Knowledge Base Article

General Outages & Notifications via

We've updated the status page to provide more specific and targeted information regarding the topics that you care about. This allows us to also be more proactive in order to provide the necessary details to you, our customers, about what is occurring on our servers, APIs, or functionality within the product lines.  It is our goal to continue to improve this communication and we are happy to continue to receive feedback.


What's the URL?


What does this provide?

You'll receive an email or SMS about new investigations, monitoring, or resolutions as they occur based on your preferences and selections.  It is  the best way to be proactively notified about any problems across the Khoros product lines.


Who should sign up?

Anyone that's interested in keeping up to date about our infrastructure should be signed up.  This includes administrators, community moderators, Care supervisors, or even agents who are expected to respond to customers! It is always great to know what is going on with the tools being used and this is the place to get that information.


Won't I get spammed?

We update this page only for relevant information and you can select the subcategories to be notified about. By default, everything is checked but there may not be any need for you to be notified on Communities API if you're only using Care in your business (even if we think you should use both!). 



Updated 6 years ago
Version 3.0

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