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Maia Q3 overview

TravisB's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
5 years ago

Hello Atlas, greetings from the Maia team! I wanted to take a moment and give everyone an update on what’s been going on with Maia in the last quarter. 

Atlas registration assistance - 

This was a really big project that we are especially proud of. One of the biggest pain points our customers were telling us they were experiencing was with the Atlas registration process. So we built a flow in Maia that conversationally takes the user through the process no matter where they are. 

The flow can be triggered in two ways, either by Maia asking anonymous users on Atlas if they need help logging in or registering, or by a user typing “Register for Atlas” into Maia from anywhere Maia is available. The flow is especially useful because it checks whether the user has already registered in real-time or not and can help them reset their password if so. 

The most exciting thing about this flow is that it integrates Maia, Atlas, and Salesforce, reducing both the workloads of our internal agents as well as confusion for our customers. 

CSM search and contact - 

Our Customer Success Managers are a great resource for our customers to get help with their accounts and other concerns. With this flow, we have made it easier to get in touch with your CSM. If Maia cannot find a CSM for a user, they will display additional options. 

Release Notes -  

We increased the efficiency of our “release notes” flow by giving a snippet of the release notes within the chat prior to the user having to click on the link to go to Atlas to read them. This way users are able to see if the release notes are relevant to them from where they are. 

Developer - 

We added paths to Developer/API content from Maia’s main menu on Atlas. This way users looking for Developer content don’t have to navigate through Atlas to try to find the way, we gave them an additional shortcut. 

Engage/Goldilocks -

Engage and Maia were a huge success! Maia got a shout-out from Spike Jones during the keynote and we had seen the highest engagement rates ever that day. We had built an experience specifically for the Engage website, and it was really well received. Paths included help in navigating that website, Live product demo registrations, and live Product Coaching session signups. 

We also built an easter egg for Engage. One of the sessions was called “Chatbot ‘goldilocks zone’: Too big, too small, and just right” For this session we created a flow that told the story of “Goldilocks and the three chatbots”. It’s still working if you would like to try it out, just type the word “Goldilocks” into Maia. 

Product Status - 

We added an integration with Statuspage into Maia as well. You can type “Product Status” into Maia and they will tell you whether any of our three main solutions are experiencing issues or not, they also offer a link to StatusPage directly so you can either dig deeper or follow Khoros’ Statuspage directly. 

 Khoros careers - 

I know that trying to find a company’s open positions can be difficult sometimes, so we added a flow to Maia that will take you there directly. Just type “Careers” in the chat and you will be served a web-view that has all of the current open positions. So you search and apply for open positions directly from Maia’s chat window!

 Where is Khoros - 

We noticed that a lot of users asked Maia where we were located. I added a small flow that answers this question. Just type “Where are you?” into Maia’s chat and they will answer the question. 

As you can see we’ve been busy making Maia more useful for you. Stay tuned there’s so much more that is going to be happening in the near future. 

Updated 10 months ago
Version 4.0


  • JoshuaS's avatar
    Khoros Alumni (Retired)
    5 years ago

    This is fantastic progress. Really excited seeing a lot more of the day to day user help workflows go into Maia. Great job Travis & Team!

  • I apologize in advance for having been such a pest to both the support team and Maia - I don't know if I am the only one that does this, but every single time I see "Maia" mentioned, I like to go play with her and see if she's reached Siri levels of intelligence yet.  😂

  • I asked for "release notes" and picked the Community product, but I only got the content of the Community Docs presented. I would have expected the latest release notes article to be shown.

    Also after Lack of communications around production freeze this year maybe you can teach Maia to share production freeze times as well.