Recent ActivityNewest TopicsMost ViewedMost RepliesMost LikesNo Replies YetTagged:TagKhoros Care v25.03.2 Release Notes1 MIN READ The Khoros Care Release version 25.03.2 includes updates to the Khoros Communities integration and several bug fixes. Khoros Flow v25.03.2 Release Notes2 MIN READ The Khoros Flow Release version 25.03.2 includes enhanced variable management for better data reuse, a new terminology knowledge feature to improv Khoros Care v25.03.1 Release Notes2 MIN READ The Khoros Care Release version 25.03.1 includes the ability to send PDFs in Facebook Messenger and bug fixes for brand mentions, Brand Messenger, and moderation actions in conversations. Khoros Flow v25.03.1 Release Notes1 MIN READ Automate actions and create smarter, more dynamic conversations without writing code. March 2025 Atlas Highlights3 MIN READ Monthly digest to provide all users a reliable snapshot of product updates, as well as any other resources that can provide inspiration or guidance. Khoros Communities: Classic 25.02 Release Notes1 MIN READ This release brings you a few bug fixes. Khoros Communities: Aurora 25.02 Release Notes9 MIN READ Our February release brings you several features on moderation and also Salesforce connecter upgrade. We have also fixed several bugs. Khoros Care v25.02.2 Release Notes2 MIN READ The Khoros Care Release version 25.02.2 includes an enhancement for the Apple App Store integration and several bug fixes. Khoros Care v25.02.1 Release Notes2 MIN READ The Khoros Care Release version 25.02.1 includes enhancements to “Like” functionality for applicable channels, author metadata improvements, Manage View column refresh enhancements, and several bug f...Khoros Flow v25.02.1 Release Notes1 MIN READ Create smoother, more natural conversations with the new Delay feature in Dialogflow. February 2025 Atlas Highlights4 MIN READ Monthly digest to provide all users a reliable snapshot of product updates, as well as any other resources that can provide inspiration or guidance. Khoros Communities: Classic 25.01 Release Notes1 MIN READ We wish you a very happy and prosperous 2025! In this release, we have fixed just a few bugs.
Tagsproduct updates315release notes312marketing238communities classic211care197Strategy97New Features30communities aurora26flow22API19Analytics8atlas highlights8Integrations6customer stories4news & announcements2New Feature1Admin1