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Release Notes & Updates

13.11 Release Notes

JohnD's avatar
Khoros Alumni (Retired)
12 years ago

In the 13.11 release, Lithium continues to improve its in-product assistance experience with context-sensitive help and enhanced hover help for Studio components. Additionally, we are beginning closed betas for a couple of new offerings.


New Features and Enhancements


Lithium Communities

  • Admin/Studio context-sensitive help
  • Hover help added to Studio components
  • Email option for Moderation Manager notifications
  • Notifications Framework rollout update
  • Closed beta announcements


Lithium Social Intelligence

  • Referrer Traffic report (open alpha)


Lithium Communities

Admin/Studio context-sensitive help


As a follow-up to the rollout of the new Documentation knowledge based released in 13.10, Community Admin and Studio now includes a context-sensitive help system.


From each Admin and Studio page, you now have one-click access to relevant topics in the Documentation knowledge base, bringing the content where you need it…right within the application.


To view help for any Admin or Studio page:


  1. Go to Community Admin or Studio.
  2. On any page, click Show help for this page.

    The Lithium help drawer opens, showing you overview help for the page you’re on and links to related topics or resources.


Join the conversation: If you see an error in our documentation or have a tip to share, let us know. Think we’re missing something or want to share tips and examples? Email us or write an article and nominate if to be added to the Doc KB.  


Hover help for Studio components


With the 13.11 release, we’ve completed our overhaul of the Studio component improvements.  In addition to the Studio component improvements made in 13.10, you can now hover over a component name in the list to view its name, ID, description, and example image.




To view more details about the component, click anywhere on the hover help card (instead of the previous Info link) to see full details about the component:




Also, if a component can be used in slim or wide mode, images for both states are now provided:





Email option for Moderation Manager notifications


You can now configure Moderation Manager to send all notifications to members via email instead of by private message. Removing the dependency on private messages, which are not guaranteed to be in use by all members, ensures that they get notified about moderator actions on their posts.


To set up email notifications for Moderation Manager:


  1. Go to Community Admin > Mod Tools > Moderation.
  2. Click Send Moderation Manager notifications by email.
  3. Click Save.

Note: To continue sending Moderation Manager notifications to members using Private Messenger, do not select this option. This option us available to all customers that have been migrated to the new notifications framework (discussed below).


To customize the moderation action email notification:


  1. Go to Studio > Text Editor > Email Templates.
  2. Choose the new Moderation Manager actions template.
  3. Make changes and click Save.


Note: The same template is used to send a notification about both approval and rejection actions on a user’s post.  The titles of approved posts are linked, while the titles of rejected posts are not linked since they are no longer visible in the community.



Email Notifications Framework rollout update


The latest version of the notifications framework is now available for all customers in our European data center. This update eliminates duplicate email notifications for message, topic, and board subscriptions and enables digest options for kudos and @mention emails. Refer to the 13.8 Release Notes for details about these improvements.


Both U.S. and European data center customers are already set up with the new notifications framework in stage, which introduces 2 new subscription email templates in Studio (Digest subscription notification and General subscription notification). These new templates replaced the existing subscription email template (Subscription digest), which will be removed in Q1, after everyone is migrated to the new system.


Note: If you have any customizations in the original subscription email template that you want to carry over to the new email templates, apply them to the new email templates in stage as soon as possible, before we turn on the new system on your production community in January.


To customize the new subscription email notification:


  1. Go to Studio > Text Editor > Email Templates.
  2. Choose the new Digest subscription notification and General subscription notification templates.
  3. Make changes and Save.


Closed beta announcement


Starting with the 13.11, we have begun two exciting new beta programs. Although these are currently closed betas limited to a select group of customers, we wanted to give you a peek at what’s coming in 2014.


  • Badges: A badge is a type of visual reward that community members can earn for completing specific community actions or for achieving important community milestones. Badges are a great way to extend gamification on your site and encourage casual users to use different community features and spend more time engaging with the community. You can create badges that encourage the specific behaviors that you want to instill in your members.

  • Automatic spam filtering: Lithium is committed to making sure that your communities serve up the highest-value content to your community members. To meet this promise, we continue to look for ways to help you combat spam. Lithium’s new spam detection tools run in the background. Each new message is logged and tested for spam automatically. Additionally, our system learns about the content on your site as it monitors all your boards and forums, enabling it to continuously improve its content filtering over time.

Lithium Social Intelligence


Referrer Traffic report (open alpha)


It’s important to know where your site traffic is coming from. LSI now provides referral domain metrics so you can see where people are linking from to access your community.


To view the referrer traffic metrics:


  1. Log in to the community.
  2. Click Lithium Social Intelligence in the Community Dashboard.
  3. Click the TRAFFIC tab.
  4. Click Referrers (alpha).

    The Referral Domain metrics displays.

  5. (Optional) Click a time period in the metric header.
  6. (Optional) Click Mobile to see how much of your traffic comes from mobile devices.


You Found It. We Fixed It. 


  • The change password page no longer displays a password mismatch error before submitting the change request while tabbing through the text fields. (Community)
  • The user import registration workflow now works properly for communities using Authentication Type 2. (Community)
  • Pages with Unicode characters no longer throw an error when you refresh the page after the inactivity timeout triggers. (Community)
  • When a user added and saved text in the Studio > Text Editor > Custom Text, the user name was not being displayed in the corresponding change record in the Studio > Versions tab. Now, the user name appears next to the change. (Community)
  • Clicking on a hashtag in a Twitter stream mistakenly redirected users to an error page. This issue has been resolved.  (Community)
Updated 8 months ago
Version 4.0


  • I love the studio context sensitive help, it's a huge improvement! No more guessing what a component does ;) Looking forward to have it in our community

  • No video overview for 13.11?  Spoiled by the 13.10 video overview.  :)

  • Can you please clarify if the "Unique recent posts" widget from the Mobile view for the homepage has been made available for the desktop view. This was kinda promised to us for 13.11 and we are waiting for that to happen. Thanks for the confirmation ;-)


    Happy holiday,


  • JeffSp's avatar
    Lithium Alumni (Retired)
    12 years ago

    Hi Nico,

    I'll recap status of the "unique recent posts" for you via email. 

      -- Jeff