more to come with plans to industrialize Peer Support as the de facto support channel not only across our call centres, but also into our retail channels.  
Company: Cisco Contact: Becky Scott (Program Manager, Social Knowledge Management) Community: Tech Zone  Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   Cisco is the worldwide leader in IT that helps companies seize the opportunities of tomorrow ... See more...
Company: Cisco Contact: Becky Scott (Program Manager, Social Knowledge Management) Community: Tech Zone  Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   Cisco is the worldwide leader in IT that helps companies seize the opportunities of tomorrow by proving that amazing things can happen when you connect the previously unconnected.   At Cisco, customers come first and an integral part of our DNA is creating long-lasting customer partnerships and working with them to identify their needs and provide solutions that support their success.   How we're implementing Community to meet our customer care business goals   At Cisco Systems, our customers and partners benefit when our Technical Assistance Center (TAC) Engineers share their expertise by publishing actionable, vital knowledge as content on   Our challenge was how to accelerate the knowledge expertise of over 4,000 worldwide technical support engineers while sharing critical information across a global population. We’ve leveraged Lithium to engage and motivate our TAC Engineers worldwide to seamlessly transform their knowledge and expertise into knowledge for our customers and partners.   We’ve had year over year success in building a borderless technical support community where the following are now embedded into our normal, everyday workflow: skills-based inventory skills-based routing a reputation engine interactive collaboration through gamification   Now, as a knowledge asset is consumed, the reputation of that piece of knowledge grows. Our Lithium community has helped us gain record-high support content satisfaction scores (4.5 out of 5.00), as well as through the number of views of TAC-authored articles (4.7M views of ~2,000 articles). This in turn benefits Cisco, as we’ve realized an approximate $54.2M in case deflection savings for 2015, which is more than double our $25.2M savings from 2014.   The changes we implemented due to cost reductions from community   Lithium has fundamentally changed the way Cisco creates and consumes knowledge in Technical Services.   How do we engage and motivate 4,000+ TAC Engineers globally to transform their expertise into vital knowledge that our customers and partners can use? By hosting a competition with the chance to win a 2-week work rotation at any global TAC location. We called this competition the Knowledge Champions League (KCL).   KCL is a competition where TAC engineers collaborate to create articles within Tech Zone, our internal workflow-enabled community. Articles are published to the support site where customers and partners can access them to self-serve and self-solve. The KCL team that creates the highest volume of most impactful content wins the grand prize.   Although only one team wins, all KCL participants realize the benefits of working collaboratively in global teams across technologies: building their network of contacts, building cultural awareness, and strengthening their collaboration skills while developing articles. Our goal was to encourage this collaboration while creating valuable content for     How we constructed the KCL Competition:   Phase 1 – The Qualifying period: Each engineer must qualify as a top contributor within their Technology Space.   Phase 2 – The Games: Top contributors for each technology and site (Europe, Americas, Australia, India) were grouped into teams, each with a coach. The team that creates the highest amount of customer-impactful content wins.   Game Elements     The winning team was awarded a two-week rotation to work remotely from a Cisco Customer Support Site.   Our results       By using innovative Gamification techniques and integrating social knowledge and content publishing into TAC workflows, Cisco Services has successfully addressed the challenge of converting the intellectual capital in over 4,000 support engineers' heads into exceptional quality, reusable content. Our Knowledge Champions League efforts fostered sustainable behaviors of collaboration, teamwork and healthy competition resulting in the production of the highest quality, most impactful content our customers can use to solve some of their most complex problems.    
Company:  AT&T Entry submitted by: Bridgette Butler  (Sr. Community Manager) Community: AT&T Community Forums Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) helps millions around the globe connect with leading entertainment, m... See more...
Company:  AT&T Entry submitted by: Bridgette Butler  (Sr. Community Manager) Community: AT&T Community Forums Lithy category:  Support Savings MVP   AT&T Inc. (NYSE:T) helps millions around the globe connect with leading entertainment, mobile, high-speed Internet and voice services. We’re the world’s largest provider of pay TV. We have TV customers in the U.S. and 11 Latin American countries. We offer the best global coverage of any U.S. wireless provider*. And we help businesses worldwide serve their customers better with our mobility and highly secure cloud solutions. *Global coverage claim based on offering discounted voice and data roaming; LTE roaming; voice roaming; and world-capable smartphone and tablets in more countries than any other U.S. based carrier.   How we are implementing Community to meet our customer care business goals   AT&T customers have been finding solutions and connecting with AT&T on our Lithium community for more than 13 years. Given how well established our community is, we knew it wouldn’t be easy to dramatically increase the number of customers we serve in 2015, but that was nonetheless our goal.   To make the most of our limited budget, we used an intensely data-driven approach to community management and platform enhancements, identifying key opportunities for growth and improved customer success, and prioritizing accordingly. Guided by this approach, we:   Moved to a Lithium badging solution and added new badges to complement our member engagement program. The badging migration yielded significant cost savings, enabled faster time to market for badging enhancements, and contributed to page-load time reduction, which in turn contributed to a better customer experience Appended hyperlinked Accepted Solutions to 228 support articles on, which not only assisted users, but also drove traffic to our community Employed SEO techniques, including revisiting our archived content, to make it easier for customers and search engines to find answers. Our SEO efforts garnered at least 100k additional unique visitors per month. Improved posting flows to allow authentication after entering the text for a post. This contributed to nearly doubling the new threads posted in the community YoY. Removed traditional registration email verification to create a more effortless registration experience for our customers Launched a “classic view” to complement our Tile and List views, enabling our super-users to engage on the community using the interface of their choice     The result? The AT&T Community Forums shed nearly six million customer contacts from our call centers in 2015 – a more than 30% increase YoY – resulting in a cost savings of nearly $45 million.     Changes in our customer care organization that were implemented because of cost reductions based on Lithium Community    Believing collaboration and cooperation are the keys to cross-organizational success, the AT&T Community Forums team encouraged, educated and embraced skilled internal Care groups to supplement community knowledge and, when needed, to address specific customer concerns.   DIRECTV: Owing to the success we have seen with the Lithium-powered AT&T community, the decision was made to migrate the existing DIRECTV community from another platform into the AT&T forums in December 2015, and we launched and introduced a new DIRECTV customer care team to address the needs of our DIRECTV customers.       U-verse: After careful analysis of highly viewed threads regarding recurring issues, the AT&TU-verseCare team seeded 50 “how-to” posts replete with images.     The U-verse team also authored more than 3k posts in 2015 – a 155% increase over 2014.   Mobility: The ATTMobilityCare team launched in January 2015 and grew over the year, creating more than 8k posts last year.   Digital Life: The ATTDigitalLifeCS team created more than 700 posts in 2015 – a 350% increase over 2014.   AT&T wireless product subject matter experts answered community questions in two Ask an Expert events. More than 1.3k unique visitors viewed each of the discussions.   Additionally, we partnered with AT&T product subject matter experts to discuss topics of interest selected by our 50 super user ACES in two private-area Community Exchanges. The 269 posts in the eight topical threads were viewed more than 1k times, thus equipping our super users to better answer peer-to-peer questions.   Our metrics   Our efforts on the Community Forums achieved phenomenal results in 2015, with more than 30% incremental calls shed YoY, and with more than four million more unique visitors than in 2014. The lift in call shed and traffic/usage was accompanied by improvements in nearly every major metric of the business, including:   95% YoY increase in new topics 69% YoY increase in Accepted Solutions 13% YoY decrease in average monthly average response time (AMART) 91% YoY increase in ACE (super-user) replies 40% YoY increase in Cost Avoidance   Calculated using an established and verifiable formula, the AT&T Community Forums shed nearly 6M customer contacts from our call centers in 2015, resulting in a cost savings of nearly $45M.  
Company: SmartBear Entry submitted by: Tatyana Gorbunova (Community Manager) Community: SmartBear Community  Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   As the leader in software quality tools for the connected world, SmartBear supports mo... See more...
Company: SmartBear Entry submitted by: Tatyana Gorbunova (Community Manager) Community: SmartBear Community  Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   As the leader in software quality tools for the connected world, SmartBear supports more than four million software professionals and over 25,000 organizations in 194 countries that use its products to build and deliver the world’s greatest applications. With today’s applications deploying on mobile, Web, desktop, Internet of Things (IoT) or even embedded computing platforms, the connected nature of these applications through public and private APIs presents a unique set of challenges for developers, testers and operations teams. SmartBear's software quality tools assist with code review, functional and load testing, API readiness as well as performance monitoring of these modern applications.   The SmartBear Community provides 24/7 assistance for all product users. In addition, the Customer Care Team helps our customers resolve technical issues during normal business hours. Decreasing the load on our Support Team was one of the important tasks for 2015.   People should go to the Community first In 2015, we were concentrating on increasing the number of questions asked in the Community. For this, we launched different community programs oriented towards increasing the community visibility and boosting the activity of current community members.   We allocated one community manager who worked with community members, launched different community programs oriented towards new and existing community members.   To decrease the number of support cases, we have implemented the pre-submission search on the Contact Support form. When a customer submits a case, we show community topics where a similar question has already been discussed. Answering one specific question in the Community often means answering the same question for dozens of people.   The results of this implementation were great – many people went to the Community instead of contacting the Support Team.   Involve different teams into discussions As a rule, different teams don’t have time to read all community questions. However, we had a community manager who could refer an interesting question to a certain developer, QA engineer, technical writer, etc. They would find an answer faster when given a specific question and not having to review all community questions. Involving employees in the community brings great quality to practically all community discussions.   In addition, community members see that they can talk to developers of the product they use. They like it and often return to them to ask other interesting questions or provide some valuable feedback.   Case Deflection Increase Working on all of our initiatives helped us increase the number of deflected support cases (cases that would normally go to the Support Team, but were resolved in the Community). Last year, we doubled those metrics – at the end of 2015, we had 12% of deflected cases in comparison with 6.8% of deflected cases at the beginning of the same year.    
Company: Microsoft Mobile  Entry submitted by: Delfin Vassallo (DJVassallo) Social Media Operations Manager LSW social channels: Facebook- global, Twitter- global, plus local ones, in total 107 social presences managed Lithy category: Supp... See more...
Company: Microsoft Mobile  Entry submitted by: Delfin Vassallo (DJVassallo) Social Media Operations Manager LSW social channels: Facebook- global, Twitter- global, plus local ones, in total 107 social presences managed Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services, devices and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.   In 2012, Microsoft Mobile (Nokia at the time) had a presence in social media with Twitter and Facebook accounts; however, many of the cases went unanswered and unaddressed. This was simply because they were not listening on social due to having insufficient tools with their first vendor and an inadequate team to manage social care requests.   Microsoft Mobile needed to invest in and get serious about social—and fast. They switched to a second vendor from 2012-2013, but their solution was falling short and they needed to operationalize their Social Care Practice on a bigger scale. That was the tipping point.   In 2013, the business—now Microsoft Mobile after Nokia’s acquisition—launched a critical quest for a new digital solution that offered multiple features and a stable platform that could grow with them over time.   GOAL Implement a new, long-term digital solution that can grow with Microsoft Mobile’s expanding needs on social media to offer customers top-tier customer service   In 2014, Microsoft Mobile chose Lithium Social Web (LSW) primarily because they needed a tool that they could trust in terms of stable, scalable technology.   To be successful on social, brands need three elements: 1) Adequate tools/technologies 2) Seamless processes for handling customer feedback 3) A team of people who are trained in the brand’s internal voice, as they are the stars of the show   If one of those three elements is broken, the whole solution doesn’t work. With LSW, Microsoft Mobile is now confident in the technology piece and that the tool will continue to evolve as the social media industry changes.   “LSW was implemented to provide social customer service across 100+ social media presences globally, in 24 languages with a 140+ staff working around the clock from 7 different locations. Our highly complex operation is coordinated by only four internal resources; Our LSW set up is one of the most complex of all Lithium clients,” said Delfin Vassallo, Social Media Operations Manager Europe at Microsoft.   Changes as a result of LSW implementation   Microsoft Mobile started this project with two Twitter handles in two languages and one Facebook page. Now with LSW, they are efficiently managing an entire expanded suite of social channels: 66 Facebook pages 34 Twitter handles 7 contact centers (working around the clock to service customers in 24 languages)   To organize and coordinate all of these channels, personnel, languages, and time zones is quite complex, but the LSW platform allows Microsoft Mobile to do it seamlessly.   They are handling 230% more volume of cases than before the adoption of LSW, while only increasing headcount by 15%.   LSW has given Microsoft Mobile the immediate ability to manage the astonishingly fast increase in volume (on average 70k unique cases per month) while making teams more efficient and productive in order to meet the target response times.   One of the most noticeable impacts to the Microsoft Mobile organization is the development of their Social Care team. In 2013, the global team comprised 90 staff members. Now they are at 145 full-time social media agents plus team leaders, quality monitors, and trainers.   With the right technology now in place, Microsoft Mobile is able to focus on developing and growing a very well-curated hiring and training program. Their management team saw the opportunity and decided to prioritize it by investing in the right tools and the right team to make their social customer support program world-class.   They predicted social would be big, but not THIS big. Through Lithium analytics and reporting, the Microsoft Mobile leadership team has been able to validate that they made the right decision to invest in social. Therefore, they continue to support the growing Social Care program due to the impressive results.   From a cross-functional perspective, LSW has allowed Microsoft Mobile to optimize resources in smaller, typically budget-constrained markets. Marketing now provides the content and creativity, and the Social Care team handles the social presence. The result of multiple teams working through one tool is that the customer receives one single answer through one unified brand voice.   “We could handle a 230% 2013-14 YoY volume increase by only increasing 15% our staff,” said Delfin Vassallo, Social Media Operations Manager Europe at Microsoft.   Business results   The Microsoft Mobile customers immediately saw a change with LSW. The Social Care team was flooded with positive comments, thanking them for the competent and quick responses on social.   Microsoft Mobile was able to get back to the customer faster than they expect (as quick as 4 minutes with an average response time of 2 hours vs. the industry benchmark of 7 hours)-- and with a meaningful and complete answer to their problem.   “Customers are becoming more demanding on social channels. They ask a lot of support questions and express doubts about products/services, so the key for brands is to answer fast. That sounds pretty simple, but if you don’t have the right tools in place, you aren’t able to do that. LSW allows us to service our customers quickly and competently. Lithium continues to stay ahead of the game with regards to customer behaviors and demands." Delfin Vassallo, Social Media Operations Manager, Microsoft Mobile Europe   Microsoft Mobile is able to resolve 95% of cases in-channel on social, which means they rarely redirect customers to other assisted channels such as phone or chat. As a result, their volume has skyrocketed, because the more they answer customer inquiries quickly and efficiently, the more customers trust them and want to ask additional questions.   Microsoft Mobile customers’ satisfaction is the ultimate metric of success— Microsoft Mobile is thrilled to receive overwhelmingly positive sentiments, indicating that they are making a huge impact on customers.   In summary, Microsoft Mobile agents’ productivity increased as they are now able to handle more cases and faster: First contact resolution rose to 95% (some languages keep a steady 100%) Average case handling time went down from 20 minutes to 9mins Response time was kept under 2 hours despite the overwhelming increase in demand. The overall cost saving of handling more cases in social rather than in traditional assisted channels was around 80%            
Company: Orange Spain   Entry submitted by: Santiago Martín Martín (tiako) Social Support Manager Community: Comunidad Orange ( and La Comunidad ( Lithy category: Support Sav... See more...
Company: Orange Spain   Entry submitted by: Santiago Martín Martín (tiako) Social Support Manager Community: Comunidad Orange ( and La Comunidad ( Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Orange Espagne SAU is one of the biggest telecom companies in Spain with almost 15 million of customers. It is part of Orange Group and operates with three brands in the Spanish market: Orange, and Simyo.   In 2014, Orange Spain took the decision to take a big step in the social support of our customers. Lithium applications were a key enabler and platform for the execution of this new strategy.   The cornerstone of this strategy has been the launch of new communities, in our two brands (Orange and as a new space of conversation and help among our customers.   Our main business goal has been call deflection with a big focus in superusers cultivation program (see Marketing champion Orange Spain application). We have used extensively gamification facilities of Lithium community to get our superusers to create a big amount of solutions to other customers issues.     Orange Spain community replaced our old forums and it proved essential to not losing SEO positioning of main threads thanks to the easy and proper migration process.   Besides, we decided to put in place a new social customer support model, mainly in Facebook and Twitter, focusing on customer satisfaction, resolution and response time.   LSW has helped us to build this new model and to get the highest performance of our support and comms teams. We have made extensive usage of tagging, queuing and reporting facilities of the application, getting the better efficiency of our agents who only have to be focused in solving our customer request and incidents.   Our customer care organization changes as a result of cost reductions with Community and LSW   All the activity in communities and social media channels is managed by two different areas of the company: Comms and Customer Support, with more than 50 people conversing with our customers. In telco industry, main part or social activity is about customers asking support. It is a big challenge to be able to build a model that integrates social support seamlessly in the whole customer support processes.   LSW has allowed us to organize tasks and people and get the most of everyone. We have been able to integrate the work of community managers, support agents, web advisors and community moderators. All they know who is the responsible to answer any tweet or post coming to our social accounts thanks to the queues and rules that we have built over LSW.   We are proud of our highly motivated and skilled teams!!  Our business results   Regarding communities, we have got 300k monthly visits. Mainly, these visits are coming to communities to solve any doubt or problem. We have found that 27% of visitors surveyed, say that they get their problem solved in their visit, so we are saving costs consistently: around 500k euros at year.   We are very happy also with the contribution to the community of our superusers: 56% of topics of the last month, got a solution by one of them.   Regarding social media, Facebook and Twitter, we are very proud of achieving our goals of response time and customer satisfaction: we answer 90% of posts in our SLA time (2 hours), and we got 80% of customer satisfaction in these interactions.   These indicators have put us consistently in the top-5 of most socially devoted brands in Spain on Facebook, month by month, according to Social Bakers ranking.         
Company: BRP  Entry submitted by: Jasmin Boudreau (Jasmin) Community Manager Community: BRP Community (, a private B2B community Lithy category: Support Savings MVP     BRP: Who we are, what we do an... See more...
Company: BRP  Entry submitted by: Jasmin Boudreau (Jasmin) Community Manager Community: BRP Community (, a private B2B community Lithy category: Support Savings MVP     BRP: Who we are, what we do and what’s our story!   BRP is the world leader in the design, manufacturing, distribution and marketing of motorized recreational vehicles and power sports engines. BRP products are distributed in over 100 countries by more than 3,500 dealers and distributors.   What makes your heart race? How often to you take the time to smile ear to ear and share good time with your family   We push ourselves for it. We come together to earn it. We try and try and try again to reach that prize. It's our motivation, our inspiration to move forward. It's the reason why we stand back up every time we fall. What are we talking about?   We are the company that invented the snowmobile and we've built 3,000,000 sleds to date!!!!!     We are not bringing you to the water; we are the company that brings the water to YOU.     We believe in a world where everyone can experience the exhilaration of the open road.     The riders. The ultimate rush. The Can-AM off-road thrills are never-ending.     LIVING THE LIFESTYLE. SHARING THE PASSION.   Take a deeper look at our culture in this short but powerful video: BRP - The history is made of stories   The community The BRP Community links all of the BRP dealerships and BRP together across the world to share advice, technical expertise and to connect in a completely different way. This community is the ONLY one in the power sports industry.   Our Community is a private Business to Business community and has been active since February 2012. We are still relatively young but have shown a tremendous growth and success since our go-live.   For years our North America after-sales support department have supported our dealer network by picking up the phone and answering questions. Considering our large dealer network, our continual growth of business, the complexity of vehicles and the large call volumes, we needed to change our methods of supporting our dealers.   Combined with the complexity of questions, the increasing volume of requests, the dealer survey results and the on-going frustration of not being able to provide more added–value in our customer lives, we decided it was time to change. We needed to look at the service experience and the structure of our after-sales department to address the challenges our network was facing in their day to day and meet their expectations of our company.   We decided to change our call center to a contact center by using new technologies to move towards a Dealer service transformation (DST).   2013 was the year of transformation for our BRP North-American after-sales service team and we changed the way we interacted with our dealers.   The changes took place with 4 key pillars 1)    Leveraging our Knowledge center 2)    Increasing the community usage and integrating it in our dealer`s day to day operations 3)    Introduction of webcases to receive questions from our dealers 4)    Changing the team structure to support our dealers by Regional Teams accessible via multiple channels instead of reaching departments and silos.   What does this mean to you, to us, to our customers?    We want to make sure our customer’s vehicles are fixed right the first time and that our customers never lose a ride!   Where does the MVP come into play?     The BRP Community powered by Lithium is a critical asset in our transformation.   “We cannot become what we want to be by remaining what we are!”   At this point, we are no longer a call center but rather a complete hands-on contact center.    The dealer can go to Community and use the search tool for the network to provide support.   Our dealers can now follow BRP in this live environment and be informed on a daily basis on all parts, technical, and warranty related questions or any other after-sales service topics within this one stop shop. It’s also allowing them to access other techs around the globe. It’s given the chance for dealers to leverage the thousands of years of experience with BRP vehicles where before they were limited to their facility.   Again, this is not a typical community with customers coming in for their own personal interests. These are technicians and service managers that are taking time from their typical day to day activities to go in an environment that isn’t truly natural to them. Considering these users are not computer enthusiast, they could have felt that an online community was a waste of time and money but this was not the case as we see them coming back over and over again. This demonstrates our true success.      BRP is very proud to have technicians that were awarded the title of MVP (Most Valuable Player) of the BRP Community within a year.    Their technical knowledge and ability to easily share technical advice is renowned among their peers and BRP staff. Their expertise reflects positively on their whole dealership and comes with some benefits.   Recognizing that the Community is a living entity that needs to be fed quality and timely information onan on-going basis to remain useful, impactful and the go-to place for all technical information, BRP, through the Community MVP Program, is able to maintain that momentum 7 days a week.   What is the program?   The Community MVP (or Most Valuable Player) program recognizes members whose significantcontributions designates leadership and commitment to their peers within the BRP Community. Theprogram is designed to recognize and thank individuals who help make our Community a useful toolwith very high quality standards and aims to bring to the forefront the most influential users in the BRPCommunity.   In addition to being recognized by the Community, the MVP enjoys certain privileges. They have privileged access to BRP staff, access to the latest information to support the customers, their status allows them certification points, the MVPs can use the @mention feature to bring a BRP staff into a discussion, and they have a dedicated MVP private room. Also, boththe dealer and MVP have received an award to showcase in their dealership. This helps a customer coming for service to know what one of the technician is recognized by the manufacturer as one of the best in his job.   As of April 14th, the Community has generated          2,345,140 Logins,                                                                          75,568 Posts,          36 262 Kudos          5,774 Accepted solutions For the same period of time, the MVPs has generated:          22,213 Logins          5,510 Posts          5,307 Kudos          596 Accepted solutions   These metrics are outstanding considering theses MVP are first and foremost working technicians or service managers that are busy all day long. They are investing a tremendous amount of personal time to share their knowledge and help others - Over 9 000 hours of total minutes online and read 630 00 posts since they have registered to our community.   It’s also very beneficial for BRP since the MVPs are located across North American in different states, provinces and time zones. Since they spend most of their time online after their own working hours, it means they are active in the community when BRP staff is not working hence allowing longer support hours for a technician looking for answers in theses other time zones.   BRP considers very highly theses MVP. The contribution from theses 5 individual is direct call deflection and pressure off our BRP technical staff. They are key players to help us in our Dealer service transformation.   We are the only manufacturer in the entire power sport industry with a dealer community (B2B) in place.  This is a tremendous achievement for our organization to have such innovation and success while being able to have our dealer network support this change.   The dealers, mostly multi-brands, are recognizing the power and benefits of our approach. It was a very big challenge for BRP to have them change their habits of going from phone to using our online community. We`ve heard so many times at the beginning of this transformation: “I don’t want my tech to lose time on the internet.” Or “I’m paying him to wrench, not to push keys on a keyboard” and the typical “Why would I spend time using your tool if I can just call you?”   Today we are no longer getting these comments, we are simply getting accolades and dealers will tell you that they cannot imagine working without these tools. When they log in and they see the MVP names, they can trust the advices provided by them and they are confident what was said can actually fix their problems. They recognized they are technicians like the guys in their own shops sweating bullets, turning wrenches, hitting knuckles and working hard for a living.     In order to show our gratitude, BRP showcases the MVPs at the After-Sales Service booth at the Ski-doo Club in Quebec City in front of multiples hundreds of dealers and thousands of individuals.   The MVP colleagues have received either a laptop or a trip to visit BRP’s installations, production line and museum in Valcourt, Quebec at all expenses paid.   They are part of the BRP family and they have the same yellow blood we have in our veins!         
Company: Vodafone Spain     Contact: Alejandro Moreno ( Community Manager) Community:   Foro Vodafone  Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Vodafone Spain is part of Vodafone Group, one of the world’s largest telecommunications companie... See more...
Company: Vodafone Spain     Contact: Alejandro Moreno ( Community Manager) Community:   Foro Vodafone  Lithy category: Support Savings MVP   Vodafone Spain is part of Vodafone Group, one of the world’s largest telecommunications companies and provides a range of services including voice, messaging, data and fixed communications. Vodafone has mobile operations in 26 countries, partners with mobile networks in 57 more, and fixed broadband operations in 17 markets. As of 31 December 2015, Vodafone had 461 million mobile customers and 13 million fixed broadband customers.   Vodafone Spain has 14.255.000 mobile customers and 2.960.000 fixed broadband customers. All of them get benefit of the experience and capacity of a world leader that helps its customers to be better connected. For more info: please visit:   How we are implementing Community our customer care business goals   Our target are: Increase total number of registered users. Increase Community Content counting number of created posts Increase community participation Acquire new “super-users” that help us as community mods. Increase NPS and Employees Resolution Rate.    Changes we implemented because of cost reductions based on Lithium Community   The changes we have made:   New community home: it’s more visual and accessible. We have used click map to detect the hotspots. Launch new mobile version enabling users easier access to the community for smartphones and tablets. New badges for super-users integrated on console. We create content based on Key trends such as movies, series and video games to increase user participation and gain awareness to promote eForum Channel. Our employees are continuously improving their answers and performance to encourage further volume of customers using eForum as the contact mechanism prior to Call Center contacts.   Our results   €3.7 M potentially saved on incoming Customer Call Center Calls.   
Company: giffgaff Entry submitted by: Gregg Baker (gregg) Head of Community Community: giffgaff Community ( Lithy category: Support Savings MVP     giffgaff, founded 5 years ago and known as “the mobile ... See more...
Company: giffgaff Entry submitted by: Gregg Baker (gregg) Head of Community Community: giffgaff Community ( Lithy category: Support Savings MVP     giffgaff, founded 5 years ago and known as “the mobile network run by you”, utilizes Lithium to provide a first class experience for our members. At giffgaff we like to do things differently. We don’t believe in having shops on the high street, call centers you have to ring for help or generally just making life difficult for people. Instead we are online only and pass on the savings to our members.   ‘giffgaff’ itself is an ancient Scottish word meaning mutuality and from day one we ensured we founded a business built on mutual relationships and understanding. We built the business around having a community at the heart of it, suggesting ideas, helping each other and keeping us real. This allows us to operate a very lean business and pass on the savings to our members. Lithium as a platform allowed us to facilitate that and evolve our thinking even further.   Our community provides first line support for our business by utilizing the Lithium platform. Members answer support questions, create knowledgebase articles and even create tutorial videos. We utilize standard platform features as well as embedding a tool to ask the community on our product pages. We empower our Community members to be powerful advocates for us, driving acquisition, while also giving them the tools and the channel to be our front line support. Reflect on that for a moment, our members provide all support for us (apart from private account related issues). As a result, we have seen a contact rate from our customers of once every five years.   Community members write the articles that go into our Knowledge Base, they help create the video tutorials taking members through difficult set ups and they are on hand to answer member questions, with an average response time of just 90 seconds (that's well under the average of 11 minutes for call centers). Typically tracked in minutes or even hours, our Community can solve a situation in seconds and then have that solution seen by at least 50 other people a month.   On average we receive 10,000-11,000 questions a month, of which the solutions are viewed at least 500,000 times a month. That’s a lot of calls deflected. We estimate savings in the region of $35M a year thanks to all of the amazing work our Community does. The best part is that members are happy with the responses they receive, in fact so happy we even picked up an award from ‘Which?’, that’s a pretty big deal here in the UK. We even found a way to add some giffgaff charm to that by letting one of our Community members go and accept the award on our behalf.   We truly believe we have a better way of providing customer service and so far satisfaction scores of over 80% would agree.