Real-time Community Firehose
With Community Firehose, community managers can now access a near real-time stream that captures key event metadata, keeping them informed and enabling prompt responses to critical events. These streams are delivered directly to specified endpoints., with a brief delay of approximately 30 seconds from when the event occurred. Note: Reach out to your Customer Account Executive (CAE) to learn more about Community Firehose. Due to the volume of events involved, Page View and Search events are excluded from the Community Firehose. Once configured, edit and save the Community Firehose settings, including the REST endpoint, Client ID, and Client Secret, under Account Menu > Dev Tools > Firehose. Features of Firehose Stream Community managers now have access to a real-time stream that captures key metadata for all events within the community. Community firehose enables them to stay informed and respond promptly to important events. With Firehose you can: Receive near real-time streaming of community events to customer’s endpoint (30 seconds latency). Deliver community events to the customer’s endpoint within 30 seconds of event occurrence. Batch-process the payloads to reduce the number of calls made to the customer endpoint. Batch processing can be done by both time (5s, 10s, 30s, 60s) and by payload size (256KB, 512KB, 1MB). If no successful response is received, retries will be made every 2 hours for up to 24 hours. Setting up the endpoint for receiving the Firehose events The customer has to set up REST server on their endpoint. The server must accept the data from our firehose. The server must accept the POST request with our JSON payload. To start receiving the Community Firehose events, you must save the firehose settings in Dev Tools: Go to Account menu > Dev Tools. Select Firehose. Enter the URL in the Endpoint URL field to deliver the event payload. Enter the URL in the Token Host URL field for access and refresh token. Enter the client ID in the Client ID field. Enter the client secret key in the Client Secret field. Select the content-type for the client ID and client secret. Select the authorization method to send the event payload. Enter your path in the Access Token Path field where you have stored the access tokens. Enter the other request header parameters as key-value pairs in the Access Token Headers field. If you add more than one parameter, enter the second parameter in a separate line. Enter the other request access token body parameters for the request body as key-value pairs. If you add more than one parameter, enter the second parameter in a separate line. Select Save. The firehose settings are saved to receive the event payload from Khoros.340Views0likes0Comments